


Webcomic provides a host of features related to creating, managing, and sharing comics on the web.

Comic Management

Webcomic organizes comics into collections – custom post types dedicated to a specific comic series. Publish any number of distinct comic series on a single WordPress site, each with it’s own unique settings. Manage comic media using WordPress’ own media management features.

Theme Integration

Webcomic adds a new section to the Customizer that’s all about integrating comics into your site’s theme. The Universal integration method supports most themes, but methods for integrating with themes built specifically for Webcomic and themes built for other comic plugins are also available. If none of the standard integration methods work with your theme you can use custom actions to add comic features right where you want them.

Powerful Tools

Webcomic includes a variety of tools for working with comics and getting comics up and running on your WordPress-powered site. Use the Generator to automatically create and publish comics for any number of uploaded media items, or use the Matcher to match media items with existing comics. Use collection-specific settings to organize your comics into categories and tags, customize your comic URL’s, and more.

Unlimited Potential

Those are some of Webcomic’s standard features, but there are other components included with Webcomic that provide a variety of new settings, shortcodes, template tags, and widgets. Take your online comic publishing even further with:

  • Alert, which adds settings for creating buffer and hiatus email alerts. Never forget an update with customizable email alerts.
  • Character, which allows you to tag character appearances and use character-based archives.
  • Commerce, which adds PayPal-based print selling and donation features.
  • Restrict, which adds features for restricting access to comics based on age or user role.
  • Storyline, which allows you to organize comics by storyline and use storyline-based archives.
  • Transcribe, which adds comic transcription features for SEO-enhancing text alternatives to your comics.
  • Twitter, which adds settings for updating your Twitter account status when publishing comics.

Special Thanks

To everyone that continues to use and support Webcomic.

Need help?

All administration screens related to Webcomic include contextual help with support links. If you’re new to Webcomic you may want to start by reading the User Guide.

Want to help?

If you’re a friendly and knowledgable Webcomic user, please chime in and help others out on the Support Forum, Discord Server, or Issue Tracker. If you’re more technically-inclined, pull requests are always welcome.

Great plugin.

By madabril on January 22, 2021

Great plugin bogged down by limited support.

Thank you!

By LukeA on April 13, 2018

I tried several of the other plug ins and this one works great for me. It was a little bit of a learning curve, but what isn't? I like the fact that I can load and schedule all my comics for months out!

Great Customer Support

By Derek Padula (derekpadula) on February 9, 2018

This is the only comic plugin I found that actually worked. All of the others were either inadequate or included way too much. This plugin was simple and modifiable. Of course, I had a lot of trouble setting this plugin up when it was in the 4.0 version, and each time I updated it, it seemed to break by replacing the loop file that had custom code in it. But I got used to it. When I upgraded to the 5.0 version it caused a lot of breaking issues across the site. Luckily, Mike offered free tech support. I created an admin account for him through WordPress, he went in, and resolved the issues the same day, at no charge! It's rare to find customer support like that. Especially without paying for it. This alone makes it a plugin worth using.

dead theme?

By emilysparkle on October 21, 2016

won't install on fresh wordpress instance.

Can't get it to work

By paulchrisjones on September 18, 2016

I thought this plugin would make it easy to integrate comics into my site. But the trouble is, I can't get the plugin to work. The hundreds of pages of documentation don't help and the support forums are all but dead. The main problem is that this plugin is too complicated.


By flipdahacker on September 3, 2016

Can anyone direct me to a specific area of forums etc that detail how to set up? 😥😢 i'm using "inkblot " as the theme and "webcomic " as the plugin. I havent uploaded any content yet because i don't understand how to set up the "storylines, characters transcripts, settings etc. I've jumped from every webcomic based theme over the last month looking for something intuitively simple that i can get up in no time and i'm beyond frustrated. To add to the chaos...i know little to no css, php etc 😒
any info i'd greatly appreciate.

It works! And great support too.

By Greenlaw on September 3, 2016

Our old comics website had become dated and it was getting difficult to manage all the content we had on it, so I started looking into WordPress and the different comics themes and plugins that were available. It took a lot of trial and error but what I finally settled on was the Inkblot theme with the Webcomic plugin. This combo works well right out of the box and customizing it is pretty easy (tip: look to the widgets for custom nav buttons.) Once you wrap your head around the workflow, Webcomic pretty much manages scheduling and publishing your comics for you, so you can focus on possibly more important things like actually creating comics.

It even has a system for monetizing/selling your comics but I haven't really looked into that part of it yet.

If I had to pick on one thing, it's probably the current online documentation. The plugin's website has good information for getting started but the Webcomic plugin has apparently evolved quite a bit since it came out and I kept running into outdated or conflicting information about it on the web.

Fortunately, the developer Michael Sisk has been super helpful in explaining the intended workflow and he even showed me how to implement certain tricks I needed for one of our comics (Streams). The Webcomic user community has been pretty helpful too.

Overall, the Webcomic plugin and Inkblot theme does exactly what I needed it to do for our comics Brudders and Streams, and I'm looking forward to any future Webcomic updates from Mike.

If anybody is interested, I'm thinking about creating a tutorial explaining how we set up and use Webcomic, and post it on our website littlegreendog.com. If you want to see what we have now, just click on the Comics menus when you get there. Thanks!

Complete changelog

5.0.6 (2018-06-06)

– Development configurations for Code Climate and TravisCI

– CSS refactored to adhere to stricter stylelint configuration
– JavaScript refactored to adhere to stricter eslint configuration
– Removed Atom configuration
– Task runner to NPM

– Incorrect variable reference in compat template tag
– Static analysis and code sniffing issues
– Compat webcomic_link shortcodes not using $content for link text

5.0.0 – Phoenix Down (2018-01-21)

Refactored everything into a functional component-based architecture.

– Assets for the WordPress plugin directory
– Changelog to provide a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version
– Code of conduct for project participants
– Contributing guidelines, issue template, and pull request template for project contributors
– Details view on plugin and collection settings pages
– Development configurations for Atom, Babel, Composer, Eslint, Git, Homebrew, MarkdownLint, Node, Phan, PHP Code Sniffer, PHPMD, PHPUnit, PostCSS, Rollup, Stylelint, and Vagrant
– Support document for users

– Alert functionality refactored into the alert component
– Character functionality refactored into the character and taxonomy components
– Commerce functionality refactored into the commerce component
– Contextual help for all administrative screens
– Core functionality refactored into the plugin and collection components
– CSS assets refactored based on component, processed with PostCSS
– Deprecated functionality refactored into the compat component
– Integration is now configurable in a new Customizer section
– JavaScript assets refactored based on component, processed with Babel, Rollup, and UglifyJS
– Plugin license is now GPL-2.0+
– Plugin versions now follow Semantic Versioning
– Readme now contains more descriptive, useful information
– Restrict functionality refactored into the restrict component
– Storyline functionality refactored into the storyline and taxonomy components
– Transcript functionality refactored into the transcribe component
– Twitter functionality refactored into the twitter component
– User experience improved for all administrative screens
– Webcomic Attacher is now the Webcomic Matcher, lives in the Tools menu
– Webcomic Commerce is now the Webcomic IPN Log
– Webcomic Generator now lives in the Tools menu

WebcomicTag class
– All [Webcomic]-prefixed widgets
– All plugin-specific theme templates
– Custom media sizes and related features
– Data attributes for gestures and keyboard shortcuts
– The classic behavior of all shortcodes and template tags
– These shortcodes are fully deprecated:
– These template tags are fully deprecated:

<meta> tags for Generator and OpenGraph data
tmhOAuth library
webcomic_image property on WP_Term objects
webcomic-attachment-## class for post_class()
Webcomic theme header
– All component classes
– Collection sorting on the Pages screen
– Conversion options and related features
– Custom media sizes and related features
– Data attributes for dynamic comic loading
– Legacy upgrade tool and related features
– Outdated media contexts for the Media administrative screen
– Outdated plugin files and assets
– Transcript language setting for collections

– Bugs found in previous releases

Install Webcomic from the Plugins > Add New screen by searching for webcomic (the first result should be the one you’re looking for) or by downloading the plugin archive and uploading it to your site.

One activated, you can choose which components to use on the Settings > Webcomic screen. If this is a new installation you should see your first comic collection, Untitled Comic, in the sidebar. You can adjust collection-specific settings on the Untitled Comic > Settings screen. Most components will add settings to this screen.

You’ll want to visit the Webcomic section of the Customizer to adjust integration settings for your site theme. The Universal integration method supports most themes, but methods for integrating with themes built specifically for Webcomic and themes built for other comic plugins are also available. If none of the standard integration methods work with your theme you can use custom actions to add comic features right where you want them.


4 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 5.0.8
  • Last updated: 2 years ago
  • Active installations: 800
  • WordPress version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 5.9.10
  • PHP version: 7.0