
Podcastin is the best WordPress Podcast theme made specifically for podcasters, music bands, vlogs, and other multimedia websites.Podcasts are growing in popularity and starting your own podcast can be a great way to grow your brand, connect with your target audience, or simply entertain your listeners. The Podcastin theme is user-friendly, empowering you to easily customize layouts, showcase episodes, and engage with your audience effortlessly. With a fully-featured audio player on the feature list plus much more, Podcastin has everything you need to start sharing your latest episodes and tracks online. With Podcastin, you not only get a visually appealing website but also a powerful tool to boost your search engine visibility.


Product information

Version 1.0.5 (Updated )


0 out of 5 stars


  • Blog
  • Custom Background
  • Custom Logo
  • Custom Menu
  • Entertainment
  • Featured Images
  • Portfolio
  • Threaded Comments
  • Translation Ready