User Access Manager

User Access Manager


The “User Access Manager”-plugin for WordPress allows you to manage the access of your content. This is useful if you need a member area, a private section at your blog or you want that other people can write at your blog but not everywhere. Including all post type (post, pages etc.), taxonomies (categories etc.) and files by creating user groups. Just assign the content you want to restrict und and your registered users which should have a access to a group. From now on the content is only accessible and writable for the specified group.

Try it out

You can try it out at before install: Try user access manager (affiliate link)

Feature list

  • User groups
  • Set separate access for readers and editors
  • Set access by user groups
  • Set default user groups
  • Set time based access
  • User-defined post type (posts, pages etc.) title (if no access)
  • User-defined post type (posts, pages etc.) text (if no access)
  • Optional login form (if no access)
  • User-defined comment text (if no access)
  • Hide complete post types (posts, pages etc.)
  • Hide elements in the navigation
  • Redirecting users to other pages (if no access)
  • Recursive locking of content
  • Limited access to uploaded files
  • Full integrated at the admin panel
  • Multilingual support
  • Also protect your rss feeds
  • Give access by IP-address
  • Plugin-Api to use the User Access Manager in your on plugins or extend other plugins
  • UAMPPE like behaviour is now build in (Expect negation like !groupName and showprivate and shownotauthorized parameter)

Included languages


The documentation can be found here:
Please report bugs and feature requests here:
If you are a developer and want to contribute please visit
For general questions, like how to setup, best practice and so on please use the support thread here (don’t post issues here):
To stay up-to-date follow me on twitter: GMAlex on Twitter

Amazing Job

By ale8521 on December 20, 2022

Thanks for this great plugin, you better be happy for this great job.


By hanspeter777 on September 16, 2022

This plugin has made 3 plugins superfluous for me. It can create and restrict new backend user roles. It can also hide menu items individually etc. Great work!

Easy to use

By cvonk on February 11, 2022

Easy to use. Restrict some categories went smooth. For me, it replaced PublishPress Capabilities.

Great plugin, but some questions

By jelleruben on January 3, 2022

Hello, This is a great plugin for Wordpress. I am very curious if this plugin is still supported. I mean is the developer(s) still active? Because is it posible to set the inlog widget to dutch, and is it possible When user A logs in he sees menu A and when user B logs in he sees menu B.

Running well on WP 5.8.1

By AJB Ferreira (op351net) on October 18, 2021

Great plugin and running well on latest version of WordPress (5.8.1). Thank you Alexander for the good work and please... Keep it updated!


By jenshagman on March 4, 2021

With new update they demand to have at least php 7.3 and then the site crashes. Why not just approve to use the plugin with 7.2 as well, not that big difference

Great plugin , perfect protection !

By a3vd on February 25, 2021

We are using this great plugin in a learning enviroment, it is great to have the control over users in the six-years we are using this plugin never had any problem.


By Anonymous User 15932932 (anonymized_15932932) on February 13, 2021


Crashes Divi Builder, had to deinstall, sadly

By Hanno (bsoftde) on September 7, 2020

Worked well with WordPress up to 5.4.x and Divi 4.3.x, but crashes the entire backend with WordPress 5.5.x and newer Divi versions (4.5.x). Sad to say it looks like the plugin is no longer maintained properly ...

Excelent plugin

By spassaro on July 27, 2020

Very easy to use and complete

Here you found the changes in each version.

Version     Date        Changes

2.2.23      2023/05/26  Fix typos
                        Fix version_compare

2.2.22      2023/05/26  Minor change

2.2.21      2023/05/25  Adjust database compatibility #368

2.2.20      2023/03/08  Fix warning

2.2.19      2022/11/18  Add try out link

2.2.18      2022/11/14  Fix issue with label id. Thanks to elbakkali
                        Add elementor support. Thanks to JboyJW
                        Fix possible issue with PHP 8. Thanks to ollycross
                        Fix attachment issue.
                        Fix tags issue.
                        Make extra IP header configurable.

2.2.17      2022/02/15  Fix issue with big picture handling. #350

2.2.16      2022/01/25  Check compatibility for WordPress 5.9.

2.2.15      2021/06/07  Fix possible type issues.

2.2.14      2021/04/21  Fix bulk edit.
                        Fix permission issue.
                        Fix redirect typing issue.

2.2.13      2021/04/15  Fix not logged in user handling.
                        Type fix for showEditLink.

2.2.12      2021/04/14  Fix warning.
                        Fix jquery deprecation warning.

2.2.11      2021/03/15  Type fix for showEditLink.
                        Set compatibility tag for wordpress 5.7.

2.2.10      2021/02/26  Lower minimum php version to 7.2.

2.2.9       2021/02/24  Type fixes for Yoast seo plugin.
                        Fix some other type issues.

2.2.8       2021/02/21  Some cleanup.
                        Type fixes for the short controller.
                        Fix some possible php notices and warnings.

2.2.7       2021/02/14  Fix issue with isAdmin.

2.2.6       2021/02/14  Fix more possible type errors.

2.2.5       2021/02/14  Fix more possible type errors if wordpress switches int to string.

2.2.4       2021/02/13  Fix type error for user object controller.
                        Fix type error for the wordpress wrapper.

2.2.3       2021/02/13  Fix warning at settings page.
                        Fix type error for user group handler.

2.2.2       2021/02/13  Fix type error with login form.

2.2.1       2021/02/13  Fix type error with registeredTaxonomy.

2.2.0       2021/02/11  Improve and update code base.
                        Fix possible update bug.

2.1.12      2019/01/08  Fix multi site file handling issue. #222

2.1.11      2018/03/16  Fix missing got_mod_rewrite function. #212
                        Fix wrong media urls. #207
                        Fix wrong post counts at the admin panel.
                        Improve database updates/repairs.

2.1.10      2017/12/15  Fix Posts removed from WP_Query results in Ajax requests for unprivileged users #176
                        Improve partly download handler
                        Suppress errors on file delivery
                        Improve error handling
                        Change blog switch handling. fixes #194
                        Fix wrong parameter name. fixes #191
                        Improve user group sorting. closes #180
                        Add new redirect type to the login page. closes #155
                        Add dynamic user groups for exclude object calculation. closes #181
                        Add filter for getUserUserGroupsForObjectAccess. closes #157
                        Make it possible to set a default group for new media files.

2.1.9       2017/11/18  Add show content before <!--more--> tag option for all post types
                        Fix js time input issue
                        Fix small prepare query issue
                        Don't switch to edit mode after user group creation #171
                        Add sortable columns for user groups list #172
                        Show no access image again instead of broken image
                        Fix double user group form for media files
                        Add option to hide the edit page option if the user doesn't have the right to edit this page #174

2.1.8       2017/11/07  Add getter for the user group handler fixes #160
                        Fix multi site file handling issue #159

2.1.7       2017/11/01  Improve database update prompt fixes #153
                        Fix user group selection not saved when adding a new user issue fixes #154
                        Add none read access option for user groups closes #144
                        Extend file settings
                        Add xsendfile support

2.1.6       2017/10/20  Fix "Inherited group membership for media attachments" issue #133
                        Fix traits strict warning #145

2.1.5       2017/10/12  Refactor traits
                        Fix datetime issue with not supported browsers

2.1.4       2017/10/10  Fix strict warnings #134
                        Fix "Unable to select default user group for both page and post" issue #126
                        Add NGINX reverse proxy handling #117
                        Improve code
                        Fix bulk edit issue #135
                        Fix array filly issue #138
                        Add database repair tool

2.1.3       2017/09/18  Possible fix for custom post types / taxonomies issues
                        Fix .htaccess deletion issue

2.1.2       2017/09/17  Fix issue with not handled taxonomies #123

2.1.1       2017/09/16  Fix issue for users with small innodb page size #121

2.1.0       2017/09/15  Refactor code
                        Implement content tags for partly restriction like UAMPPE #84
                        Add default user groups
                        Add time based access
                        Add dynamic user groups #64
                        Implement caching #75
                        Allow html as no access content #63 #93
                        Optimize settings screen #61
                        Support of partial download #118
                        Add option to toggle visibility of assigned groups text next to the edit link #111
                        Fix incorrectly retrieving of a ID for attachments/media #116

2.0.13      2017/07/26  Add ipv6 support - Fix issue #97
                        Change "Hide Comments" logic - Fix issue #100
                        Fix rewrite base issue - Fix issue #107 and #103
                        Fix vsprintf warning - Fix issue #105
                        Fix Relevanssi compatibility issue
                        Fix missing feature picture if file locking is disabled

2.0.12      2017/06/16  Fix media file group issue #74
                        Fix broken file includes / excludes
                        Fix wordpress filter issue
                        Fix access to own post #95

2.0.11      2017/05/18  Fix FrontendController::postsPreQuery() expected to be a reference, value given error

2.0.10      2017/05/17  Fix issue of not saved groups #74
                        Adjust password lost link #79
                        Improve attachment access checks #78
                        Fix not working redirect

2.0.9       2017/05/13  Improve security #76

2.0.8       2017/05/08  Fix missing rss feed if protection is disabled #68

2.0.7       2017/05/07  Fix category tree issues #59
                        Fix mysql database errors on strict mode #60
                        Fix possible path issue
                        Remove settings for post_format post type (which is used for internal propose)
                        Fix wrong database update prompt
                        Fix issue with asgaros from #66

2.0.6       2017/04/28  Improve http error codes #24
                        Fix wrong url on windows servers #53
                        Fix missing install routine #51

2.0.5       2017/04/27  Fix switch_to_blog issue
                        Fix file handling issues

2.0.4       2017/04/26  Adjust code so that php version is checked before throwing a fatal error
                        Improve login form #26
                        Fix soliloquy slider incompatibility #31
                        Improve performance #41

2.0.3       2017/04/25  Fix compatibility issue with CMS Tree Page View plugin #37
                        Fix compatibility issue with SEO Redirection plugin #38
                        Fix Error thrown: Class 'WP_Site_Query' not found issue #36

2.0.2       2017/04/24  Fix wp_get_current_user() error #34
                        Fix custom post save issue after database update #33

2.0.1       2017/04/23  Fix dbDelta issue on activation

2.0.0       2017/04/23  Refactoring of the module
                        Improve performance
                        Full support for custom post and taxonomies.
                        Use for translations
                        Many improvements and fixes

1.2.14      2017/01/07  Fix IP access issue.
                        Some small optimization.

1.2.13      2017/01/04  Fix tag count issue.

1.2.12      2017/01/03  Fix tag issue.
                        Improve usability of the setup page.

1.2.11      2017/01/02  Restore hide categories behaviour.

1.2.10      2017/01/02  Improve mysql query to prevent against possible collations issue.

1.2.9       2017/01/01  Fix wrong category count.
                        Hide pages without access at the administration panel.
                        Fix redirect problems.

1.2.8       2016/12/31  Fix wrong term behavior for the backend.
                        Require at least PHP 5.3     2016/12/28  Fix ip restriction issue.
                        Fix missing categories issue.     2016/12/27  Improve taxonomy handling.
                        Improve performance.
                        Add missing wp-cli.php file.
                        Refactor config handling.
                        Fix Yoast SEO Plugin issue.
                        Some other small fixes.     2016/12/08  Fix some issues related to WordPress 4.7     2016/12/08  Fix empty category issue.     2016/12/07  Hot fix for WordPress 4.7     2016/12/04  Remove deprecated function get_currentuserinfo     2016/11/30  Add experimental nginx support
                        Fix redirect issue (Thanks to Laurence Shaw for the hint and James Riordon for the fix)    2016/10/07  Again a security fix     2016/10/06  Security fix     2016/08/15  Security fix
                        Add Yoast SEO Plugin filter. Thanks to Christian Werner     2016/03/17  Security fix     2015/03/09  Hide UAM at the backend from normal users.
                        Change IP range logic. Thanks to Takanashi
                        Fix issue with roles.     2015/03/02  Fix install/update missing table issue.     2015/02/26  Fix database update issue.     2015/02/25  Fix database update for multi sites.
                        Fix array_keys warning.
                        Fix redirect loop.     2015/02/24  Fix not removable role affiliation issue.     2015/02/24  Remove deprecated php function mysql_get_server_info().
                        Change object_id from varchar 11 to varchar 255.
                        Fix backslashes issue.     2015/02/11  Remove unnecessary js library.
                        Merge changes from Thanks for contribution.     2013/12/13  Improve performance. Thanks to all testers.
                        Add bulk edit feature.     2013/05/08  Fix redirect if page is hidden and permalink is active issue.
                        Fix no access issue.     2013/05/08  Fix pagination issue. Thanks to arjenbreur.
                        Fix comment issue. Thanks to jpr105.
                        Redirect if post/page is hidden and permalink is active.
                        Change icon.     2013/05/06  Fix broken images issue.
                        Fix duplicated key issue.
                        Filter file types.
                        Use wordpress mime types instead of the config array.

1.2.4       2013/05/01  Fix add column issue.
                        Fix install bug.
                        Fix error if no user is logged in. Thanks to Robert Egger and akiko.pusu.
                        Fix media file issue.
                        Optimize code.     2013/05/01  Fix terms issue.

1.2.3       2013/04/30  Fix Fatal 'error: Call-time pass-by-reference' error.
                        Fix 'get_userdata() is not defined' error. Thanks to ranwaldo.
                        Refactor many variable names to fit new coding style.

1.2.2       2011/04/03  Speed improvements.
                        Fix get_term bug.
                        Fix category bug

1.2.1       2011/10/11  Fix uninstall bug.
                        Add capability 'manage_user_groups'. Thanks to Tim Okrongli
                        Some small improvements.

1.2         2011/06/19  Add custom post types.
                        Fix CSRF issue. Thanks to Luke Crouch

1.1.4       2010/10/19  Fix error on custom post types
                        Add warning for PHP version lower than 5.0

1.1.3       2010/10/09  Add tag filter
                        Fix media file bug for multisites
                        Fix ip access bug
                        Improve redirecting code
                        Speed up

1.1.2       2010/10/04  Fix read/write access bug
                        Add recursive looking for posts page option
                        Improve network activation/update
                        Add hooks for login bar
                        Prepare for NextGEN Gallery extension     2010/09/29  Fix bug that a usergroup for a user wasn't saved     2010/09/29  Fix T_DNUMBER bug

1.1.1       2010/09/29  Fix custom menu bug
                        Fix quick edit bug
                        Fix undefined object bug
                        Extend admin hint

1.1         2010/09/28  Add plugin api
                        Optimized code
                        Improve content filtering
                        Fix bug that user groups can't removed from element
                        Fix empty category bug
                        Fix pre/next post bug
                        Fix login form bug
                        Fix redirect bug
                        Fix some other small bugs

1.0.2       2010/07/24  Remove debugging code
                        Fix file download bug

1.0.1       2010/07/24  Fix bug that only one user can be a member of a user group
                        Fix bug for recursive locking for categories

1.0         2010/07/22  Fix array_merge bug at media page
                        Reorder some admin options
                        Add some new admin functions
                        Speed it up
                        Disable file locking by default

1.0 Beta 2  2010/07/13  Fix performance issues
                        Fix media gallery issues
                        Fix category bug
                        Fix not loaded translation
                        Remove some unused functions

1.0 Beta    2010/07/09  Complete rewrite
                        Some new options to improve the functions     2010/06/23  Hotfix for WordPress 3.0     2009/07/17  Fix "header already send"-Problem with WordPress 2.8.1
                        Add option to set level with full access     2009/03/29  Fix some path problems
                        Add a reset function
                        Rename menu at admin panel     2009/03/26  Fix the empty category issue

0.9.1       2009/03/26  Fix the database problem
                        Fix feed bug. Thanks to Markus Brinkmann
                        Fix wrong javascript path

0.9         2009/03/24  Add login form
                        Add option to show text bevor <!--more--> tag
                        Fix write access issues
                        Fix file issues
                        Small fixes     2009/03/09  Add French language file
                        Delete .htaccess files on deactivation/uninstall     2009/03/06  Small fix

0.8         2009/03/05  Add write access control
                        Add support down to 2.6
                        Better file access control
                        Code optimization - Plugin became faster
                        Fix the category bug
                        Small fixes     2009/02/13  Small fixes

0.7         2009/02/13  Fix: All known Bugs of the beta
                        Add ajax for more comfort
                        Add language support

0.7 Beta    2009/01/05  Fix: Problems with media at posts
                        Fix: Many other small fixes
                        Only support up to WordPress 2.7
                        Better integration

0.62        2008/12/18  Fix: Fatal error: Only variables can
                        be passed by reference. Thanks to David Thompson

0.61        2008/12/17  Fix: Wrong file id in Media Library

0.6         2007/12/14  First release.
  1. Upload the full directory, with the folder, into your wp-content/plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Enjoy


4.3 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.2.23
  • Last updated: 1 year ago
  • Active installations: 20K
  • WordPress version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5
  • PHP version: 7.2