WP Tuner

WP Tuner

Mr Pete

The (mu-compatible) WP Tuner plugin for WordPress is a powerful and easy to use way to answer many hard questions about why your blog is slow or cranky. What’s causing the slowdown? Is it a plugin? Is it your host?

Used with a bit of common sense, this powerful plugin will help blog administrators as well as software developers improve their WordPress blog performance.

Perfect for WordPress site administrators, plugin and theme designers, developers

Fully translatable.

Advanced Use

Here are more advanced ways to make use of WP Tuner. Please share your questions and/or stories examples to share with others!

1) Hook any WordPress action

In wptuner.php, you will find a default set of action hooks. You can add as many hooks as you like for other actions. They look like this (just change “admin_footer” to the name of the action you want to measure):

add_action('admin_footer', 'wpTuneFilterTime' );

Each hook adds a line to the WP Tuner performance analysis table, when that action is triggered.

2) Time anything at all in WordPress

WP Tuner contains a function that causes performance analysis for any section of WordPress code. Just use
wpTuneMarkTime(‘My Marker string’);

…at the beginning of the code you want analyzed. Add another marker at the end if needed.

For example, suppose you want to know how much time is spent loading each of the plugins you have enabled. Here’s how to do it, by adding two simple lines to wp-settings.php:

if (function_exists(wpTuneMarkTime)) wpTuneMarkTime('Load Plugins'); // ** Add THIS line **

if ( get_option('active_plugins') ) {
  $current_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
  if ( is_array($current_plugins) ) {
    foreach ($current_plugins as $plugin) {
      if (function_exists(wpTuneMarkTime)) wpTuneMarkTime('Plugin: '.$plugin); // ** Add THIS line **
      if ( '' != $plugin && 0 == validate_file($plugin) && file_exists(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin) )
        include_once(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin);

Many thanks to the WP Tuner translation team!

Русский: Кактусу (updated through WP Tuner 0.9.3)

Readme Validator

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I’m having trouble getting it to work

  1. Have you looked at the settings page (Settings->WP Tuner)? You’ll find installer error notes there. Most common: your WP root folder needs write permission (at least 0755), and WP Tuner must be able to set permissions on your wp-config.php file to make it editable.
  2. Are you logged in with Administrator permissions (level 10)? Normally, only admins see anything.
  3. If you continue to have trouble, please set the Debug Level to 1, copy the wpTuner Diagnostics and paste them into an error report at my site.

How do I customize WP Tuner?

There’s little reason to bother changing the CSS. This is an admin-only tool; your readers will not see anything. However, there’s some CSS at the top of wptunershow.php, and further down in wptunersetup.php.

This is a fully translatable/localizable plugin. See the wptuner.pot file, and the online gettext tools such as poedit. Please send me your translations; I’ll make them part of the distribution with credit to you!

How do I examine performance in more detail?

WP Tuner is an entire performance analysis toolkit. The built-in admin settings provide a set of default measures that can be enabled without manual intervention.

See the Advanced Use hints section for some examples

Do NOT use... but refresh is coming...

By MrPeteH on September 3, 2016

Hi, this is Mr Pete, the author of WP Tuner. I apologize that the Real World took me away for several years (dealing with aging parents and more.)

I'm back, and plan to refresh the plugin "soon." Please keep expectations low... and hopefully I can exceed them!

Thank you so much for your support.


By (jamierc) on September 3, 2016

This plugin broke my site - it would not load at all until I could log in over ftp and manually removed the plugin installation files. Do not use!

Breaks WordPress

By blad79 on February 7, 2017

Wordpress 3.7, 3.8

  1. Upload the wptuner folder (inside the zip file) to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. The plugin management page (Settings->WPtuner) provides settings, hints, and troubleshooting if the plugin will not fully auto-install.

Please report any install errors to me, at my site. It will help if you can copy the wpTuner Diagnostics produced when you set the WP Tuner Debug Level to 1.


  1. Deactive the existing plugin, to remove its hooks (in wp-config.php, etc)
  2. Copy the new files to replace the old (usually the plugins/wptuner folder)
  3. Activate the new plugin


1.5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.9.6
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.0.6
  • Tested up to: 2.8.4
  • PHP version: false