Smart Content Links

Smart Content Links


Why you need smart content links plugin?

Smart content links are a powerful tool for enhancing your website’s content and improving the user experience. By embedding links to related content within your articles and wordpress blog posts, you can provide valuable context, information, and resources to your readers without disrupting their flow or distracting them from your main message.

At their core, smart content links are designed to provide users with quick acc

smart content link

ess to additional information and resources that are relevant to the topic at hand. For example, if you’re writing an article about content marketing, you might include related smart links to other articles or resources about SEO, email marketing, or social media marketing. By doing so, you’re not only providing your readers with more information about the topic, but you’re also helping them discover other relevant content on your site.

But that’s not all smart content links can do. They can also help to improve your site’s SEO by providing search engines with more context about the content on your wordpress. By linking to other relevant content, you’re signaling to search engines that your site is a valuable resource for users who are interested in that particular topic. This can help to increase your site’s visibility in search results and drive more traffic to your site.

Overall,  smart content links are a powerful tool for improving the user experience on your site, providing valuable context and resources to your readers, and improving your site’s SEO. Whether you’re a wordpress blogger, content marketer, or website owner, smart content links are a must-have tool for enhancing your wordpress content and growing your audience.

How smart content links plugin works?

It is very easy to use smear content links plugin:

1: download wordpress smart content links plugin or purchase a license from wordpress tooltip shop

2: upload smart content link plugin into your wordpress site and activate it in plugins panel

3: activate wordpress smart content link plugin, it looks like this:

smart content link settings panel

4: At first, you will find in Item settings panel, you can can dynamically add links and link properties, such as link name, URL address, margin, padding, you can select the color of the link from the color picker.

5: Once you added a link, you can click “Add New” button to add a new link and link properties, if you do not want a link, just click the gray “remove” button to remove the link

6: After insert / edit / delete all links, you can click the green “Save Settings” button to save all changes of links

7:In front end, we will display all links in the information bar,  you can custom the information bar settings, for example, change the smart content link information bar width,  select background color from the wordpress standard color picker, decide add the links at the head of a wordpress post or add links at the bottom of the wordpress post.

8: After setting the “information bar settings”, please remember to click the blue “Save Settings” button

Then in the front end, it looks like this:

smart content link

Also you can find smart content link demo at wordpress tooltips feature page


Follow wordpress security standard to use check_admin_referer and wp_nonce_field to enhance security of codes


A better UI for users of smart content link


Initial Release.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Last updated: 7 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 3.8
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP version: false