WebP Image Optimization

WebP Image Optimization


WebP Image Optimization enhances your website’s performance by converting uploaded JPEG and PNG images to the more efficient WebP format. It also allows you to resize images to specified maximum dimensions and adjust image quality and compression settings.

Key Features:

  • Automatic Conversion to WebP:

    • Converts JPEG and PNG images to WebP format upon upload.
    • Option to exclude JPEG and/or PNG images from conversion.
  • Image Resizing:

    • Resize images that exceed user-defined maximum width and height.
    • Maintains aspect ratio during resizing.
  • Quality and Compression Control:

    • Set JPEG quality (0-100).
    • Set PNG compression level (0-9).
    • Adjust settings via intuitive sliders or input fields.
  • Settings Page:

    • Accessible under Tools > WebP Image Optimization in the WordPress admin dashboard.
    • User-friendly interface with responsive design.
  • Optimized for Performance:

    • Uses vanilla JavaScript for settings page interactions.
    • Follows WordPress coding standards and best practices.
    • Minimal impact on server resources.


  • Improved Page Load Times:

    • WebP images are typically smaller than JPEG and PNG, reducing bandwidth usage.
    • Faster image loading enhances user experience.
  • SEO Advantages:

    • Improved site speed can positively impact search engine rankings.
  • User Control:

    • Flexible settings allow customization based on specific needs.
    • Ability to maintain original image formats if desired.


  • Implement fallback mechanisms for browsers that do not support WebP.
  • Add bulk conversion option for existing images in the media library.
  • Provide more granular control over image resizing and quality settings.
  • Enhance compatibility with other media-related plugins.


For support, please visit the plugin support forum or the GitHub repository.

Does this plugin convert existing images in my media library?

No, the plugin only processes images uploaded after the plugin has been activated. Existing images will remain unchanged.

What happens to the original JPEG or PNG files after conversion?

By default, the original images remain on the server.

Can I exclude certain image types from conversion to WebP?

Yes, the settings page allows you to exclude JPEG and/or PNG images from being converted to WebP.

What if my server doesn’t support WebP images?

The plugin requires the GD library with WebP support enabled on your server. Most modern servers have this capability. If not, contact your hosting provider.

Will the converted WebP images work on all browsers?

Most modern browsers support WebP images. For browsers that do not support WebP, you may need to implement a fallback mechanism. This plugin does not provide fallback functionality.

Can I adjust the image quality and compression settings?

Yes, you can set the JPEG quality (0-100) and PNG compression level (0-9) via the settings page to balance between image quality and file size.


  • Amend incorrect URI links.


  • Security Fixes: Escaped all dynamic output to comply with WordPress standards – v1.1

  • Replaced _e() with esc_html_e() for translatable strings in settings page.

  • Escaped input values using esc_attr() in form fields.
  • Escaped plain text output using esc_html() where applicable.
  • Ensured all outputs are properly escaped to prevent XSS vulnerabilities.


  • Initial release.
  • Automatic conversion of JPEG and PNG images to WebP format.
  • Image resizing based on user-defined maximum width and height.
  • Settings page under Tools with options for:
    • Maximum image dimensions.
    • JPEG quality and PNG compression levels.
    • Excluding JPEG and/or PNG images from conversion.
  • Responsive design with sliders and inputs for settings adjustments.
  • Vanilla JavaScript used for settings interactions.
  • Follows WordPress coding standards and best practices.
  1. Upload the Plugin:

    • Upload the webp-image-optimization folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    • Alternatively, install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly by searching for “WebP Image Optimization”.
  2. Activate the Plugin:

    • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Configure Settings:

    • Navigate to Tools > WebP Image Optimization to access the settings page.
    • Set your desired maximum image dimensions, JPEG quality, PNG compression level, and conversion preferences.
  4. Enjoy Optimized Images:

    • Upload new images via the Media Library or post editor.
    • The plugin will automatically resize and convert images based on your settings.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.2
  • Last updated: 2 days ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.2