Wordsmith Anvil

CSS3 & html5 theme (with support for older browsers) featuring over 50 theme options, an extensive FAQ section, custom formatted short post options, excerpt length options, visual editor stylesheet options, built-in post thumbnail support, custom backgrounds, custom headers, custom logo option, title display options, tagline display options, postmeta display options, optional sidebar post, footer links & copyright display options, subscribe links (including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube & more), newlsetter signup, external feed options, custom page templates, custom fonts, custom menus, custom styled elements; traditional vertical navigation in sidebar with no-conflict jquery menu, horizontal navigation below header, built in custom fields and custom 404 error page.

Wordsmith Anvil

Product information

Version 2.2.1 (Updated )


2 out of 5 stars


  • Custom Background
  • Custom Header
  • Custom Menu
  • Dark
  • Editor Style
  • fixed-width
  • Green
  • Left Sidebar
  • Light
  • One Column
  • Sticky Post
  • Theme Options
  • Threaded Comments
  • Two Columns
  • White