


SyntaxHighlighter2 allows you to easily post syntax highlighted code all without loosing it’s formatting or making an manual changes.

It supports the following languages (the alias for use in the post is listed next to the name):

  • AS3 — as, as3
  • C++ — cpp, c, c++
  • C# — c#, c-sharp, csharp
  • ColdFusion – cf, coldfusion
  • CSS — css
  • Delphi — delphi, pascal
  • Diff/Patches — diff
  • Erlang — erlang
  • Groovy — groovy
  • Java — java
  • JavaFX — javafx
  • JavaScript — js, jscript, javascript
  • Perl — perl
  • PHP — php
  • Plain text — plain
  • PowerShell — powershell
  • Python — py, python
  • Ruby — rb, ruby, rails, ror
  • Scala — scala
  • SQL — sql
  • VB — vb,
  • XML/HTML — xml, html, xhtml, xslt

This plugin uses the SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript package by Alex Gorbatchev.

Other BBCode Methods

Find [sourcecode language='css']code here[/sourcecode] too long to type? Here’s some alternative examples:

  • [source language='css']code here[/source]
  • [code language='css']code here[/code]

  • [sourcecode lang='css']code here[/sourcecode]

  • [source lang='css']code here[/source]
  • [code lang='css']code here[/code]

  • [sourcecode='css']code here[/sourcecode]

  • [source='css']code here[/source]
  • [code='css']code here[/code]

PHP Version

PHP 5+

The BBCode in my post is being replaced with <pre>’s just fine, but I don’t see the syntax highlighting!

Make sure your theme’s footer has <?php wp_footer(); ?> somewhere in it, otherwise the JavaScript highlighting files won’t be loaded.

I still see the BBCode in my post. What gives?

Make sure you correctly use the BBCode with a valid language attribute. A malformed usage of it won’t result in replacement.

Is this plugin licensed under GPL?

Yes, like most plugins in the WordPress plugin directory, if not all. However the SyntaxHighligter javascript library is licensed under LGPLv3.

Can I hide the toolbar, ruler, etc?

Yes, you can give any of the options mentioned in
as option attribute. See example bellow.

[sourcecode language='css' option='toolbar: false;']code here[/sourcecode]

Version 2.1.2

  • Compatibility with WordPress 3.0

Version 2.1.1

  • Styling issue after upgrade
  • Theme Eclipse added

Version 2.1.0

  • Upgraded to SyntaxHighlighter 2.1.364

Version 2.0.6

  • Options are not always picked up properly

Version 2.0.5

  • Brush not found alert shown in admin section when there is code in user comment
  • If there is no space between ‘ and ] parser fails

Version 2.0.4

  • Allow for options. Hide the toolbar, ruler, etc.
  • Select whether to apply the code highlighting to user comments in ‘Settings’ -> ‘SyntaxHighlighter2’

Version 2.0.3

  • Added bash (shell, sh) and patch syntax

Version 2.0.2

  • Mention license in readme.txt

Version 2.0.1

  • GPL credits

Version 2.0.0

  • Added support for theming
  • Plugin options page to choose the theme
  • Added visibility to properties and methods

Version 1.1.1 (SyntaxHighlighter)

  • Encode single quotes so wptexturize() doesn’t transform them into fancy quotes and screw up code.

Version 1.1.0 (SyntaxHighlighter)

  • mdawaffe fixed an encoding issue relating to kses and users without the unfiltered_html capability. Mad props to mdawaffe.

Version 1.0.1 (SyntaxHighlighter)

  • Minor CSS fixes.
  • Filter text widgets to allow posting of code.

Version 1.0.0 (SyntaxHighlighter)

  • Initial release!

Updgrading From A Previous Version

To upgrade from a previous version of this plugin, delete the entire folder and files from the previous version of the plugin and then follow the installation instructions below.

Uploading The Plugin

Extract all files from the ZIP file, making sure to keep the file structure intact, and then upload it to /wp-content/plugins/.

This should result in the following file structure:

- wp-content
    - plugins
        - syntaxhighlighter2
            | readme.txt
            | screenshot-1.png
            | syntaxhighlighter2.php
            - files
                | clipboard.swf
                | shBrushCpp.js
                | shBrushCSharp.js
                | [...]
                | shCore.js
                | wrapping.png

See Also: “Installing Plugins” article on the WP Codex

Plugin Activation

Go to the admin area of your WordPress install and click on the “Plugins” menu. Click on “Activate” for the “SyntaxHighlighter” plugin.

Plugin Usage

Just wrap your code in [sourcecode language='css']code here[/sourcecode]. The language attribute is required! See the plugin’s description for a list of valid language attributes.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.1.2
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 30
  • WordPress version: 2.0
  • Tested up to: 3.0.0
  • PHP version: false