WP Contact Form III

WP Contact Form III


WP Contact Form III is a simple contactform based on Ryan Duff’s WP Contact Form and Doug Karr’s challenge (antispam) mod for Ryan’s original form.

What I’ve added (here’s where the “III” comes in..) is giving your visitors the option to specify the subject of their email, and proper, valid xhtml.

The look and feel of the form is easy to customize by creating a file called mystyle.css and upload to the contact form’s directory

Special credits: Fredrik Wärnsberg for security fix in version 1.6

For more info and additional languages see the plugins’s homepage

Norsk Info

Du finner norsk info og norsk utgave at dette innstikket på Fru Wangen
The form doesn’t work on Yahoo! hosting, don’t ask me why, ask them..

If you have trouble inserting the contact form in a page or post try to use code view

If this wasn’t the contact form you were looking for there’s like ten thousand others around so at least one of them have to fit your needs.

The antispam question doesn’t protect you againts human spammers, only spambots (unless you come up with a brilliant but easy question like the question that gives the answer to life, the universe and everything)

How do I customize the form?

Just create a file called mystyle.css, add your own css styling and upload the file to wp-content/plugins/wp-contact-form-iii/

Why are messages sent twice?

This happens when people try to refresh the page after sucessfully sent the email. Unfortnantly I do not know a good way in fixing this.

I need more help, where can I get it?

Head over to WangenWeb Forums if need more help with this plugin

  1. Unzip the wp-contact-form-iii.zip file and upload the entire wp-contact-form-iii subdirectory to wp-content/plugins/
  2. Log into your blog and activate the plugin
  3. Go to Options -> Contact Form III to configure everything like email address and antispam question
  4. Create a Page or a Post where you want the contact form to be and insert [contactform]


If you’re are upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.x you need to:

  1. Delete the old supdirectory “wp-contact-form-iii”
  2. Upload the new.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.6.2d
  • Last updated: 16 years ago
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress version: 2.6
  • Tested up to: 2.7
  • PHP version: false