WPDB Cache Money

WPDB Cache Money


Cache Money stores all database result sets on the filesystem as serialized data, by using the oft-neglectged wp-content/db.php to extend the normal $wpdb class. Result sets will be updated as needed on a user by user basis when they do actions that perform update queries.

Please note that this is not a full scale page cache, like WP-Cache or WP Super Cache, although this will work just fine in conjunction. Cache Money is meant for sites with constantly changing content, where a full cache may not be suitable.

Tested with WordPress and WordPress MU 2.8.0 ~ 3.1
Requires PHP 5, like all good PHP apps.

This doesn’t do anything!

Yes it does. Hey, didn’t you ask this question over on my other plugin too?

I need the cache to be cleared at a different interval than 5 minutes.

Change $cacheMoney->threshold to whatever number of seconds you wish.

How can I tell if this is working?

The directory wp-content/plugins/wpdb-cache-money/ should be full of files with names similar to 4a13fc6a615ac14cc3f58160ce9c52f3.php. If not, check to make sure this directory is writable by your server. echo $wpdb->stats(TRUE) will give you a result like q: 9 | c: 6 | m: 9.055 t: 0.171. q is the number of actual database queries, c is the number of cached queries, m is the memory usage in megabytes, and t is the time in seconds to render the page. echo $wpdb->stats() will do the same, wrapped in an html comment, for times when you need to be discrete. There is also a profiler method – echo $wpdb->profiler(). You will need to make sure $cacheMoney->useProfiler is set to TRUE to use this. The default for the profiler is to sort the queries by length of time descending. $wpdb->profiler(FALSE) will show the queries in the order performed.


  • Admin settings area added, major code cleanup, bumped min WP version to 3.0 *


  • Minor code cleanup *


  • Important security fix *


  • Not caching options queries using autoload, was screwing up wp cron


  • Added second parameter to wp->query(), to bypass reset of internal timer on inserts


  • Using HEREDOC syntax for serialized data


  • Improved caching with FOUND_ROWS() queries


  • Fixed bug in escaped single quotes in serialized data.


  • Allows a salt, used in the md5 generation of file names.


  • Allows logged in administrators to clear all cache info with the variable ?cache-clear in query string


  • Allows logged in administrators to view cache info with the variable ?cache-profile in query string, set to ‘sort’ to sort by length


  • clearCache() method to empty cache files. Called automatically on plugin deactivation.


  • Improved styles in profiler().


  • First pass at query browser. This is not active – if this proves to be a bad idea, will be removed from later versions.


  • Refined profiler() methods.


  • Bug fixes. First pass at documentation, profiler() methods.


  • Initial public release. No documentation.
  1. Place entire /wpdb-cache-money/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Bling


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.35
  • Last updated: 12 years ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 3.2.1
  • PHP version: false