Show Post Shortcode

Show Post Shortcode

Niraj Shah

This simple shortcode plugin allows you to list posts as a bulleted list linking to the full article. You can limit
the list to posts from a specific category and you can select the number of posts to show. The order and
orderby options lets you sort the list too.

Usage is simple. Create a page or post and use the code [showposts category="2" num="4"] – this will show
all 4 posts from category 2. Another example [showposts category="1" num="-1" orderby="date" order="DESC"]
shows all the posts from category 1 ordered by the date (newest post first).

By default, only 5 posts are shown (unless you use the num option) and sorting in by date (oldest to newest).


You can see two examples of the code working at the following links:



The shortcode is [showposts]

You can use the following parameters to customize what is displayed (all are optional):

[showposts category="2" num="4" order="DESC" orderby="date"]

Set order to one of the following:

  • author – Sort by the numeric author IDs.
  • category – Sort by the numeric category IDs.
  • content – Sort by content.
  • date – Sort by creation date.
  • ID – Sort by numeric post ID.
  • menu_order – Sort by the menu order. Only useful with pages.
  • mime_type – Sort by MIME type. Only useful with attachments.
  • modified – Sort by last modified date.
  • name – Sort by stub.
  • parent – Sort by parent ID.
  • password – Sort by password.
  • rand – Randomly sort results.
  • status – Sort by status.
  • title – Sort by title.
  • type – Sort by type.

    orderby can be one the following:

  • DESC

  • ASC
  1. Upload show-posts-shortcode.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place [showposts category="2" num="4"] in your post or pages


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.1
  • Last updated: 3 months ago
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP version: false