Source Codes in Comments

Source Codes in Comments


Allow users to post source codes in comments using [code][/code] tag. No syntax highlight at the moment, it just replaces the special characters.


  • Replaces the special characters for the comment texts wrapped in [code][/code] tags
  • You can show a message after comment form to tell your visitor know they can post codes using [code][/code] tags

Plugin Info Page | Plugin Author

What is the output? Show me an example.

If you use [code]This is a <b>bold text</b>.[/code], the output will be <div class="cic_codes_div"><code >This is a &lt;b&gt;bold text&lt;/b&gt;</code></div>.

How do I style the source code DIV?

The DIV that contains the codes has CSS class "cic_codes_div". Style it in CSS.


  • Added str_replace to the stripslashes so that “plugin message” field works with double quotes


  • Added stripslashes to input area
  • Updated the link to plugin support


  • First version of Source Codes in Comments
  1. Download the plugin package
  2. Extract and upload the “source-codes-in-comments” folder to your-wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins/
  3. Activate the plugin and its ready
  4. Go to Admin Panel > Settings > Codes in Comments and customise it to suit your needs.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 2.8.4
  • PHP version: false