

Garrett Grimm

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Creates a ‘Coming Soon’ page that will show for all users who are not logged in. Useful for developing a site on a live server, without the world being able to see it

I’m finished with it, and disabled the plugin, but the “under construction” message is still showing up!

If you’ve disabled the plugin, it won’t show anything anymore. To be extra super-sure, try deleting the plugin files. Usually, though, the issue is that you’re seeing a cached version of the page. Try force-refreshing your browser, and then try clearing your cache on the server and force refreshing again. If you have a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache, make sure you clear that too!

I can’t see the under construction page!

As long as you’re logged in, you won’t be able to see it. That’s a feature! This way, while you’re logged in you can work as usual. To preview what it looks like, either a) log out, or b) try viewing it in another browser

What kind of HTML can I put in?

You enter the contents of the entire HTML file. You can include inline styles, or links to external style sheets and external images.

I have an idea for your plugin!

That’s great. I’m always open to user input, and I’d like to add anything I think will be useful to a lot of people. Visit the homepage for this plugin and leave a comment, and I’ll add the functionality as soon as I can.

I found a bug!

Oops. That’s sure awkward. If you find a problem with this plugin that you can reproduce, if you wouldn’t mind leaving a message on the homepage for this plugin with how you made it break, I’d really like to try and fix it! Also, this is incompatible with a couple plugins out there, specifically ones that change the default login url.

This plugin has helped me a lot, how can I support it?

I’ve had a few people ask me this. If you like it, please go to WordPress.org and rate it! Then more people can enjoy it. If you REALLY like it, you can always buy me a coffee. 🙂 There’s a donate link on my site.

You didn’t answer my question here

Sorry, I get a lot of questions. But visit the homepage for this plugin and leave me a comment. They go right to my inbox, and well I might not be able to for a few days, I promise I’ll get back to you.

Plugin deleted, still showing construction page on homepage

By jvwx (enfueggo) on April 18, 2023

Figured out my caching issue, though changing to 3 stars because it's still a frustrating UI. Why are <style> tags not allowed in the HTML view?

My goto under construction, always

By tkoc on January 28, 2021

No bells, no wistles, just straight forward. You can make whatever you want with this since the plugin let you add whatever code you wan't to display to eaarly visitors.

Just does it!

By Josh Fisher (mrjoshfisher) on January 16, 2020

Came across this plugin because I forgot to put a space in between 'under' and 'construction' never looked back, so easy, so simple just gets the job done!

Perfect for my use cases

By janbijster on September 26, 2018

Simple, does the job.

Good plugin

By certainlyakey on January 18, 2018

UI is a bit rough, but it does what it says.

use this on all my sites

By sreed27 on November 4, 2017

Works great. I love the simplicity and custom html input.

No funcionó

By gcordero on April 21, 2017

No funcionó bajo ningún parámetro. Tuve que deshabilitarlo.

I Use It On Every Site I Build - An Essential Bit Of Kit

By PhilGreg101 on April 8, 2017

This is a neat and highly useful little plugin that I install as standard with each WordPress Installation. It allows me to block the public ( and clients ) from seeing the site whilst it is being developed and enables me to play around with various designs in private without a 101 armchair critics blurting comments every 5 minutes. An essential and lightweight bit of kit.


By firzen13 on October 31, 2016

Sometimes I use this very fast.

Full of security holes

By birre on October 5, 2016

Hack is in the wild. Three sites were hacked, only thing in common was this plugin. Upon close programming inspection, it's filled with security holes. Last update was a band-aid. Do not use until security is up to par. Input sanitation and denying direct access.


  • Address XSS vulnerability on admin inputs.


  • Improve input sanitation.


  • Add support for 404 status code.
  • Address security vulnerabilies.


  • Address security vulnerability.


  • Fix PHP warnings and update WordPress version compatibility.


  • Add ipv6 support https://wordpress.org/support/topic/underconstruction-ipv6-support


  • Add capability check for options page. Requires publish_pages


  • Remove banner from dashboard


  • Minor options page update


  • Minor UI update to work nicely with WP 2.8
  • Added the ability to bundle an under-construction.php file with your theme and have the plugin use that


  • Fixes a bug where users couldn’t log in


  • Fixes a bug where users who aren’t admins wouldn’t be able to use the admin area of the site if the under construction plugin was enabled
  • Adds French translation (my thanks to David Thomas at studio de création sympathique)
  • Removed the screenshots from the downloadable bundle in order make the plugin install faster
  • Fixed a minor security issue where users with valid credentials could view a single page when logging in
  • Sorry for all the updates lately


  • Fixed an issue identified Charlie Eriksen. Listed as Secunia Advisory SA52881. Fixes a security issue that could possibly result in the plugin being inadvertently deactivated.
  • Fixes a typo on the options screen


  • Fixed an embarrassingly old bug caused by using the old plugin registration API. It would result in a “has_cap is deprecated…” warning. Sorry ’bout that folks.


  • Fixed a bug where a warning could get emitted causing errors to be printed to the screen


  • Added the ability to allow certain IP addresses to see the site
  • Added the ability to have a 301 redirect instead of having the “Coming Soon” page
  • Added the ability to restrict what level of user can log into the site (Thanks Gerry for the feature request!)


  • Fixed an issue where single quotes were being escaped on custom HTML pages. They will now be unquoted when printed to the screen


  • Made UC a bit more of a ‘good citizen’ in terms of storing its options. No options will be left behind when deleting the plugin now, and when deactivating, all options are compressed to one archive record. If reactivating the plugin, the options will be returned to how they were before deactivation.
  • Fixed a bug where the custom text fields might say “empty” by default
  • Ensured compatibility with 3.0-alpha
  • Added a warning message if javascript is disabled in the management screen.


  • Added the ability to switch on and off while keeping the plugin active
  • Added the ability to send different HTTP headers (503 or 200)
  • Added the ability to simply customize the default text, or display the default page
  • Tweaked the page slightly to be a little prettier


  • Fixed a bug where clearing the text wouldn’t cause it to revert to the default.


  • Fixed a bug where deactivation would trigger an error


  • First version
  1. Upload the folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. If you want to change the look of the page that is displayed, click Settings->Under Construction and change the settings there.


4.5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.22
  • Last updated: 7 months ago
  • Active installations: 50K
  • WordPress version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP version: false