Table Block by Tableberg – Best WordPress Table Plugin
Table Block by Tableberg – Best WordPress Table Plugin

Table Block by Tableberg – Best WordPress Table Plugin


The “Table Block by Tableberg” plugin for WordPress simplifies creating and managing tables within the block editor. It features intuitive sub-blocks, allowing users to add and customize tables easily.
From pricing tables to product tables, you can build any type of tables using Tableberg. The plugin is designed for both novices and experienced users. It offers advanced functionalities like responsive controls, alignment adjustments, and cell merging, ensuring that tables look great on all devices without the need for coding skills.

It comes with the following easy-to-use sub-blocks:

  • Paragraph: Allows for simple text entries within a table cell.
  • List: Facilitates the addition of organized lists to enhance clarity.
  • Button: Enables the insertion of clickable buttons for calls to action.
  • Image: Supports adding images directly into the table cells.
  • Star Rating (Pro): Provides an option to include interactive star ratings.
  • Styled List (Pro): Offers lists with additional styling options.
  • Icon (Pro): Allows for the integration of icons to visually represent concepts or actions.
  • Ribbon (Pro): Adds decorative ribbons for highlighting special information.
  • Custom HTML (Pro): Enables the use of HTML for complex customizations.

And here are the key features of the Tableberg plugin:

  • Header Settings: Options to disable the header, designate the top row as header, or insert a new header.
  • Footer Settings: Similar to header settings, with options for the footer including disable, designate, or insert.
  • Table Width & Alignment: Adjust the overall table width and its alignment on the page.
  • Responsive Settings: Ensures the table adapts to different device screens (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile) for optimal display.
  • Color Customizations: Change colors for the header, footer, even and odd rows for better visual hierarchy.
  • Cell Padding & Cell Spacing: Customize the space within and between cells to improve readability.
  • Border Options: Set the table border size, color, and decide whether to include inner borders with customization.
  • Global Font Style: Control the font color, link color, and font size across the entire table.
  • Column Width & Row Height: Adjust the size of columns and rows to fit content or aesthetic preferences.
  • Customizations for Each Block: Detailed settings for each type of block inserted into the table.

Now let’s see some of the use cases of the Tableberg plugin:

  • Pricing Tables: Ideal for displaying different pricing tiers with clear comparisons of features and costs.
  • Comparison Tables: Compare products, services, or options side by side to aid decision-making.
  • Amazon Product Tables: Showcase Amazon products effectively, enhancing affiliate marketing efforts.
  • Pros & Cons Table: Clearly list the advantages and disadvantages of any item, helping readers make informed choices.
  • Team Members Table: Display team member information such as roles, bios, and contact info in an organized manner.
  • Schedule Tables: Perfect for laying out event schedules, class times, or appointment slots.
  • Restaurant Menu Tables: List menu items along with descriptions and prices in an attractive, easy-to-read format.
  • More: The plugin’s flexibility supports a wide range of other applications tailored to specific needs.

If you have any suggestions or have faced any issues, contact us here. You can also follow Tableberg on Twitter.

Surprisingly great: easy & powerful

By aislingora on August 27, 2024

I have tried just about every table plugin there is, and all of them make me sad in one way or another. Either something just isn't possible, or it's really really difficult to do. Some examples: At a table level I want every cell to respect my default paragraph style (which is custom) and let me set specific additional style overrides per cell. I want to control table padding and spacing, borders (where and how they appear, colours, weights), and background colours. I also want row-specific and cell-specific overrides for all of them, because I'm extremely picky and probably use tables in ways that they weren't intended.

Tableberg gives me all of these (and more) with minimal pain. Some complicated things took me some fiddling to figure out, but in the end I got there! Special shoutout to responsive layout previews: the feature I didn't know I needed. <3

The only thing I'm sad about is that I have to go back through the 50-odd pages I've already created using other plugins and swap out the old tables with new Tableberg ones. o_0

Easy and intuitively

By netsted on August 25, 2024

It actually works well since it´s easy to setup responsive tables, and the tables can easily be formatted on the fly if you need to change or adjust the look.

Nice customization

By kplummer67 on August 19, 2024

Very impressed with the customization options as this is the first table program I have tried that allows you to choose how thick the borders are between cells. Program also has several other options that make it easy to use.

Simple to use, powerful tool for tables

By 2fbooks on August 18, 2024

I'm very impressed with Tableberg. It has an easy to use, intuitive interface, that is a great add to the formatting tools for my sites.

Works well

By patrickwp359 on August 16, 2024

Makes creating tables quite easy and works well, as far as I can see. Good addition to the editor toolkit.

I wish it were more simple

By woodybrohm on August 16, 2024

This was highly recommended to me for setting up tables on Wordpress. It looks nice and can do a lot but it's like having a bulky swiss army knife with 22 things when all I really needed was a simple little blade to open a letter. I couldn't get it to do what I wanted and gave up. My fault, probably. Didn't have time to figure it out. Found another way to solve my problem. Wish it were more simple.

Version Gratuite vs Payante

By alainc91190 on August 15, 2024

Je viens de tester ce plugin rapidement.
Pour créer un tableau, c'est simple et intuitif. Beaucoup de possibilité de mise en page. Toutefois la version payante semble plus intéressante, pour mon usage, mais son prix me fait froid dans le dos : en promo 200$ (sites illimités, vie illimitée)

Good for Table layouts

By dennisnorman on August 15, 2024

A very good tool for table layouts

Great Plugin!!

By raphbode on August 15, 2024

We use this plug in for our agenda to announce the gigs in out small theater. The tables works great to put on the left side the pictures of the artist, in the middle the description and on the right the ticket button. Great options the get the right look and feel.

A really must have plugin!

Excellent plugin!

By jijoya on August 14, 2024

Table Block is a handy WordPress plugin that makes creating and customizing sleek looking tables a breeze. You can whip them up without any need for coding skills! Plus, you've got tons of customization options—choose from pre-made templates or build your own, and you can even drop in text, images, or buttons right into the cells.

I liked how Table Block automatically adjusts to look good on any device, including phones. No more fiddling with CSS to get your tables to look right on mobile! If you need more advanced features like star ratings or custom HTML, you'll need to upgrade to the premium version.

Some users have mentioned getting the hang of the more advanced options can be a bit of a learning curve and that the backend doesn't offer the smoothest user experience. Both true, but Table Block is still a top pick if you’re looking to jazz up your website with neat, responsive tables.


  • PRO: NEW: Added search option
  • PRO: NEW: Added sorting option
  • PRO: FIX: Column background problem
  • NEW: Added disable theme style option
  • FIX: Create paragraph block when creating cell
  • FIX: Adding header/footer caused empty cells


  • PRO: NEW: Empty Cell option
  • PRO: NEW: Added orientation option in cell
  • FIX: Set default image width 150px
  • FIX: Button hover color in the editor
  • IMPROVE: Added checked & close circle outline icons
  • PRO: IMPROVE: Added option for enabling/disabling star rating review text
  • FIX: Responsiveness in the frontend
  • PRO: FIX: Split styled list on enter key
  • PRO: FIX: Remove default background color when sticky row/col is enabled


  • FIX: Odd Even row incorrect style
  • FIX: Fixed width table in frontend
  • FIX: Inner Border Radius problem
  • FIX: Table Border Radius problem


  • FIX: A notice being shown about block registration if pro is not active.
  • FIX: Table border having problem when cell radius is set
  • FIX: Cell spacing in wrong axes
  • FIX: Even odd color getting swapped in frontend
  • FIX: Button text styling not getting rendered
  • PRO: FIX: Use iframe to display custom html
  • PRO: FIX: Make row/col only border work with no outside border
  • NEW: Table border radius control
  • NEW: Item spacing inside cells
  • NEW: Tableberg patterns
  • PRO: NEW: Added badge ribbon
  • PRO: NEW: Sort rows & columns by drag & drop
  • PRO: NEW: Individual Row/Col background
  • PRO: NEW: Individual Row/Col border with radius
  • IMPROVE: Control cell outside border
  • IMPROVE: Deactivate pro version when free version is deactivated
  • IMPROVE: Show Tableberg when searched for Row/Column in editor
  • PRO: IMPROVE: Added center position in badge ribbon
  • PRO: IMPROVE: Added rotation option in badge ribbon


  • NEW: Fixed width columns
  • PRO: NEW: Row-only/Column-only border option
  • PRO: NEW: Sticky row/column
  • PRO: NEW: Duplicate row and column
  • PRO: NEW: Individual cell background
  • PRO: IMPROVE: Change default star rating color
  • PRO: IMPROVE: Add font size changer for styled list item
  • FIX: Escape all strings that come from attributes
  • FIX: Issue with default border in frontend
  • FIX: Button font size in frontend


  • NEW: Added table alignment option for full screen
  • FIX: Tableberg breaks dashboard in lower PHP versions
  • FIX: Cell padding not working on frontend
  • IMPROVE: Reduce css variables


  • NEW: Add device type switching in responsive mode
  • PRO: NEW: New pro blocks: custom html, styled list, star rating, icon, ribbon
  • IMPROVE: Show table block controls in cell block (toolbar and sidebar)
  • IMPROVE: Split js bundles and reduce bundle sizes
  • IMPROVE: Exclude empty paragraphs when cells are merged
  • IMPROVE: Change toolbar button labels to differentiate
  • IMPROVE: Show block toolbar when creating table
  • FIX: An issue with even odd row color
  • FIX: An issue with cell background color in responsive mode
  • FIX: An issue where tableberg will not load on a fresh wordpress install
  • FIX: Move blocks to the proper cells on undo of cell merge
  • FIX: An issue where splitting rows on last column would break
  • FIX: Resetting values now work properly


  • NEW: Add padding controls to button block
  • IMPROVE: Change table border in responsive mode
  • IMPROVE: Add a button to responsive controls to convert top row to header
  • FIX: A problem with unsplitting at the end of a row


  • NEW: Add support for responsive table
  • NEW: Alignment control for cell child blocks
  • NEW: Add support for converting core table to tableberg
  • IMPROVE: (Image block) Preserve aspect ratio while resizing
  • IMPROVE: Display block appender when cell children are selected
  • IMPROVE: Shift+click multi selection update (behaves like MS Excel)
  • FIX: Wrong css placeholder in cell child blocks (e.g. list)
  • FIX: (Button block) Incorrect hover colors in editor
  • FIX: (Image block) Aspect ratio not preserved when resizing via handles
  • FIX: (Image block) Center alignment not working
  • FIX: (Image block) Images float when multiple consequent images
  • FIX: (Image block) URL not set in editmode
  • FIX: (Paragraph block) First and last margin issue


  • NEW: Split merged cells
  • IMPROVE: Change table header and footer controls
  • IMPROVE: Paragraph block placeholder text shortened
  • FIX: Use th tags in header and footer


  • FIX: Default value of column and row in blank table creator dialog
  • FIX: Row color problem


  • HOTFIX: Fixed the issue where plugin could not be activated.


  • NEW: Add cell spacing functionality.
  • IMPROVE: Row block removed. Cell blocks are added directly to tableberg table block.
  • IMPROVE: Multiple cells can be merged now.
  • FIX: Adding non-cell blocks to table block breaks the layout.


  • FIX: (Button Block) Fixed PHP errors on frontend.


  • NEW: Added plugin page with instructions, documentation, and support.
  • NEW: Added table block preview.
  • NEW: (Table Block) Added custom block logo.
  • NEW: (Table Block) Added block transform: transform core block into tableberg block.
  • NEW: (Table Block) Added table alignment control to toolbar.
  • NEW: (Table Block) Added global font style controls: Text Color, Link Color, Font Size.
  • NEW: (Button Block) Added gradient support.
  • IMPROVE: Decreased initial spacing
  • IMPROVE: Changed block name from “Tableberg Image” to “Image”.
  • FIX: (Table Block) Fixed an issue with table footer toggle.
  • FIX: (Table Block) Show block toolbar when add table placeholder dialog is shown.
  • FIX: (Table Block) Fixed an issue with adding a new row.
  • FIX: (Table Block) Fixed an issue with undoing adding a row.
  • FIX: (Table Block) Fixed an issue with undoing adding a column.
  • FIX: (Button Block) Fixed an issue with color.
  1. Upload the plugin zip file via the plugin page of WordPress by clicking \’Add New\’ and selecting the zip from your local computer.
  2. Activate the plugins through the Plugins menu in WordPress.


4.8 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.5.6
  • Last updated: 1 month ago
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress version: 6.1
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.0