SummarAIze – Generate Key Takeaways with AI
SummarAIze – Generate Key Takeaways with AI

SummarAIze – Generate Key Takeaways with AI

James Wilson

SummarAIze leverages AI to instantly distill your posts into 5 essential takeaways, boosting reader engagement and making your content more digestible at a glance.

Whether you’re a blogger looking to highlight essential points, a marketer wanting to ensure your audience gets the most out of your content, or a news site aiming to provide quick summaries, SummarAIze enhances user engagement and retention by providing concise, easily digestible summaries.

Important Information

SummarAIze relies on the OpenAI API to generate key takeaways. This means that data from your site will be sent to OpenAI’s servers for processing, and results will be returned to your site. By using this plugin, you agree to OpenAI’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

API Endpoints Used

  •{thread_id}/messages: Used to manage messages within the AI assistant.
  •{thread_id}/runs: Used to manage execution runs for generating content.
  •{thread_id}/runs/{run_id}/submit_tool_outputs: Used to submit and manage tool outputs related to the assistant.
  • Used to retrieve available models for the assistant and verify the API key.


  • AI-Powered Content Summarization: Automatically generate top 5 key points from post content using AI.
  • Customizable Display Options: Display key points in various styles and positions to suit your theme.
  • Ordered or Unordered Lists: Choose between an ordered list (numbered) or an unordered list (bulleted) for displaying key points.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily manage and customize key points for each post or page.
  • Flexible API Integration: Integrate with your own OpenAI API key, allowing for control over usage and billing.
  • Assistant Configuration: Use the default Assistant ID or configure your own in the OpenAI Playground.
  • Enhance SEO and Readability: Improve your content’s SEO by providing search engines with structured summaries, and enhance readability for your audience.

Drag-and-Drop Feature

You can now easily reorder your points using the drag-and-drop functionality. Here’s how:

  1. Hover over the point you want to reorder.
  2. Click and hold the “menu” icon (represented by the three lines) to the left of the point.
  3. Drag the point to your desired position in the list.
  4. The new order is automatically updated and saved when you publish or update the post.

Empty points will be removed from the front-end display automatically, ensuring only meaningful points are shown to your users.

Shortcode Documentation

The Summaraize shortcode is used to display the top 5 key points for a post. You can customize the display with several attributes, such as the view mode, color, and button style.

Basic Shortcode Usage:


Available Attributes:

id (optional):
The post ID for which to display the key points. If not provided, the shortcode will use the current post’s ID.
Example: [summaraize id="123"]

view (optional):
Defines where the output should be positioned relative to the post content. Possible values are:
popup: Renders a popup button that displays the key points in a modal when clicked.
Default: above
Example: [summaraize view="popup"]

mode (optional):
Sets the display mode for light or dark theme. Possible values:
light: Light theme.
dark: Dark theme.
Default: light
Example: [summaraize mode="dark"]

title (optional):
Sets a custom title for the key points widget or popup. If no custom title is provided, the default “Key Takeaways” will be used.
Example: [summaraize title="Quick Summary"]

button_style (optional):
Defines the button style when using the popup view. Possible values: flat, rounded, etc.
Default: flat
Example: [summaraize view="popup" button_style="rounded"]

button_color (optional):
Sets the background color of the popup button. Use any valid hex color code.
Default: #0073aa
Example: [summaraize view="popup" button_color="#ff0000"]

list_type (optional):
Specifies how the key points list is displayed. Possible values:
ordered: Displays an ordered list (<ol>).
unordered: Displays an unordered list (<ul>).
Default: unordered
Example: [summaraize list_type="ordered"]

Example Usage:

Basic Usage (displays the key points above the content with default settings): [summaraize]

Customizing the Position and Style (displays the key points in a popup with a red button and rounded style): [summaraize view="popup" button_style="rounded" button_color="#ff0000"]

Using a Custom Title and Dark Mode: [summaraize mode="dark" title="Quick Summary"]

Displaying an Ordered List Below the Content: [summaraize view="below" list_type="ordered"]


  • WordPress 5.0 or higher
  • PHP 7.2 or higher
  • An active OpenAI API key (sign up at OpenAI)
  • Awareness of potential costs associated with using the OpenAI API

Important Note

The Assistant ID configures the behavior and responses of the SummarAIze assistant. Users must use their own OpenAI API key for authentication and billing.

Getting Started

After installation and activation:
1. Go to the SummarAIze settings page and enter your OpenAI API key.
2. Choose your preferred display options (position, style, list type, etc.).
3. Create or edit a post/page.
4. Use the SummarAIze button in the editor to generate key points.
5. Publish or update your content to see the summarized points on your site.


SummarAIze takes your privacy seriously. The plugin only sends the necessary content to OpenAI’s servers for generating key points. No personal data or sensitive information is transmitted. However, please be aware that the content you choose to summarize will be processed by OpenAI. We recommend reviewing OpenAI’s privacy policy for more details on their data handling practices.

Future Plans

We’re constantly working to improve SummarAIze. Some features we’re considering for future updates include:
– Integration with more AI providers

Stay tuned for these exciting updates!


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later.

How does SummarAIze generate key points?

SummarAIze uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze your post content and extract the top 5 key points. This process is managed through the OpenAI API, ensuring high-quality and relevant summaries.

Can I customize the display of the key points?

Yes! SummarAIze offers several customization options. You can choose to display key points above or below your content, switch between dark and light modes, choose between ordered and unordered lists, and even use a popup version with customizable buttons. Additionally, you can override the main settings per post or page by using the provided options.

What happens if I don’t provide an API key?

The plugin requires an OpenAI API key to function. Without it, the AI-driven features will not be available. Please ensure you have an active OpenAI account and understand the associated costs before using the plugin.

How secure is the data transmitted to OpenAI?

Data security is a priority. The plugin only transmits the necessary content to OpenAI’s servers to generate key points. No other information is shared. Please review OpenAI’s Privacy Policy for more details on how they handle data.

Are there any costs associated with using SummarAIze?

While the SummarAIze plugin itself is free, it relies on the OpenAI API, which is a paid service. The cost will depend on your usage and OpenAI’s current pricing model. We recommend reviewing OpenAI’s pricing details and monitoring your API usage to manage costs effectively.

How can I get support if I run into issues?

If you encounter any issues or have questions about using SummarAIze, you can get support through the WordPress support forums or by visiting the official website.


  • Fixed metabox data saving issue.
  • Improved UI for metabox inputs.
  • Minor bug fixes and optimizations.


  • Added drag-and-drop functionality to reorder points in the admin interface.
  • Enhanced the system to automatically remove empty points from the front-end display.
  • Improved meta box save functionality, ensuring data is only saved upon post publish/update.
  • Added frontend filtering to prevent empty list items from being displayed.
  • Cleaned up the JavaScript for smoother handling of point removal.
  • Adjusted sanitization logic for the sorted points to prevent potential security issues.


  • Added shortcode with attributes so that you could use it anywhere.
  • Improved detection of processed shortcodes and generated HTML to prevent duplication.
  • Added a more robust detection mechanism for Gutenberg blocks and shortcodes within the content.
  • Updated the logic for appending the shortcode automatically only when necessary.


  • Added advanced settings tab for customizing the Assistant’s prompt type, custom instructions, and AI model.
  • Implemented model selection dropdown with a default option set to gpt-4o-mini.
  • Improved UI with updated CSS for a more polished look.
  • Added a warning message in the advanced settings tab to inform users about the need to regenerate the Assistant after changing certain settings.
  • Improved AJAX auto-save functionality to handle empty values correctly.


  • Added option to display key points as ordered or unordered lists.
  • Improved handling of floating images with wrapped and cleared output.
  • Updated documentation and readme.


  • Updated readme file to include the details of the 3rd party services being used.


  • Changed from using a static Assistant to generating the Assistant via the API.


  • Initial release
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/summaraize directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to Settings->SummarAIze to configure the plugin.
  4. Enter your OpenAI API key. (If you don’t have one, sign up at OpenAI)
  5. Optionally, configure your Assistant ID in the OpenAI Playground.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.1.13
  • Last updated: 3 weeks ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.2