WordPress Admin Bar Improved

WordPress Admin Bar Improved

Donald Gilbert

This plugin has been completely re-written to interface with the WP 3.1 admin bar, and adds some much requested / great features to the WP Admin Bar. Due to API changes in WP 3.3, this plugin is no longer compatible with earlier versions of WordPress. It requires WP 3.3 or greater. If you are using a version prior to WP 3.3, please download and install version 3.3.4 of this plugin, as the latest version will not work for you.

Check the post on this plugin over at our site, Electric Easel, for instructions, updates, and other news.


  • Easy Interface using WP 3.0 Menus to add custom menu items to your Admin Bar.
  • Displays a login form on the front end of your site in the WP Admin Bar.
  • Ajax Login
  • Ajax Search from form in admin bar
  • Ability to show or hide the admin bar by clicking the Show/Hide box that appears below the center of the admin bar
  • More to come…


  • Make everything work with MultiSite
  • Popup notification/error messages

HELP! Something got messed up!

You can reset the settings for WordPress Admin Bar Improved by simply deactivation and then re-activating the plugin through the Plugin Admin interface.

How to change the settings?

In your WordPress admin dashboard, click the Settings -> WPABI menu item. (Taking suggestions for a better menu name.)

How to add menu items?

In the admin area of your site, click “Menus” under the “Appearance” menu. Create a new menu named WPABI or something like that. Add whatever menu items you want to it, and save the menu. In the box titled “Theme Locations” on the “Menus” screen, select the menu you created in the Admin Bar Improved dropdown select list, and hit save. After that, your menu items will appear in your admin bar for both logged in and logged out users.!

It’s not working!

Do you have WP 3.3 installed?
Have you opted to NOT show the admin bar within your user profile settings?
Is jQuery loading properly?
Did you try to hover over the top center of your site to see if the Show/Hide button appears?


  • NOTE: Requires WP 3.3+.
  • Updated to work with the new admin bar API that was introduced in WP 3.3
  • Added easy access to settings from plugin admin page
  • Added check to make sure the plugin only activates on WP 3.3+


  • NOTE: This is the version to use if you are using WP 3.2.1 or lower.
  • Bugfix – custom menu not showing up on Appearance -> Menus page in themes that did not support them natively.


  • Bugfix – login from and other features now functions properly on 3.2.1 and WP Trunk (beta versions of upcoming release)


  • Bugfix – fixed error where in some cases a double class would be added to the #wpadminbar, making it not work in some browsers.


  • Added ability to manage default menu items.
  • Cleaned up the code / made it simpler to maintain.
  • Added help text for custom menus.
  • Implemented register_activation_hook to set default settings.
  • Implemented register_deactivation_hook to clean up database upon deactivation.
  • Bugfix: Fixed login form when ajax login is disabled.


  • Added ajax login feature.


  • Show/hide feature now persists across pages. Utilizes jQuery.cookie.


  • Added easy integration for custom menu items using WP3.0 menu system.


  • Added option to turn off the Show/Hide feature in admin panel


  • Fixed issue that triggered a fatal error upon installation.


  • Fixed multisite admin page
  • Added ability to enable the register link next to the login form.


  • Added admin screen for enabling/disabling the login form
  • Added ability to edit CSS and JS for the file directly on the admin screen, instead of going through the plugin editor.


  • Added ajax search to search form
  • fixed bug in IE


  • Added ability to show or hide the admin bar


*Completely re-written to interface with WP3.1 admin bar.
*Dumped previous version

Use the built in WordPress Plugin Installer via Plugins -> Add New, searching for “WordPress Admin Bar Improved”


Extract all files from the ZIP file, making sure to keep the file structure intact, and then upload the plugin’s folder to /wp-content/plugins/ via FTP.

This should result in the following file structure:

- wp-content
    - plugins
        - wordpress-admin-bar-improved
            | readme.txt
            | screenshot-1.png
            | wpab-admin.css
            | wpabi-admin.js
            | wpabi.css
            | wpabi.js
            | wpabi.php

Then just visit your admin area and activate the plugin on the Plugins screen.


3 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.3.5
  • Last updated: 12 years ago
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress version: 3.3
  • Tested up to: 3.3.2
  • PHP version: false