Show Visitor IP Address

Show Visitor IP Address

show-visitor-ip-address used to show visitor ip address in single post only or as widget, every visitor can only saw his/her ip address and they could click on their ip address.

If the ip address is clicked, they will be redirected to and will be showed where do they come from and which isp owned the ip address.

New Feature: Now its Widget Ready, choose between show at single post or as widget.

Basic Usage

Just activate it from Plugin Management, it’s ready to use.

To configure go to “Settings -> Show Visitor IP Address”

About Author

Irfan Ardiansah


= 0.2 =
* Now it could choose different Text Format (Bold, Italic, Normal)
* Fixing Installation tutorial
* Widget Ready


  • Making an IP Address reader
  • Adding domaintools as IP Address checker
  • Adding simple option page to configure text to show
  • Read text from option
  • Make it unique by adding gd to plugin, gd mean gadjah
  • Show it only on single post at the last line
  • Make configuration form user friendly
  • Use CSS Wrap to make it preety
  • Link will be opened at new tab

To Do:

  • Choosing where to put the text
  • IP Address as image using GD Library
  • Choosing whether showed as image based or text based
  • Add Country based on IP Address
  • Choosing where to open the link (New Window, New Tab or Same Tab)
  1. Unzip (it got 1 folder and 4 file inside)

    • show-visitor-ip-address
      • gd-user-ip.php
      • form.php
      • conf.php
      • readme.txt
  2. Upload gd-user-ip folder to your WordPress plugins directory,
    its usually “wp-content/plugin/”

  3. Activate the plugin using Plugins Management menu in WordPress

  4. Go to “Settings -> Show Visitor IP Address” to configure

* To change text, change “Text To Use:”
* To change text format, change “Text Format:” to “Bold, Italic or Normal”
* To change it to widget version, change “Position:” to “As Widget”


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.2
  • Last updated: 16 years ago
  • Active installations: 20
  • WordPress version: 2.3.3
  • Tested up to: 2.5.1
  • PHP version: false