WP Js About Visitor

WP Js About Visitor


Displays IP address, operating system, browser type and origin of the visitor by shortcode or as Widget in Sidebar.


  1. Place the widget to your Sidebar.

  2. You can use the shortcode [about-visitor] to include informations in your posts or pages.
    optional Parameters:
    ip=0 to hide IpAddress
    os=0 to hide Operating System
    browser=0 to hide the Browser
    location=1 to show the location/origin
    List of default informations: [about-visitor]
    List of default informations including location: [about-visitor location=1]
    List only the IP Adress: [about-visitor os=0 browser=0]

  3. Without sidebar you can display informations by including in php-code by using then function ‘js_aboutvisitor_display’.
    parameter array:
    ip=>0 to hide IpAddress
    os=>0 to hide Operating System
    browser=>0 to hide the Browser
    location=>1 to show the location/origin
    List of default informations:
    List of default informations including location: 1)); } ?>
    List only the IP Adress: 0;browser=>0)); } ?>


  • fixed errors with php 5.3 or higher
  • updated browser detection by Browscap.ini


  • updated browser detection by Browscap.ini


  • Belorussian Language by www.fatcow.com


  • updated browser detection by Browscap.ini
  • WP 2.9 support


  • shortcode [about-visitor] added to include informations in posts or pages.
  • function ‘js_aboutvisitor_display’ added to display in php-code.
  • fixed some problems


  • fixed problem if country location service is down.


  • first release
  1. Download and unzip the last version of this plugin.
  2. Upload the wp-js-about-visitor folder to ./wp-content/plugins/
  3. Go to WP Admin panel > Plugins > activate “WP Js About Visitor”.
  4. Place the widget to your Sidebar or include function ‘js_aboutvisitor_display’ anywhere you want.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.23
  • Last updated: 12 years ago
  • Active installations: 50
  • WordPress version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 3.3.2
  • PHP version: false