


Allows display of a interactive chessgame using the ChessFlash PGN viewer in posts and comments. Most of the settings of the Chessflash can be set either through adding parameters to the [pgn] tags or through the options page.

NB ChessFlash PGN viewer has been followed up by KnightVision, this plugin still uses the older version.


  • paste pgn-code between [pgn] [/pgn] tags
  • use of parameters with their default values: [pgn height=350 tabmode=false flipboard=false initialply=22]…[/pgn]
  • additional parameters (puzzle, twoboards, boardonly) must first be allowed in options page
  • colors and piece characters can be set in options page

ChessFlash has been replaced with KnightVision. Why doesn’t this plugin use that newer viewer?

I plan to update to the KnightVision version, but then I will probably use a new name for the plugin as well.

Why can’t I see the vieuwer on mobile devices?

The viewer uses Flash, which unfortunately doesn’t work on tablets and mobile phones.

Why are the chess pieces different from those on [chessflash.com](http://chessflash.com/chessflash.html)?

I recompiled chessflash.swf with a different piece set for use in Jin: merida.ead-01.zip. The original piece set didn’t match the diagrams I use on the website of my chess club. You can replace chessflash.swf in the plugin directory with the original version to get the original pieces.


  • bug fixes for WordPress 4.0.1


  • fixed the checkboxes to allow ‘boardonly’ and ‘puzzle’ tags
  • added some text to explain ‘initialply=xx’ option


  • using Chessflash version 2.16 with Merida piece set
  • new parameter (initalply=xx)to start the player at specific ply number


  • using Chessflash version 2.13 (now possible to change piece characters);
  • introduced options page to set colors and piece characters and allow extra parameters;
  • added transparency to flash object to avoid dropdown menus falling behind object;
  • known issue: Firefox has problem with transparency -> playback with arrowkeys is not OK (one click is 2 plies). This is an known Firefox problem, not yet fixed in Firefox 3.5.2.


  • added possibility to change some of the parameters with attributes in the [pgn] opening tag. Eg [pgn height=350 tabmode=false flipboard=false] [/pgn].


  • resolved the problem of the replacement of ‘…’ by WordPress.


  • resolved the problem of pgn-files being too big by using a more low-level approach at filtering out the pgn-codes. Problem was caused by a memory limit in preg_replace_callback;
  • known issue: wordpress removes … and replaces this with something else. The chesscode works anyway.


  • encoding of the pgn-data now in plugin, so you can paste in normal pgn-data between the tags;
  • bug: does not work with larger pgn-data, not caused by Chessflash.swf -> has to do something with the way the pgn-data is filtered from the content.


  • reworked code from plugin show-fen a bit to find the pgn-code in between [pgn] [/pgn] tags;
  • seems to work with using ChessFlash.swf locally and pasting encoded pgn-data (from http://chessflash.com/chessflash.html).
  1. Upload directory wp-chessflash to to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Customize the viewer through the options page in the ‘Settings’ menu in WordPress


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.2
  • Last updated: 9 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: false
  • Tested up to: 4.0.38
  • PHP version: false