


WP-Bible searches your posts and pages for any reference to a Bible passage and converts the reference to an actual biblical text – which can be any of the 38 translations (in 14 different languages) that you can see at BIBLIJA.net. Or, you can select that plugin only makes links to the biblical text.

No special tagging of biblical references is needed, the plugin recognizes different (up to 12) names for the same book in the Bible (for example: you can type Matthew 5:1-11 or Mat 5:1-11 or Mt 5:1-11 or you can even use other standards for marking biblical references like Mat 5,1-11.15-17;6,1-3. All this will do.
Plugin then changes the reference for a link and when you click the link a small layer is shown above containing the biblical text. No opening other windows, no popups.

Which Bible translations are included?

You can choose the bible text from any of the following versions:

  1. English: American Standard Version (1901) – ASV
  2. English: Contemporary English Version (1999) – CEV
  3. English: Contemporary English Version (UK) – CEV-UK
  4. English: Good News Bible (1992) – GNB
  5. English: Good News Bible (UK) – GNB-UK
  6. English: King James Version (1611) – KJV
  7. English: World English Bible – WEB
  8. Arabic: Today’s Arabic Version CL NT – TAV
  9. Bask: Elizen Arteko Biblia (2004) – EAB
  10. Biblia Cornilescu (1921; 2002) – RCB
  11. Catalan: Bíblia Catalana Interconfessional – BCI
  12. Croatian: Hrvatska Biblija (KS) – HKS
  13. Dutch: De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (2004/2007) – NBV
  14. Dutch: De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (2004/2007) – PDA – NBV-PDA
  15. Dutch: De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling Tanacheditie (2006) – NBV-T
  16. Dutch: Groot Nieuws Bijbel (1996) – GNB96
  17. Dutch: NBG-vertaling 1951 – NBG51
  18. Dutch: Statenvertaling editie 1977 – SV77
  19. Dutch: Statenvertaling Jongbloed-editie – SV
  20. Dutch: Willibrordvertaling (1995) – WV95
  21. French: Louis Segond (1910) – SEG
  22. German: Luther (1545) – L45
  23. Greek: Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament (1885) – GNTWH
  24. Latin: Biblia Sacra Vulgata (IV./V. sec.) – VUL
  25. Latin: Vulgata Clementina (1592) – VLC
  26. Russian: Synodal Version (1876) – RUS
  27. Slovenian: Chráskov prevod (1914) – CHR
  28. Slovenian: Dalmatinova Biblija (1584) – DAL
  29. Slovenian: Ekumenski prevod (1974) – EKU
  30. Slovenian: Japljeva Biblija (1784-1802) – JAP
  31. Slovenian: Jubilejni prevod NZ (1984) – JUB
  32. Slovenian: Slovenski standardni prevod (1997) – SSP
  33. Slovenian: SSP – osnovna izdaja (2001) – SSP3
  34. Slovenian: Wolfova Biblija (1856-59) – WLF
  35. Spanish: Biblia Dios Habla Hoy – DHHE
  36. Spanish: Biblia Dios Habla Hoy – DHH
  37. Spanish: Biblia Reina Valera – revisión de 1995 – RVR95E
  38. Spanish: Biblia Reina Valera – revisión de 1995 (Texto) – RVR95
  39. Statenvertaling 1637, SV1637
  40. Deux-Aesbijbel (1562), DA1562
  41. Herziene Statenvertaling (2010), HSV
  42. Friese Bijbel 1943 (Wumkes-Folkertsma), FB43
  43. Nije Fryske Bibeloersetting (1978), NFB
  44. Biebel (in t Grunnegers) (2008), GRB
  45. Biestkensbijbel (1560), BIE1560
  46. Liesveltbijbel (1542), LIE1542
  47. Lutherse vertaling (1648), LUT1648
  48. Leuvense bijbel (1548), LEU1548
  49. Vorstermanbijbel (1528/1531), VOR1531
  50. Delftse bijbel (1477), DEL1477
  51. Lithuanian, LIT

  • 1.8: added 13 new bible translations (read FAQ) and fixed some bible verses detection problems
  • 1.7.11: tested for 3.5.2
  • 1.7.10: fixed some CSS issues in IE7, IE8 and webkit browsers (Safari & Chrome) – look at https://wordpress.org/support/topic/248735?replies=5
    added option to open link in new window
    extended the syntax of bible reference to include a dot following the book name, for example: 1 Cor. 13,1-12
  • 1.7.9: tested for WordPress 2.9
  • 1.7.8: added support for WordPress 2.5 & 2.7
  • 1.7.7: fixed a potentially vulnerable POST request processing.
  • 1.7.6: fixed a bug regarding a RSS feed validation.
  • 1.7.5: added the possibility to display bible text inline instead of in a layer above the post.
  • 1.7.4: plugin no more relies on the presence of wp_head tag in the header of the theme and correctly displays formatting even if no wp_head is present
  • 1.7.3: fixed a bug displaying only the first of two or more exactly same references that were used in the same post
  • 1.7.2: added option to make only a hyperlink to biblical text (instead of displaying the biblical text in a layer above the post/page) and fixed a bug where the layer didn’t get displayed above some of the elements of the page
  • 1.7.1: fixed a bug that prevented linking references like John 5:6-6:3
  • 1.7: added i18n of the admin interface (previously only in English), users invited to translate POT file for their locale and send it to me
  • 1.6: added support for 38 different bible versions in 14 languages (previous versions supported only Slovenian).
  • 1.5: changed the registration of the plugin
  • 1.4: no more adding bible text in RSS feed, only linking
  • 1.3: added dashboard tab for plugin which checks for plugin updates
  • 1.2: formatting now in a separate CSS file.
  • 1.1: plugin now get the actual bible text from BIBLIJA.net and shows it in the posts/pages.
  • 1.0: first public version which only linked the passages to BIBLIJA.net

Versions in between were minor changes and bug fixes.


You must download wp-bible.zip and unzip the content to /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Then you must activate the plugin in the Plugins menu of your blog’s Administration panel.

The default bible version is World English Bible - WEB, if you want to change that, go to Options | WP-Bible and choose a version you want.

Using another plugin that does a similar thing is not advised.


When your plugin is activated just type the usual biblical references and the plugin will find them.

Usually they look like:

  • Mat 5:1-11
  • Mat 5:1-11.14.20
  • Mat 5:1-11.14-16;6,1-3 and similar

You can use many different book names, let’s see just an example for Gospel of Matthew: Mt, Mat, Matt, Matej, Matevž, Matthew, Matteüs, Matteus, Matthäus, Mateo.
As you can see not only English names are supported.
Please let me know if you’d like to add other book names that the plugin doesn’t recognize.


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.8
  • Last updated: 11 years ago
  • Active installations: 50
  • WordPress version: 2.2
  • Tested up to: 3.5.2
  • PHP version: false