sCategory Permalink

sCategory Permalink

Dmytro Shteflyuk

Permalink option of WordPress %category% has one great limitation –
when this option is selected, WordPress uses category with lowest ID for
permalink generation. This plugin is intented to bypass WordPress permalinks
limitation and allows you to select category for permalink generation.


If you have any suggestions, found a bug, or just wanted to say “thank
you”,– feel free to email me [email protected].
Promise, I will answer every email I received.

If you want to contribute your code, see the Development section under
the Other Notes tab.


Sources of this plugin are available both in SVN and Git:

Feel free to check them out, make your changes and send me patches.
Promise, I will apply every patch (of course, if they add a value to the
product). Email for patches, suggestions, or bug reports:
[email protected].

Every page on my site respond with 404 error

Go to Options/Permalinks page in Site Admin and click Save Changes to
re-generate permalinks.

First category is used for permalinks instead of selected

Check the permalinks structure you used (Options/Permalinks). You should
use %scategory% instead of %category%.

I love this plugin. How to do a favor to the author?

Just vote for this plugin on
And thank you!

0.6.2 (July 30, 2009)

  • Nothing really changed. Just to force WordPress to update version.

0.6.1 (July 30, 2009)

  • Fixed blank page when post edit page requested.
  • Fixed “Primary” link appear on all sub-categories, when category selected.

0.6.0 (July 30, 2009)

  • Client side script completely rewritten. New visual look and better
    usability (thanks to Nikolay Kolev).

0.5.0 (July 28, 2009)

  • Fixed problem with Subscribe2 plugin (thanks to Paul Wagorn).
  • Performance improvement (update meta tags only once per save).

0.4.0 (July 21, 2009)

  • Fixed not-found bug when /%year%/%scategory%/%posttitle% permalink used.
  • Fixed not-found bug when paged comments enabled (/comment-page-N).
  • JavaScript rewritten using jQuery library.

0.3.0 (April 4, 2008)

  • Fixed bug when pages was not found in WordPress 2.5.

v0.2.2 (May 20, 2007)

  • Sometimes radio buttons was not displayed (thanks to Vince Caughley and Sam Keen).
  1. Download and unpack plugin files to the wp-content/plugins/scategory-permalink
  2. Enable sCategory Permalink plugin on your Plugins page in
    Site Admin.
  3. Go to the Options/Permalinks page in Site Admin and use %scategory%
    option in Custom text field (you can look here
    for other options). For example you could use /%scategory%/%postname%/.
  4. When you move your mouse over category in Categories box the
    Primary link will appear on the right. Click it to set the category
    which will be used to generate permalinks. It will be highlighted
    with bold.


  1. Download and unpack plugin files to the wp-content/plugins/scategory-permalink
  2. Go to the Options/Permalinks page in Site Admin and click Save Changes
    to re-generate permalinks.
  3. When you move your mouse over category in Categories box the
    Primary link will appear on the right. Click it to set the category
    which will be used to generate permalinks. It will be highlighted
    with bold.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.6.2
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress version: 2.7.0
  • Tested up to: 2.8.2
  • PHP version: false