WordPress Auction Plugin
WordPress Auction Plugin

WordPress Auction Plugin

WP Marka

Official Site

For more information and to take a look at the Pro version, visit our website – WP Auctions.

About the Plugin

WP Auctions is a revolutionary plugin which allows you to host auctions on your WordPress powered blog or website completely fee free! Show your auctions in an attractive AJAX powered popup for optimum user experience.

Stop paying listing fees, seller fees, final value fees, gallery fees or any other type of fee for your auctions on other 3rd party sites. Run your own auctions and sell to your site visitors!

Installation and activation takes less than 30 seconds and you could be hosting your first auction on your website in under 2 minutes.

Popular Features:

  • Assign an auction to a Post/Page
  • Upload an extra image
  • Added Shipping price
  • Custom contact field. Request phone numbers, addresses etc…
  • Show auctions in a List or Graphic format.
  • Set a global Bid increment value for all auctions.
  • Allow only registered users to bid.
  • …more to come.

Other Features include:

  • Host as many auctions as you like.
  • Upload an image for your auction.
  • Use PayPal to accept payments.
  • Easily Edit, End or Delete your auctions.
  • Set a specific end date and time, down to the second.
  • Choice of 5 display styles.
  • Sleek AJAX popup to show your auctions.
  • Easy to use backend admin area to manage your auctions.

Looking for the Pro plugin?

Visit our website – WP Auctions – for more information and to see the features that come with the Pro version of WP Auctions.

Example uses include:

  • Auction off advertising space!
  • Sell physical goods from iPods to Cars!
  • Sell your artwork
  • Use it for charity auctions, etc…


  • Included Polish translation (99% translated)
The plugin isn’t working well on my blog. What could the problem be?

The plugin uses the jQuery Javascript library and was coded with best practices to not conflict with your theme or other plugins. To check where the problem could be, try to switch to the default theme and disable your other plugins and see if that will fix the problem.

Why does the AJAX popup look weird on my blog?

This could be due to the CSS of your theme. While we try to override reset settings for the popup CSS there are some instances where themes have been known to override our CSS settings. Yes, it’s a vicious cycle. To fix this issue, try and edit the CSS of the theme if you are comfortable doing so or ask your theme designer for help.

What features are available in the Pro version?

The Pro and Pro Plus versions have tons of enhancements and improvements. Here are some of our favourte ones:

  • 3 bidding engines to choose from: Proxy, Simple & Reverse
  • Auctions for registered users only – user favorite.
  • Set a reserve price for your auctions
  • Sell items on “Buy It Now” basis – user favorite.
  • Upload multiple images for each auction (up to 4).
  • Place auctions in a post or page – user favorite.
  • Show ads if no auctions are available.
  • Specify shipment surcharges.
  • Watch an auction feature.
  • Color customization.
  • Place auctions in a Post or Page.
  • List Widget compatibility (sold separately)
  • WYSIWYG editor.
  • and much, much more…

More information at: WP Auctions.

So happy to have found this plug-in

By ellenlorang on November 19, 2022

This plug-in works great for my non-profit's auction. Love it! I also bought the list and bulk upload add-ons and love them too. I tried other auction software before I settled on WordPress Auction, which met my needs perfectly. Even better is the amazing support I received from the company. I had a problem with my install and I received IMMEDIATE response and they told me how to fix it in no time. (It was an error on my end, not the plug-in's fault.) I have dealt with many tech support departments over the years, and I have never had such prompt, courteous and capable assistance. I'm so grateful and happy to highly recommend this plug-in.


By afrigusbullauction on October 19, 2022

Highly recommend this plug-in! The support is one of the best I have ever encountered. Easy to use plug in and works very well. The team behind this are super quick to respond to any questions and go above and beyond to help assist you. WOW. Fantastic to see this kind of customer care actually still exists. Great product. Thank you!

Great Plugin

By heswartz on May 19, 2022

This auction plugin works great. It was easy to install and did everything I needed. I'm a tech novice, so I needed some hand-holding. The customer support is the best I've every experienced. Immediate response and personal attention to my questions. Kudos to them.

Good but could be better

By germars on December 14, 2020

I used this plugin just recently and the auction went well, but a few improvements would make it better. 1. No one got their notifications of their bids. Neither did the admin. It did work but the subject was gibberish. Once I changed the email option (as advised) it stopped sending anything. 2. There should be a way to download/get a list of all closed auctions when it's done. I had to type them all out manually. 3. Add an option to show items before bidding opens. In a real life auction, you can walk around a day or so before and check out the items. This auction only shows the items once it is live. I had to create a gallery in order for people to browse the items ahead of time. It works well though apart from those few points. Thank you.

It could be better

By FinnSommer on February 26, 2020

The programming of the plugin could be better. There is no way to change the plugin annoyingly capital letter in every sentens. Furthermore, you can not change the date format or , and . It is not possibly to translate the plugin 100%. It sucks when different language are mixed together cource bad internationalizing of an plugin.

Waste of time

By last piece on August 11, 2019

This most head pain plugin i have ever seen. UI is like hell. Docx is crap.


By goldfinder on December 28, 2017

What is the point of having an auction all on my own? No-one else can add anything as no-one else has access to the admin dashboard

Nice Plugin, Great Support

By jaredkail on September 3, 2016

My client used wp_auctions from several versions ago. When they used our services to update their site, I contacted wp_auctions about upgrading. They were responsive and honest about the issues I might face. I grabbed the free version, tested, and it worked nicely out of the box.

When I went to the paid version (I wanted some of the upgraded features), I hit a glitch. Again, wp_auction resolved my issue quickly and professionally, and the upgrade was well worth the small amount we paid.

Highly recommend these guys.

Best of the Auction Plugins I tested

By puglife on September 3, 2016

I was tasked with setting up an auction on very short notice and basically no budget AND the board wanted to keep it within our suite of hosted sites. I didn't have time to program anything for our main site, which runs EECMS, so we turned to a Wordpress Plugin for one of our sub sites. I downloaded the free or demo versions of several and WP-Auctions was by far the best, with the most features and intuitive use, so we bought the one time download version.

I got everything up and running quickly to satisfy the board and hit a kink with the payment page not working. The developers were super responsive and worked with me over a couple of days to get it up and running! Some of the best customer service I've seen with a plugin. Almost instant response and very thorough. In the end, the issue seems to have resolved itself despite all of us working various angles, or we hit just the right nail to smack it all into working order.

Auction is running smoothly and the plugin is perfect for a complex (or simple) auction without too much grunt work.

excellent software

By sacadmin1 on September 3, 2016

A bit of a learning curve for someone who hasn't ever used wordpress before but Hyder was super helpful and worked with us until our issues were sorted out. Our auction has not gone live yet but we are hopeful that there will be few to no glitches! 4 stars because it could be a bit more user friendly/intuitive but overall we are happy.


  • Update to be compatible with WordPress 5.+


  • Upgrade to mailing functionality to use wp_mail


  • WordPress 4.5 compatibility


  • Fixed Starting Bid bug for the auction embed


  • Bug fixes


  • Fixed languages/ textdomain issue
  • Improved some CSS
  • Updated text strings
  • Implemented a workaround for a date/time bug
  • Fixed starting bid reset when bids get cancelled


  • Assign an auction to a Post/Page. This redirects all users to that specific Post/Page to interact with that auction


  • Fixed CSS issues brought to our notice


  • New Feat1ure: Upload an extra image to your auctions!


  • Added shipping price. Now you can add a shipping price to your auctions and PayPal will automatically add it to the final bid price. Also specify the Shipping From and To locations.


  • Customize the Contact field. You can request other data like phone number, address, date of birth etc…


  • Show auctions in sidebar widget in list or graphic format


  • Registered users only


  • Bid increment
  • WYSIWYG description editor
  • Default WordPress media uploader support
  • New date selector
  • Customize auction outbid notice and auction winner notice emails
  • A lot of text updates


  • Bug and text fixes
  • Tested with WordPress v3.6+


  • Text update


  • Bug fixes


  • Pulled in some Pro functionality, example images in WP media library


  • Bug Fixes


  • Compatibility with WordPress v3.3+


  • bug fix


  • SECURITY UPDATE: Tightened sanitisation of admin inputs


  • WYSIWYG editor added


  • WordPress 3.2 compatability
  • Two new color styles


  • Minor fixes


  • New Style (Wind) added


  • Bug fixes


  • New feature: New option to hide RSS links


  • New feature: Custom Currencies


  • Squashed bug affecting Edits on Windows Hosting using InnoDB


  • Added remote debug option

1.7.4 & 1.7.5 & 1.7.6

  • Bug fixes (Warning on header load and image resizing problem and Windows issues)


  • Changed upload functionality as with WP 3.0 media uploader didn’t fit any more


  • Cleared up some extra code that wasn’t being used
  • Bug fix to resizer


  • Fixed some CSS styling in popup
  • Added a new style


  • Added option to have rotating ads if there are no active auctions


  • Added cheque/direct payment feature


  • Fixed JavaScript variables to avoid conflicts


  • Fixed styles formatting


  • Multiple currency support
  • Show specific number of auctions in sidebar widget
  • Updates styles and popup layout
  • Added image upload
  • Specify end time and date of auction
  • Use HTML for auction descriptions
  • General cleaning up and code optimization
  1. Download the plugin file, unzip and place it in your wp-content/plugins/ folder. You can alternatively upload it via the WordPress plugin backend.
  2. Activate.
  3. Set up the plugin from the WP Auctions menu in your WordPress backend.
  4. Add your auctions
  5. Sell your stuff and make money!

The plugin is widget ready and the widget will appear in your “Appearance > Widgets” list. Simply drag and drop the widget into any widget ready area, like your sidebar.

Alternatively, you can also add this snippet to the sidebar on your theme: <?php wp_auctions(); ?>


3.7 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.7
  • Last updated: 10 months ago
  • Active installations: 700
  • WordPress version: 5.4
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP version: false