WebP Conversion

WebP Conversion


WebP Conversion allows you to automatically convert images to WebP format while uploading them to the WordPress media library. You can also convert individual images or perform bulk conversions directly from the media library. The plugin provides flexible settings to manage the conversion quality for different image sizes, making it a perfect solution for optimizing images.

Key features include:
– Image conversion quality settings for images below 200KB, between 200KB and 1MB, between 1MB and 2.5MB and more than 2.5MB.
– Option to automatically convert images when they are uploaded to the media library.
– Single image conversion button for .png and .jpeg files in the WordPress media library.
– “Select All” button for WordPress media library.
– Bulk conversion option for converting multiple images at once with real-time feedback.
– Full compatibility with ACF and WooCommerce.
– Enabling uploads of .svg and .ico images.
– Automatic replacement of converted images in postmeta, termmeta, usermeta, post content, WooCommerce gallery, WooCommerce product thumbnails and ACF fields.

Key Features:

  • Automatic WebP conversion on image upload.
  • Conversion quality settings based on image size categories.
  • “Convert to WebP” button for individual images in the media library.
  • Bulk image conversion with real-time progress display.
  • ACF and WooCommerce compatibility.
  • Upload .svg and .ico into WordPress Media.
  • Replaces old images with new WebP versions in existing locations.
  • Unlimited images conversion.


  • There is no way of converting individual images over 10MB.
What image formats does the plugin support for conversion?

The plugin supports converting .png and .jpeg files to WebP format.

Can I automatically convert images during upload?

Yes, you can enable the “Automatically convert images while uploading” option in the settings to convert images upon upload to the media library.

How do I convert multiple images at once?

In the WordPress media library, use the “Bulk Select” option, choose the images you want to convert, and click the “Convert Selected” button.

Is the plugin compatible with WooCommerce and ACF?

Yes, the plugin works with WooCommerce and ACF. After conversion, it replaces old images in WooCommerce product galleries and ACF image fields with the new WebP versions.

Does the plugin enables uploading of .svg and .ico images?

Yes, starting from version 1.1 you can enable uploading of .svg and .ico in plugin settings.

Is there any limit of amount of images that can be converted?

No, you can convert as many images as many you want.


  • Added translations for different languages.


  • Added ability to upload .svg and .ico images to WordPress Media.
  • Conversion of multiple images now working by batches of 5 images (10 before).
  • For efficiency reason, from version this version, there is no longer ability to convert individual images over 10MB.
  • Updated screenshots and plugin icon.


  • Updated list of plugin tags.


  • Initial release of the WebP Conversion plugin.
  • Added automatic conversion on upload.
  • Added single and bulk image conversion.
  • Introduced settings for managing conversion quality for different image sizes.
  • Full compatibility with WooCommerce and ACF for image replacement.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.1.2
  • Last updated: 3 days ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 6.4
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.1