


Put widgets into tabbed interface in sidebar.


  • Multiple instances;
  • The layout of each instance can be defined as horizontal or vertical;
  • Layout of tabs > horizontal instance: fixed without icons, fixed with icons, scrollable without icons and scrollable with icons;
  • Possibility to select the corners of the tabs between 18 options generated by jQuery Corner plugin;
  • Definition of font weight, font size and font family of tabs for the instances vertical and horizontal without icons.
  • Right-to-left language support. Special thanks to Ardeshir Partovi that helped me as a beta tester of plugin in RTL;

All the information you need about this plugin can be found in Plugin Homepage.


Just upload the .mo file in the sidebartabs/langs folder. WordPress will automatically load the language file from this directory, where “locale” is the value you defined in your wp-config.php file in the root of your WordPress installation.

Belorussian [be_BY]

German [de_DE]

Russian [ru_RU]


  • If the upgrade is not performed by the automatic procedure of WordPress, deactivate the plugin and replace the files.
  • Go to “Settings > sidebarTabs”, click in “sidebarTabs Options” to adjust the values and save it.

How do I use it?

  • Drag the widgets that compose the sidebarTabs to the area of Inactive Widgets under “Design > Widgets”, settings and save.
  • Go to “Settings > sidebarTabs” and settings the standard arguments (args Default button) according to the needs of your theme.
  • Click in “sidebarTabs Options” to adjust the colors of your tabs.
  • Create tabs by clicking in the button “Create New sidebarTabs”.
  • Now, sidebarTabs can be used as regular widgets under “Design > Widgets”.

How do I use it without icons in the tabs?

  • Just select one of the layouts “Fixed without icons” or “Scrollable without icons” in “Option sidebarTabs” and set the height of the tabs with value 26 (suggested) or other value at its criterion.

How do I use it with icons in the tabs?

  • First, select one of layouts “Fixed with icons” or “Scrollable with icons” in “sidebarTabs Options” and set height and the width of icons. If you want to use the icons provided with plugin, set height equal to 32 and the width equal to 39.
  • Otherwise, create your own icons following model of icons supplied with the plugin and upload it to the subfolder “icons”.
  • Now, edit or add tabs in “Create New sidebarTabs” and select the corresponding icon for each one.


  • Right-to-left language support. Special thanks to Ardeshir Partovi that helped me as a beta tester of plugin in RTL. The scrollable layout does not work properly in RTL;
  • Translation for language Persian (Farsi) fa-IR, done by Ardeshir Partovi. Included in this version;
  • Changed the CSS class “accordion” to “sb_accordion” in vertical layout to avoid conflicts with themes and plugins that use this class.


  • Fixed bug in IE 7: generated when the option “Remember last opened tabs” is not checked.


  • Added option “Layout of horizontal tabs” in the instance of the plugin;
  • Added option to remember the last open tab (cookies);
  • Added option to set the expiration time for cookies.

For more details on the changes in this version go to page Plugin sidebarTabs 3.0.


  • Created the Option: Check “Yes” if you uses jQuery UI library in the blog (Avoid conflict with the jQuery Tools library, used by sidebarTabs plugin, since both have the tabs function);
  • In “Create New sidebarTab” was added the title of widget (if exists) in the dropdown where you select which widget should be associated with the tab;
  • Small adjustments in the plugin interface.


  • Created the option “Default arguments before and after widget of your theme”: Some themes, without the use of defaults arguments before and after widget, break the sidebar layout. Others don’t work correctly with them. So I created this option and leave the choice up to each one. An excellent explanation this issue is the comment (#69) made by Clifton in page of plugin;
  • Created the option “Align horizontal tabs on the left”.


  • Added the option “Display in sidebar” in the instance of the plugin;
  • Implemented new uses of the plugin. See further details and an example;
  • Added in the parameter “Background of vertical tabs” in “sidebarTabs Options” the option “Normal”;
  • Added the parameter “Background of horizontal tabs” in “sidebarTabs Options” with values “gradient” and “normal”;
  • Added a field in the “sidebarTabs Options” to include the margin (CSS) of the instances of plugin.


  • Fixed bug concerning the parameter “Exclude Title” of the plugin instance;
  • Fixed bug of stylesheets for Default theme;
  • Fixed bug in display order of tabs – parameter “Orders sidebarTabs”. Now the tabs are displayed in exactly order specified in this parameter.


  • Fixed problem of permission denied what occurred with some users of plugin;
  • Now, the field “Unregister Widget” existing in the creation of sidebarTabs work according to the desired one. This means you can have the widgets of the sidebar included in an instance of the plugin, besides those who are in the Inactive Widgets area. Of course, since the checkbox is checked to ensure that the widgets are not displayed again. Only the sidebar widgets to be below the instances of the plugin;
  • Added the possibility to select the effect of vertical instances: default, fade and slide;
  • In principle, this version is compatible with WPMU. Requires test;
  • Other minor adjustments.


  • Fixed bug where two vertical instances are created and only one worked correctly. Error indicated by Harold in the comments of plugin homepage, thanks;
  • Fixed bug in the CSS file (styleSidebar.php): font-weight of tabs;
  • Created an option to customize the background of vertical tabs: standard and in accordance with the definition of colors the tabs (preview).


  • Including the possibility of creating multiple instances;
  • Display the instances in horizontal and vertical layout;
  • Selection of the corners the tabs between 18 options using the jQuery Corner plugin;
  • Parameterization of font the tabs: weight, size and family.


Fixed bug in the css stylesheet file of plugin – position of arrows in layout “Scrollable without icons”. Sorry for inconvenience.


Introduced the possibility to choice of display layout of plugin interface. Now, you can choose the layout among of the four options below:

  1. Fixed tabs without icons,
  2. Fixed tabs with icons,
  3. Scrollable tabs without icons,
  4. Scrollable tabs with icons.


  • Introduced possibility of use icons in the tabs instead name. For further details see Faq item.


  • Small corrections in the file translation for the Portuguese of Brazil.
  • Fixed errors in the css stylesheet of plugin. Examples: the text color in the panes and the li:before instruction used in some themes.
  • Fixed bug in the preview of the tabs active, inactive and mouse over in the “sidebarTabs Options”.
  • Included the option “Text color in the panes”. See “sidebarTabs Options”.


  • Fixed bug in loading jQuery Tools library


  • Introduced the use of scrollable tabs;
  • Changes in the plugin interface.
  • Included files (po/mo) translation to Portuguese of Brazil.


  • Initial release.

Go to WordPress admin panel, and use the “Add new” option under Plugins Menu. Click on the “upload” item, choose the “sidebarTabs” zip file you downloaded and click on the “install now” button.

All you need to do after that is navigate to your blog’s administration panel, go in the plugins section and enable sidebarTabs.

For more information, see the “Installing Plugins” article on the WordPress Codex.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.1
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress version: 2.8
  • Tested up to: 3.0.5
  • PHP version: false