Unified – Email Log, Email Queue, Page cache and more
Unified – Email Log, Email Queue, Page cache and more

Unified – Email Log, Email Queue, Page cache and more


Unified aims to provide standard functionality that almost all sites use or should use, such as page caching, clean responses, custom SMTP and good security.

Our current features:

  • Email log
    • Searchable list of email sent from the site, where emails content can be viewed, re-send and more.
  • Email Queue
    • Never make the user wait for emails being sent by the system again, where it might fail
    • Queue emails and send the emails in the background instead, with support for retrying when mails cant be sent.
  • Page caching
    • Very fast page caching – Just enable and we take care of the rest
    • WooCommerce support
  • SMTP setup
    • Configure a custom SMTP server to send your emails through
  • Clean-up
    • Clean up the response generated by WordPress
  • Security
    • Configure security headers to make your site more safe
    • Enable header X-Frame-Options
    • Enable header X-Content-Type-Options
    • Enable header Referrer-Policy
    • Enable header Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)

Our goal is to make the functionality simple, with high performance and low memory footprint, over the cost, which is that it can not support all the same features as the specialized plugins.

But the argument here is that simplicity, high performance, low memory usage and easy setup is more important than frontend users gets served 10ms faster with the bloated specialized plugins.

Having specialized plugins for common functional needs could seem like a good idea, but they are often over-engineered and bloated.
Each plugin often has its own libraries loaded, configurations, files and more to make it work.

So you have to configure them in different places and they may not even work well together.

Also, having many plugins, tend to make to the admin section (/wp-admin) very slow, as it often loads the entire world in all plugins, each of them checking their licenses etc.

What if Unified doesnt support feature X that I need?

Unified does not intend to be the plugin with all functionality, but only the have the basics with high performance.
But we would appreciate your input, if you feel like something is missing. Please contact support@daev.tech for the details.

As example, if you need another SMTP plugin with a certain feature set, you can just install that and disable it in Unified.
When you disable features in Unified, you really disable it, so that it no longer loads anything.

Plan for Unified

We have great plans for Unified and many features planned already.

Our ultimate vision for Unified, is that our users use Unified as a base plugin on their sites, to cover most of the standard functionality that most sites use.

Do you offer support?

Yes we do, you can contact us at support@daev.tech for support.

Where can i contact you with new ideas and bugs?

If you have an idea for improving Unified or found a bug in Unified, we would love to hear from you on:

Do you support multisite

Not currently. We have not tested on multisite, so some features will probably work and some might not.

Replaced multiple plugins

By lhcj on May 9, 2024

Was actually looking for a email log plugin, but found this. So I tried out what it could do. Turned out it the plugin was able to replace my old email log plugin, SMTP plugin and one that adds security headers. And works very well also! So less plugins is a total win.

Great plugin. Simple and straight to the point

By agencyboard on April 16, 2024

Pretty simple to configure and use. We use page cache, security headers and have set up a custom SMTP with mailgun. Works as expected.


  • Bugfix: Fix email not being sent when email queue is not enabled together with email log
  • Bugfix: Fix permission problems when created the upload dirs


  • Feature: Add email queue, to be able to queue up emails and not have the system wait for it to send
  • Feature: Add email log functionality, which adds page that shows emails sent from the site, so you can view it again or re-send it
  • Feature: Add email test functionality, so email sending can be tested on configuration page
  • Improvement: Improve configuration page, make it easier to navigate


  • First official release
  • Such cool, much wow
  • Feature: Page caching with PHP Must-Use plugin
  • Feature: Custom SMTP support
  • Feature: Clean up WordPress output, by disabling all kinds of not-needed output
  • Feature: Add security headers, such as “X-Frame-Options”, “X-Content-Type-Options”, “Referrer-Policy”, “Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)”

Here is how you get started:

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/unified directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin in menu Unified->Configuration
  4. Enjoy


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Last updated: 2 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.7
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.2