wpCJ Testimonials

wpCJ Testimonials


This plugin helps you manage a list of testimonials that you can place anywhere in your blog using shortcodes, php calls or widgets.

Optionally, you can specify what “product” a given testimonial is refering to so basically you can use this plugin to present testimonials about different products or services.


  • First public version


  • Support for i18n initiated (still working on it though).
  • Added a new parameter to the shortcode, php call and widgets: ID. Now you can specify which ID you wan’t to show. Also, there is a special id called ‘last’): If you specify the parameters $limit and $id=’last’ you will get the latest $limit testimonials.


  • Correct stripping of slashes in testimonials and client names.
  • In testimonials list, added an “Edit” link below client name.


  • handling some weird slashes here and there.
  • Added the possibility to add images to the testimonials.


  • I think I finally solved the issues with non-english characters, charsets, slashshes and stuff like that.
  • Also solved and false error given when you saved an testimonial where no image was supplied,

The easiest way to install it is using the WordPress build-in installation feature:

  • Look for wpCJ Testimonials
  • Click on Install
  • Then click on Activate

If you prefer to use the old fashion way then:

  • Download the plugin zip file,
  • Uncompress it anywhere in your hard disk and then
  • Upload it to your plugin directory.
  • Visit the Plugins page of your WordPress installation,
  • Locate wpCJ Testimonials in the plugin list and * Click on Activate.

Once you have activate it, a new option is added to your WordPress Settings module named wpCJ Testimonials and a new widget as well.

In the plugins page, you will find four options to set:

  • Template: This setting is used to specify the “layout” of a testimonial. You can use a pure HTML template or, much better, a CSS powered template. It’s up to you, just be sure to include the pseudo-tags that the plugin provides ([CLIENT] [COMPANY] [LCOMPANY] [WEBSITE] and [TESTIMONIAL]).
  • Link Attribute: You can specify if the links that the plugin create based on the website of the clients, will have the attribute rel=”nofollow” or not.
  • Max. Size for images: (still not used but) It specify the maximum weight in KB that an image can be.
  • Zap Me!: It just tell the plugin that you want to completelly uninstall the plugin so the next time it gets deleted, it delete any trace of the plugin from your WordPress installation.


Once you have set the configuration settings of the plugin, it will allow you to introduce the testimonials.

Handling Testimonials

The Manage Testimonials page have two section: An upper section where you add or edit testimonials and a lower section showing the current list of testimonials.

There are two mandatory fields for any testimonial: Client and Testimonial.

Optionally you can especify the client’s company, its website and an image.

There is a field named “Product”. This field is useful if you want to store different testimonials for different products or services. All you have to do is especify a unique “product key” for every object you want to store testimonials to. Or leave it blank if they are not useful to you.

If you need to edit a testimonial, click on the Client Name in the Testimonial List and then proceed to edit it. Click on Save Changes when you are done and that’s it.

Showing Testimonials

wpCJ Testimonials allows you to show your testimonials in every possible way allowed by WordPress:

  • Shortcodes: If you need to add a list of testimonials to any post or page, use the shortcode [wpcjt]. It has three optional parameters: limit, product and id. Limit define the number of testimonials to be show (default 1), Product defines the criteria to use when the plugin choose the testimonials to show and ID a certain testimonial to show (or the latest $limit testimonials if you use ‘last’ as id. I.e.- [wpcjt limit=”3″ product=”wpCJ”] or [wpcjt limit=”3″ id=”last”]
  • Widgets: If you need to show a testimonial box in any of your sidebars, just add a wpCJ Testimonials widget to it. This widget needs three parameters: Title, Number of Testimonials, Product and ID. They are pretty self-explanatories… or not?
  • PHP Calls: Just in case you need to add testimonials to your themes, we have provided an option to do so. Just add the following code to your theme: <?php if ( function_exists('wpcjt') ) wpcjt($limit,$product,$limit); ?>


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.4
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.8
  • Tested up to: 2.8.4
  • PHP version: false