SrbTransLatin – Serbian Latinisation
SrbTransLatin – Serbian Latinisation

SrbTransLatin – Serbian Latinisation

Oblak Studio

SrbTransLatin: The BEST WordPress transliteration plugin

SrbTransLatin enables you to have both cyrillic and latin scripts on your website. Transliteration is done in-place automatically.

Features (v3+)

Transliteration features:

  • Website content is automatically transliterated into latin
  • Ajax calls are transliterated into latin (both JSON and HTML)
  • Your visitors can search cyrillic content using latin script
  • Selective transliteration via shortcodes – Force parts of your website to stay in cyrillic script, use custom transliteration (Gutenblocks coming soon)

Performance features

  • Cache plugin compatible – No reinventing the wheel. Works OOB with all the popular caching plugins.
  • SEO Friendly – no double content or SERP penalties!
  • Optimized autoloading – Plugin is PSR-12 compatible and loads the functionalities only when needed

File and Media features

  • Script specific files – You can have separate versions of images or other files for cyrillic and latin scripts
  • Filename transliteration – Cyrillic uploads are automatically converted to latin script

Script Selector features

  • Append the script selector to any menu of your choosing – Either as a dropdown, or inline
  • Selector widget – place it any sidebar you’d like
  • Custom function – Use stl_selector function anywhere in the code (but read the docs first)
  • Works everywhere – Plugin hooks into WordPress core transliterating your content inplace

MultiLanguage features

Tested with:

  • PolyLang
  • WPML
  • TranslatePress
  • qTranslateX


If you can’t find your anwsers in the FAQ below, documentation can be found here


Original version of this plugin was developer by Predrag Supurović.
Plugin development was handed over to Oblak Solutions in march 2020. Since then, we am the sole authors and maintainers of the plugin

Can I use your plugin to transliterate my latin content into cyrillic?

Short answer: No.

Long Answer: At the moment, no. Such conversions are very hard to do since HTML language is also written in latin script, and converting text only is very resource intensive process.

I’m currently working on a tool which will enable you to convert your latin content into cyrillic

How can I keep parts of content in cyrilic?

You can use [stl_cyr][/stl_cyr] shortcode. This will keep the shortcode text in cyrilic script, even when viewing latin version of the site.

Will this plugin transliterate my page title into latin as well?

Yes, it will.

Will this plugin enable my visitors to search for content using latin script

Yes it will. Plugin hooks into default WordPress search function and enables searching of cyrilic content using latin text on frontend

Is this plugin Compatible with WPML

Yes it is. It has no compatibility issues with WPML, since the transliteration core is being used only in serbian version of the website

Will I be able to select script for Serbian language in WPML language Widget?

Yes, Plugin fully integrates with all WPML functions on the frontend because it directly extends the available language list

I’m having search issues – not all posts show up when searching for them using latin characters

Open a support thread, or send me an e-mail.

Your plugin is converting my cyrilic filenames into latin which prevents them from loading

First – you shouldn’t be using cyrilic filenames in the first place. Due to the fact that most hosting providers do not have full UTF-8 support.

I’m working on a tool which will convert filenames and post / page content on your website, so the errors will be automagically fixed

Temporary fix: redownload all attachments with cyrilic filenames and reupload them. This plugin will do an on-the-fly conversion of filenames.

Will this plugin transliterate dynamic content (ajax)

Yes it will. Option was added in version 2.4

Some parts of my page aren’t being transliterated

Depending on the theme / plugins you’re currently using, some content might be generated via REST API (wp-json). I’m working on adding the functionality to transliterate REST calls

Feel free to contact me via e-mail, and I’ll see if I can assist you for your specific case.

radi sa DIVI temom

By xlr84xs on January 18, 2024

Radi sa Divi temom bez problema, uz pravilno podesavanje opcije

Pismo - Latinica


By filip111 on October 31, 2023

Bravo za plugin. Ne dozvolite da se ugasi

Doesn't support transliteration in WooCommerce

By seoenergy on January 5, 2023

Even though I have this plugin activated I had to transliterate every string with Loco translate. I am really disappointed. It used to work when the original author was maintaining the plugin.

Media Search in New Post doesn’t work with WP 5.8

By satirev on July 28, 2021

Plug-in works and I used it for a long time, but now after the update to WP Version 5.8 it causes conflict with the media search function in a new post. Please fix this bug. Thanks!

Opcije ne rade, sve slike su "broken"

By eevan79 on June 2, 2021

Prevod teksta radi. I to je sve. Ni jedna opcija (File and Media Settings) apsolutno nema nikakvog efekta. Svi linkovi ka slikama su pogrešni (i uvek forsira latinično preslovljavnje fajlova/slika, koja god opcija da je uključena). Izgleda da ni autor više ne održava ovaj plugin.

Serbia translation , perfect

By Bestcool Media (digi360) on April 30, 2021

Now i can support serbian clients. Great work, Hvala. Now i can help serbian business with a great website 🙏😄

Ne radi

By MSavic on February 26, 2021

Dok je uključen,ne vidi se strana ni u pretpregledu ni uživo.

Čestitam !

By jingjai60 on November 22, 2020

Great tool for developing multilingual pages. Svaka vam čast, HVALA VAM NAJLEPŠE ! NAGYON SZÉPEN KÖSZÖNÖM !

Sa novom verzijom 2.4 i uz autorov suport sve radi kako treba

By Misko Stanisic (miskostanisic) on November 15, 2020

ažurirano: Malo je potrajalo dok su se stvari rešile, ali sa novom verzijom 2.4 i uz autorovu ljubaznu pomoć sve je rešeno na dva sajta koja uredjujem, tako da sada imam i custom switcher za izbor latiničnog i ćiriličnog pisma. Odličan suport. Hvala!

Sjajno! Odlican plugin!

By nenadmiric on October 3, 2020

Plugin radi savrseno, odnosno bez i jedne greske! Autor nije covek, on je jedan CAR! Imao sam problem u implementaciji gde je plgin drugog autora trokirao, Sibin je uletio kao metak, oktlonio problem i nestao!


Complete plugin refactor

  1. Upload to plugins via WordPress admin panel, or upload unzipped folder to your plugins folder
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings->Latinisation to manage the options


4.6 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.2.0
  • Last updated: 9 months ago
  • Active installations: 2K
  • WordPress version: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5
  • PHP version: 7.4