Well WP-IRC Plugin (for lack of a better name 😉 ) can fetch the number of users online in any IRC channel and can be scheduled to auto refresh it every x.minutes. The count thus fetched can be displayed in the sidebar of your blog using a sidebar widget provided by the Plugin.

More details about the Plugin can be found at the Plugins Home page.


The pot file is available with the Plugin. If you are willing to do translation for the Plugin, use the pot file to create the .po files for your language and let me know. I will add it to the Plugin after giving credit to you.

Development and Support

The development of the Plugin happens over at github. If you want to contribute to the Plugin, fork the project at github and send me a pull request.

If you are not familiar with either git or Github then refer to this guide to see how fork and send pull request.

Support for the Plugin is available from the Plugin’s home page. If you have any questions or suggestions, do leave a comment there or contact me in twitter.


  • Create a settings page where people can test connection
  • Add support for shortcode
  • Add support for alerts

Stay updated

I would be posting updates about this Plugin in my blog and in Twitter. If you want to be informed when new version of this Plugin is released, then you can either subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed or follow me in Twitter.


Readme Generator

This Readme file was generated using wp-readme, which generates readme files for WordPress Plugins.

v1.2.1 (2014-02-05) (Dev time: 0.5 hours)

  • Tweak: Update Screenshots
  • Tweak: Add ‘#’ in front of channel if it is not present

v1.2 (2013-02-21) (Dev time: 0.5 hours)

  • Check if users is an array to prevent PHP warning

v1.1 (2013-02-17) (by Paul Freund)

  • Improved IRC connection (including implementing RFC2812 specifications)
  • [users] tag prints online users
  • Verbose mode to join channel (to see invisible users),
  • Password now works

v1.0 (2013-01-21) (Dev time: 20 hours)

  • Complete rewrite and added support for AJAX with caching

v0.2 (2012-01-31)

  • Fixed issue with textarea in the widget

v0.1 (2009-07-29)

  • Initial Version

Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

After activation, go to the widgets configuration page. You should find the IRC Widget under available widget.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.2.1
  • Last updated: 10 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 3.2
  • Tested up to: 3.8.41
  • PHP version: false