Lijit Search

Lijit Search


When your readers search for information in real life, their first step is to typically seek out a friend for the answer. If their friend doesn’t have the answer they need, someone in that friend’s social network may. Eventually, they get an answer they trust, because it came from a source they trust. Your readers can now have that same experience on the web and it all starts with the source they trust. That source is you, the blog publisher.

The Lijit search ‘wijit’ allows your visitors to search through not only your blog content, but also your extended social network.
You can combine a number of your social networking accounts(delicious, mybloglog, twitter, youtube, flickr etc.). When you install the widget on your blog, all of these accounts are indexed and searchable through the widget.

Please visit for help or contact [email protected] for assistance.

  • Download the plugin.
  • Unzip or copy the files into WordPress plug-in directory (wp-content/plugins). This should create a folder in wp-content/plugins/wp-lijit-wijit.
  • Go to WordPress plug-ins page and activate the plugin.
  • Go to the Lijit plugin configuration page, under (wp-content/options-general.php?page=lijit.php), and set up your Lijit Widget

Installation for WordPress > 2.7

  • Within the WordPress Admin menu, go to Plugins > Add New and do a search for Lijit.
  • Find the Plugin in this list called Lijit Search and click on the “Install” link.
  • A new window will open with an “Install Now” button. Click it.
  • After installing, select the “Activate Plugin” option.
  • Go to the Lijit plugin configuration page, under (wp-content/options-general.php?page=lijit.php), and set up your Lijit Widget

New Lijit Users

  • Select the “New User” option
  • Enter a username, your email address, and your blog address
  • Choose a password for your Lijit account

Existing Lijit Users

  • Select the “Existing User” option
  • Enter your username and Submit

Plugin Configuration

Use standard Lijit Wijit
This option will enable the use of the default Lijit Wijit on your blog. Configuration for this Wijit can be done at the Lijit Website ( After enabling the Wijit in the configuration page the sidebar Wijit needs to be enabled in the WordPress Widget Admin page (/wp-admin/widgets.php). The Lijit Wijit will appear in the list of available widgets. Drag this into your sidebar and save the sidebar. The Wijit will now appear in your site’s sidebar.

If your theme is not Widget enabled you can copy and paste the code from the Lijit Options page. In the Search Options section, under the option to use the standard Lijit Wijit there is a link to show the raw code for using the Lijit Wijit. Paste this code into your theme’s sidebar.php where you’d like it to appear.

Override WordPress Search Widget
This option will display the default WordPress search field but override its functionality to instead initiate a Lijit search and display the results in a standard Lijit results popup. If you don’t already have the WordPress search Widget in your sidebar you will need to add it via the Widget Admin page (/wp-admin/widgets.php). The search widget will appear in the list of available widgets. Drag it into your sidebar and save the sidebar. The search widget will appear in your sidebar and will give Lijit results when used.

If your theme is not Widget enabled there will need to be a standard WordPress search form in your theme’s sidebar.php.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.1
  • Last updated: 12 years ago
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress version: 2.3
  • Tested up to: 3.4.2
  • PHP version: false