


I don’t want to use WP-Gallery-Remote anymore. What about all my blog posts which include WP-Gallery-Remote tags?

The WP-Gallery-Remote archive includes a file called wpgr2picasa.zip. The included script can be used to migrate any pictures linked in you wordpress installation using WP-Gallery-Remote to Picasa and update your blog posts with links to picasa accordingly. The script does the following steps:
* login to your wordpress blog
* fetch all posts
* parse each post for one or more wp-gallery-remote tags
* if found, the respective images are fetched from your Gallery installation…
* …and uploaded to your picasa webalbums account
* wp-gallery-remote tags without image filter are exchanged with an thumbnail and link of your picasa album
* wp-gallery-remote tags with image filter are exchanged with thumbnails and links to the selected pictures
* each changed post is saved

* unzip wpgr2picasa.zip to any folder and open that folder
* open wpgr2picasa.php in a text editor and maintain links and user data for wordpress, picasa and gallery at the top of the file
* execute the script either in a browser or on the command line (php wpgr2picasa.php)

Please note, that I cannot provide support for this migration script. It worked fine for me; try it on your own risk.


What is the difference between WP-Gallery-Remote and WPG2? Do they compete?

Advantages of WP-Gallery-Remote:
* Very simple to setup (extract, activate, enter Gallery infos, ready)
* Integration of photos from a Gallery, which you do not own (but which is accesible via the Gallery Remote Protocol)
* Support for multiple Galleries
* Lightbox effect
* carousel view

Advantages of WPG2:
* possibility for “truly” integrated photoblog (sidebar integration and so on)
* user authentication

Help! WP-Gallery-Remote says, that it cannot connect to my Gallery. What is wrong?

Please make sure, that you
* are using PHP5 (PHP4 is not supported)
* have activated allow_url_fopen (On) in your php.ini (some hoster deactivate it by default!)
* are using WordPress 2.2.x
* are using Gallery2 from http://gallery.menalto.com
* have activated the Gallery Remote module in Gallery2
* have entered the complete path to you Gallery2 installation including main.php (e.g. http://www.example.com/gallery2/main.php)

Please let me know, if it still does not work and I can have a look.

The order of images do not change after changing the order of IDs in the image filter. What is wrong?

Nothing is wrong. The images are always displayed in the order, in which they are in Gallery. So, if you want to reorder them, you have to do that in your Gallery.

Does WP-Gallery-Remote support logging in to my Gallery? (user authentication)

Gallery provides a guest account, which is used for all users who do not explicitly login to Gallery (= public viewing). WP-Gallery-Remote currently does not support logging in as another user than guest.
Logging in to Gallery as another user does not even make really sense, as WP-Gallery-Remote fetches URLs to your Gallery’s images via the Gallery Remote Protocol and outputs these to your post or page. If the respective albums are only available to certain Gallery users, only those can access the URLs. And this is normally not the case for public blogs.

If you are searching for a solution, which synchronizes users between Gallery and WordPress, you might take a look into WPG2.

I have one Gallery, but want to choose for each WP-Gallery-Remote tag, whether to use plain or carousel as output type. Is that possible?

Yes, this is possible by setting up another Gallery in WP-Gallery-Remote’s options, which points to the same URL but uses another output type.

Go to Options -> WP-Gallery-Remote in WordPress’ admin area and click the New button in the Gallery section. Enter a name, e.g. My Gallery 2, and set the same URL as for your other Gallery. Additionally, set the output type to the output type you would like to have.
If you now write a new post or page and open the WP-Gallery-Remote Album Chooser by clicking the respective WPGR button in WordPress’ editor, you can select that Gallery with the output type which you would like to use.

Since WP-Gallery-Remote 2.0 the ID of the selected Gallery is added to the {wp-gallery-remote…} tags in my posts. What happens to the tags in my previous posts which do not have this Gallery ID as a parameter?

Nothing. 🙂
If you upgrade from 1.1 to a newer version, the plugin automatically sets your previously used Gallery installation as the default Gallery which will be used, if no Gallery ID parameter is given in the {wp-gallery-remote…} tags of your posts.

Is it possible to use the carousel output type in my RSS feeds?

No, this is unfortunately not possible, because including carousel’s javascripts is tricky and many RSS feed readers do not support that.


  • !! PHP 5 !! <– IMPORTANT, Wp-Gallery-Remote does NOT work with PHP4!
  • allow_url_fopen must be activated (On) in your server’s php.ini (some hoster deactivate this setting by default!)
  • Gallery Installation
  • activated Gallery-Remote module
  • activated WordPress Lightbox Plugin


  • have the above requirements fulfilled
  • Unzip the archive to wp-content/plugins of your WordPress installation
  • Activate the plugin in the plugins area of your WordPress plugin admin page
  • Go to: Options -> WP-Gallery-Remote
  • At least set the path to your Gallery installation (=> main.php) for the Default Gallery
  • Use the new WP-GR button in your post/page editor to include albums and images from your Gallery into your posts/pages.


  • deactivate WP-Gallery-Remote
  • upload files and subfolder of new version to wp-content/plugins/wp-gallery-remote
  • activate WP-Gallery-Remote
  • Go to Options -> WP-Gallery-Remote and check your settings

All caches will be deleted during an upgrade. So, it might be useful to use the rebuild caches functionality on the options page.


  • Deactivate the plugin (album and image caches get deleted; configuration is kept for later re-use)


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.5.1
  • Last updated: 16 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 2.6
  • PHP version: false