

Bernhard Riedl
  • based on PHP timezones database (please read the FAQ for further information)
  • fully settings page configurable with GUI or manually
  • easy to integrate (ships with multi/sidebar- and dashboard-widget functionality)
  • display clock in WordPress Admin Bar
  • possible to integrate in “Right Now” box or to display as widget on the dashboard and on the user’s profile page
  • Calculator section in Tools-Menu with individual timezone-selection for every user
  • optional Ajax refresh with jQuery
  • fully compatible with https/SSL/TLS-sites
  • API for developers
  • fully multisite network compatible
  • clean uninstall

Plan your travels with the free JourneyCalculator which is based on TimeZoneCalculator.

Please find the version for WordPress

Plugin’s website: https://www.bernhard-riedl.com/projects/

Author’s website: https://www.bernhard-riedl.com/
Attention! – Geeks’ stuff ahead! 😉


With TimeZoneCalculator 2.00 and higher you can also realize a html select which displays for example the airtime of your internet radio station or your broadcasts in your users’ local time. Another possibility for the usage of the upcoming function is the integration of date, time and timezone information into your travelling blog.

Parameters can either be passed as an array or a URL query type string (e.g. “display=0&format=0”). Please note that WordPress parses all arguments as strings, thus booleans have to be 0 or 1 if used in query type strings whereas for arrays real booleans should be used. – Furthermore you have to break your timezones with \n : America/New_York;EST;EWT;New York, NY, US;New York, NY, US;0;0\nEurope/Vienna;;;sleep longer in winter;get up earlier to enjoy the sun;1;0 if you want to use different timezones in a query_string. In case you use an array, an array should also be used for the timezones.

function $timezonecalculator->output($params=array())


  • query_time: any unix timestamp (where -1262304000 <= query_time <= 2145916800) or any English textual datetime description in the range of 1930-01-01 and 2038-01-01 which can be parsed with PHP’s strtotime function; default is set to current UTC

  • query_timezone: origin-timezone of query_time; you can choose a PHP timezone_string; otherwise UTC will be used

  • before_list: default <ul>

  • after_list: default </ul>

  • format_timezone: default <li><abbr title="%name">%abbreviation</abbr>: <span title="%name">%datetime</span></li>

  • format_datetime: default Y-m-d H:i

  • timezones: alternative timezones-array – each array entry has to be a string as described in the Manual Selection Section of the Admin Menu; default is the timezones-entries array which can be modified in the Admin Menu

  • prefer_user_timezones: prefer user set timezones – if they exist – to global or function call timezones; default is false

  • user_id: determines which user’s timezones should be used; not set as default -> use the timezones of the user who is currently logged in

  • use_container: if set to true (default value), the current UTC is used as query_time and the same selected timezones and format is used as set in the admin menu, TimeZoneCalculator wraps the output in a html div with the class timezonecalculator-refreshable-output – the class timezonecalculator-output will be used for all other output; if you set use_container to false, no container div will be generated

  • display: if you want to return the timezone-information (e.g. for storing in a variable) instead of echoing it with this function-call, set this to false; default setting is true

  • format_container: This option can be used to format the div container with css. Please note, that it should only be used to provide individual formats in case the class-style itself cannot be changed.

  • no_refresh: If set to true, TimeZoneCalculator will not produce any Ajax-Refresh-code, even if you have enabled the Ajax refresh in the admin menu.

Example for including a world-clock in your post-template (usually single.php or post.php in wp-content/themes) using WordPress the_date() function:

Find something similar to




and replace it with

<?php $timezonecalculator->output(array('query_time' => the_date('U', '', '', false))); ?>

This outputs your selected timezones, whereas calculations are based on the timestamp of your post instead of using the current UTC.


How-to for shortcodes

General Example:

Enter the following text anywhere in a post or page to inform the clan when to meet up again:

let's meet tomorrow for a new challenge at:

[timezonecalculator_output query_time="tomorrow 8pm" query_timezone="Europe/Vienna" timezones="Europe/Vienna\nAsia/Bangkok"]

Available Shortcode:


Invokes $timezonecalculator->output($params). Please note that you have to use a query_string to select timezones which can be parsed into an associative array. – For example: America/New_York;EST;EWT;New York, NY, US;New York, NY, US;0;0\nEurope/Vienna;;;sleep longer in winter;get up earlier to enjoy the sun;1;0


How-To for filters

Available Filters:


In case you want to set the default parameters globally rather than handing them over on every function call, you can add the filter timezonecalculator_defaults in for example timezonecalculator.php or your own customization plugin (recommended).

Please note that parameters which you hand over to a function call ($timezonecalculator->output) will always override the defaults parameters, even if they have been set by a filter or in the admin menu.


Receives an array which is used for the dashboard-widget-function call to $timezonecalculator->output($params). display and use_container will automatically be set to true.


Receives an array which is used for the right-now-box-function call to $timezonecalculator->output($params). display and use_container will automatically be set to true.


Receives an array which is used for the world-clock-function call on the tools-page to $timezonecalculator->output($params). display, use_container and prefer_user_timezones will automatically be set to true.


Receives an array which is used for the user-profile-function call to $timezonecalculator->output($params). display, use_container and prefer_user_timezones will automatically be set to true.


Receives an array which is used for the admin-bar-clock-function call to $timezonecalculator->output($params). display will automatically be set to false and use_container to true. Moreover, the timezones will be set to Local_WordPress_Time. The filter timezonecalculator_admin_bar_clock_format_container will be used as default format for the clock.


Receives a string which represents the container style.


Position of the clock in the Admin Bar (see wp-includes/class-wp-admin-bar.php function add_menus). Default is 1000 which is the last position.


Receives an array which is used for the calculator-page function call to $timezonecalculator->output($params). display, use_container will automatically be set to true.


Receives a timezone-string which is used for the calculator-page.


Receives an array whereas each entry represents a date-format. The first date-format will be used as display-format in the textfield.


Receives a string which is used to determine whether to use 12 or 24-hour clock. In case this string contains a or A, the 12-hour clock will be preferred.

Installation Instructions

  1. Copy the timezonecalculator directory into your WordPress Plugins directory (usually wp-content/plugins). Hint: You can also conduct this step within your Admin Menu.

  2. In the WordPress Admin Menu go to the Plugins tab and activate the TimeZoneCalculator plugin.

  3. Navigate to the Settings/TimeZoneCalculator tab and customize the timezones according to your desires.

  4. If you have widget functionality just drag and drop TimeZoneCalculator on your widget area in the Appearance Menu. Add additional function and shortcode calls according to your desires.

  5. Be happy and celebrate! (and maybe you want to add a link to https://www.bernhard-riedl.com/projects/)

I get the error-message `Fatal error: Class ‘DateTimeZone’ not found in` [..]

TimeZoneCalculator uses the PHP timezones library. Thus, please make sure that you have a recent version of PHP including this library installed and enabled.

If any timezone information like offset, abbreviations, etc. appears to be wrong, please leave a message for the PHP guys on their board.

Why can’t I see the ‘Selection GUI’ section?

This section is based on JavaScript. Thus, you have to enable JavaScript in your browser (this is a default setting in modern browsers like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome). TimeZoneCalculator is still fully functional without JavaScript, but you need to customize your timezones manually. If you use a device with a smaller display (e.g. mobile phone), this section will also be hidden.


By chharish on September 3, 2016

Thank you for a great plugin.

I want the plugin to show user's computer defined time along with one or more other time zones that are setup in his wordpress, buddypress profile or as set by users in other-profile-supported-plugins like userpro or membershippro.

I also want to have multiple versions of the clock and their respective short codes. For example, I use one type of clock in the primary menu of the wordpress site and a different type of clock in another widget.
For another example, I want to show clocks based on pages the user visits (if user visits Indian news page, he should see Indian time, if user visits US news page, he should see US time, etc).


  • SSLified further links


  • replaced deprecated function calls to wp_get_current_user() and removed $user_ID-globals – thanks for the notification to highgatecreative


  • SSLified further links


  • changed the permission-denied message in uninstall.php core-trac #14530
  • removed support link
  • fixed some typos


  • adapted trigger of error-messages on settings-page to work with copy & paste
  • fixed a warning with clock in Admin Bar – thanks for the notification to bnizette
  • fixed some typos



  • small security improvements
  • implemented h1 on settings-page as follow-up to core-trac #31650


  • remember last used timezone in calculator
  • added support link
  • set 403 http-status code for unauthorized ajax-calls


  • marked calculator & settings-page semantically
  • enhanced uninstall procedure
  • set appropriate http-status codes for wp_die()-calls


  • made settings-page retina/hdpi-display ready
  • adapted settings-page to be fully touch-display enabled
  • renamed settings-page sections
  • moved vendor-code to separate directory
  • fixed small potential bug
  • cleaned-up code
  • implemented minor design changes
  • SSLified links
  • added assets/icons


  • implemented responsive web design on settings-page and calculator (thanks for feedback to Alfred Dahlmann, Veronika Grascher and Christian Heiling)
  • removed calls to screen_icon()
  • improved performance
  • extended length of format-parameters to provide space for example for mobile css-classes
  • fixed some bugs (thanks for patches to Robert Koch and Yasen Tenev)
  • removed filter timezonecalculator_available_admin_colors
  • cleaned-up code


  • changed settings-page to jQuery
  • improved usability
  • discontinued support for Prototype
  • updated jshashtable to 3.0
  • removed legacy-code -> minimum-version of WordPress necessary is now 3.3
  • renamed option include_wordpress_clock_admin_head to include_wordpress_clock_admin_bar
  • added caching for continent/timezone-select fields
  • removed option ajax_refresh_lib
  • removed deprecated function getTimeZonesTime()
  • applied PHP 5 constructor in widget
  • tested with PHP 5.4
  • removed PHP closing tag before EOF
  • removed reference sign on function calls
  • adapted plugin-links to the new structure of wordpress.org
  • cleaned-up code



  • extended length of format_timezone-string to 150 chars
  • adapted ‘Defaults’-string to use WordPress internal i18n
  • updated support section
  • updated project-information


  • changed handling of contextual help for WordPress 3.3
  • implemented WordPress 3.3 Admin Bar add_node() function
  • adapted handling of default settings
  • external files are now registered in init-hook


  • changed spin-url to also be delivered according to the site’s protocol


  • fixed a bug with Ajax-update functionality in a SSL-environment. Thanks to huyz who has mentioned this in the forum https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-generalstats-makes-https-call-to-admin-ajax-even-if-site-is-http
  • adapted Admin Header Clock to WordPress 3.2 Admin Menu


  • revised the security model (replaced option Allow anonymous Ajax Refresh Requests with All users can view timezones and added the option Capability to view timezones to define the capability of a certain user to access the timezones)
  • de-coupling of Ajax-refresh-functions and output of wp_localize_script (TimeZoneCalculator is now compatible with WP Minify)
  • small enhancements


  • adapted Admin Bar implementation to re-worked WordPress code


  • Changed default Ajax library to jQuery (Prototype is by default now only used for the settings and calculator pages)
  • added support of Admin Menu header clock for WordPress 3.1 Admin Bar
  • Code clean-up in the Ajax-refresh-files
  • Small bug-fixes and enhancements


  • added jQuery as alternative to Prototype for the Ajax refresh in the front-end


  • added $params['user_id'] as argument of $timezonecalculator->output() to make it possible for users to access the timezones of other users
  • the access to the user’s timezones-selection can be restricted
  • reworked and extended a few internal functions
  • corrected a few typos and fixed potential bugs


  • start Changelog
  • completely reworked API methods and internal structure
  • Security improvements (wp_nonce, capabilities)
  • reworked Admin Menu
  • extracted JavaScript-code
  • offer new function $timezonecalculator->output()
  • all timezones, that are not set to specific datetime are now Ajax refreshable
  • the timezone-name can now also be displayed if you opt-out from displaying the timezone-abbreviation
  • localized datetimes and timezones
  • added Admin Menu header clock
  • possible to add in “Right Now” box on dashboard
  • the calculator and a world-clock can be displayed in the tools-Menu.
  • users are now able to choose their own timezones
  • added log functionality
  • reworked handling of settings in the Admin Menu
  • deprecated old function GetTimeZoneTime()
  • added contextual help to settings menu
  • updated license to GPLv3
  1. Copy the timezonecalculator directory into your WordPress Plugins directory (usually wp-content/plugins). Hint: You can also conduct this step within your Admin Menu.

  2. In the WordPress Admin Menu go to the Plugins tab and activate the TimeZoneCalculator plugin.

  3. Navigate to the Settings/TimeZoneCalculator tab and customize the timezones according to your desires.

  4. If you have widget functionality just drag and drop TimeZoneCalculator on your widget area in the Appearance Menu. Add additional function and shortcode calls according to your desires.

  5. Be happy and celebrate! (and maybe you want to add a link to https://www.bernhard-riedl.com/projects/)


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.37
  • Last updated: 6 years ago
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress version: 3.8
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26
  • PHP version: 5.3