Restrict Usernames
Restrict Usernames

Restrict Usernames

Scott Reilly

This plugin allows you to restrict the usernames that new users may use when registering for your site.

If open registration is enabled for your site (via Settings -> General -> Membership (“Anyone can register”)), WordPress allows visitors to register for an account on your blog. By default, any username they choose is allowed so long as it isn’t an already existing account and it doesn’t include invalid (i.e. non-alphanumeric) characters.

Possible reasons for wanting to restrict certain usernames:

  • Prevent usernames that contain foul, offensive, or otherwise undesired words
  • Prevent squatting on usernames that you may want to use in the future (but don’t want to actually create the account for just yet) (essentially placing a hold on the username)
  • Prevent official-sounding usernames from being used (i.e. help, support, pr, info, sales)
  • Prevent official username syntax from being used (i.e. if all of your administrators use a prefix to identify themselves, you don’t want a visitor to use that prefix)
  • Prevent spaces from being used in a username (which WordPress allows by default)
  • Require that a username starts with, ends with, or contain one of a set of substrings (i.e. “support_”, “admin_”)
  • Require a minimum number of characters for usernames
  • Limit usernames to a maximum number of characters

When attempting to register with a restricted username, the visitor will be given an error notice that says:
ERROR: This username is invalid. Please enter a valid username.

NOTE: This plugin does not put any restrictions on usernames that the admin chooses for users when creating user accounts from within the WordPress admin. This only restricts the names that users choose themselves when registering for your site.

SPECIAL NOTE: Many membership plugins implement their own user registration handling that often bypasses checks (and hooks) performed by WordPress. As such, it is unlikely that the plugin is compatible with them without special plugin-specific amendments.

Compatible with Multisite and BuddyPress as well.

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage


The plugin exposes one filter for hooking. Typically, customizations utilizing this hook would be put into your active theme’s functions.php file, or used by another plugin.

c2c_restrict_usernames-validate (filter)

The ‘c2c_restrict_usernames-validate’ hook allows you to add your own customized checks for the username being registered. You can add additional restrictions or override the assessment performed by the plugin.


  • $valid (boolean): The assessment by the plugin about the validity of the username based on settings. True means username can be used.
  • $username (string): The username being registered.
  • $settings (array): The plugin’s settings.


 * Add custom checks on usernames.
 * Specifically, prevent use of usernames ending in numbers.
 * @param bool   $valid    True if the username is valid, false if not.
 * @param string $username The username.
 * @param array  $options  Plugin options.
function my_restrict_usernames_check( $valid, $username, $options ) {
    // Only do additional checking if the plugin has already performed its
    // checks and deemed the username valid.
    if ( $valid ) {
        // Don't allow usernames to end in numbers.
        if ( preg_match( '/[0-9]+$/', $username ) ) {
            $valid = false;
    return $valid;
add_filter( 'c2c_restrict_usernames-validate', 'my_restrict_usernames_check', 10, 3 );

Installation Instructions

  1. Whether installing or updating, whether this plugin or any other, it is always advisable to back-up your data before starting
  2. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or download and unzip inside the plugins directory for your site (typically wp-content/plugins/)
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress. In Multisite, Network Activate the plugin.
  4. Go to the ‘Users’ -> ‘Name Restrictions’ admin settings page (which you can also get to via the ‘Settings’ link next to the plugin on the ‘Manage Plugins’ page) and specify username restrictions. On a Multisite install, go to ‘My Sites’ -> ‘Network Admin’ -> ‘Users’ -> ‘Name Restrictions’.

So if I restrict a username from being registered, does that mean that username can’t be used at all?

No. The plugin only prevents the usernames visitors can use when registering for an account. An admin that has user creation privileges can still create a user account, from within the admin, using any otherwise valid username. Username restrictions don’t apply to admins.

Does this plugin provide any default username restrictions?


If I specify restricted usernames and a required username substring, must all criteria be matched by potential usernames?


What if I define username restrictions that some existing user accounts would violate?

Nothing happens to those accounts. The plugin does not do anything with existing accounts. Existing usernames are not checked against any username restriction rules; that only happens for accounts being newly registered on the front-end.

Does the plugin inform users about restrictions when they are about to register for the site?

No. A future version will likely add a way for you to optionallly specify a message to be displayed to those registering for a user account.

Does the plugin indicate what specific restriction was violated for a failed registration?

No. A generic “ERROR: This username is invalid. Please choose another.” is reported.

Does this work with the membership plugin I have running on my site?

Most likely not. Many membership plugins implement their own user registration handling that often bypasses checks (and hooks) performed by WordPress. As such, it is unlikely that the plugin is compatible with them without special plugin-specific amendments.

Is this Multisite compatible?


Is this BuddyPress compatible?

Yes, for at least BuddyPress 1.2+ through 2.6+, and perhaps other versions.

Does this plugin include unit tests?



By lijonghui on March 11, 2023

Elementor 表单注册用户名无效

Good, Simple Plugin

By dhurlburtusa on June 30, 2019

This plugin is working as advertised. It has some powerful features but it would be nice if it also supported a full regular expression syntax with a negation option. I assume the author didn't want to over complicate the plugin, however. Note: Some of the reviews complain that the plugin's test tool doesn't work. At first I started to experience a similar problem. Then I realized that the minimum length I had set was the reason. So, it was actually working exactly as configured. Also, you must save your changes before testing. The test only runs against the saved changes. That is, you cannot update the configuration form and then run the test with expected results without saving first.

great plugin

By jisung55 on January 30, 2019

it works perfectly. great

Good plugin for BuddyPress site

By Airat Halitov🔥 (airathalitov) on February 9, 2018

Plugin is very useful. Looking forward to updates of plugin.

Does not work

By SingingDwarf on November 15, 2016

e.g. set Min Length = 6, Max Length = 8, Required username substring = ^Plot A valid username according to this ruleset would be 'Plot 8A' - however this fails the inbuilt validation test. It transpires that the plugin prevents username from being created with a space - despite the option to prevent usernames from being created with a space being unchecked.

Doesn't Work With Profile Builder Pro

By briar21 on September 3, 2016

I needed a way to stop users from choosing a username with spaces in it. I am using Profile Builder Pro to create a custom registration page. While this plugin appears to work in the backend using the test feature, in practice it does not. The author of the plugin has not answered any questions in the support forum for a long time, so I'm wondering if the plugin is abandoned.

Now I'm on the hunt for another solution to stop registrations with spaces in the usernames.

What i needed!

By elektroinside on February 7, 2017

Does what is says! Thank you!

3.7 (2018-06-19)


  • This release fixes a few bugs (notably one preventing username restrictions from working well for BuddyPress and Multisite) and makes numerous behind-the-scenes changes.


  • Fix: Correct inverted conditional logic that prevented restrictions from being enforced for BuddyPress and Multisite
  • Fix: Make restricted usernames and partial usernames case insensitive for comparisons
  • Fix: Make username testing input field responsive
  • Change: Update plugin framework to 048
    • 048:
    • When resetting options, delete the option rather than setting it with default values
    • Prevent double “Settings reset” admin notice upon settings reset
    • 047:
    • Don’t save default setting values to database on install
    • Change “Cheatin’, huh?” error messages to “Something went wrong.”, consistent with WP core
    • Note compatibility through WP 4.9+
    • Drop compatibility with version of WP older than 4.7
    • 046:
    • Fix reset_options() to reference instance variable $options
    • Note compatibility through WP 4.7+
    • Update copyright date (2017)
    • 045:
    • Ensure reset_options() resets values saved in the database
    • 044:
    • Add reset_caches() to clear caches and memoized data. Use it in reset_options() and verify_config().
    • Add verify_options() with logic extracted from verify_config() for initializing default option attributes.
    • Add add_option() to add a new option to the plugin’s configuration.
    • Add filter ‘sanitized_option_names’ to allow modifying the list of whitelisted option names.
    • Change: Refactor get_option_names().
    • 043:
    • Disregard invalid lines supplied as part of hash option value.
  • New: Add
  • Change: Store setting name in constant
  • Change: Make untranslated strings translatable
  • Change: Unit tests:
    • Add tests for bp_members_validate_user_signup()
    • Improve test initialization
    • Improve tests for settings handling
    • Default WP_TESTS_DIR to /tmp/wordpress-tests-lib rather than erroring out if not defined via environment variable
    • Enable more error output for unit tests
  • Change: Minor code reformatting (spacing)
  • Change: Add GitHub link to readme
  • Change: Note compatibility through WP 4.9+
  • Change: Drop compatibility with versions of WP older than 4.7
  • Change: Rename readme.txt section from ‘Filters’ to ‘Hooks’
  • Change: Modify formatting of hook name in readme to prevent being uppercased when shown in the Plugin Directory
  • Change: Update copyright date (2018)
  • Change: Update installation instruction to prefer built-in installer over .zip file

3.6 (2016-05-03)


  • This release largely consists of minor behind-the-scenes changes.


  • Change: Update plugin framework to 042:
    • Change class name to c2c_RestrictUsernames_Plugin_042 to be plugin-specific.
    • Set textdomain using a string instead of a variable.
    • Don’t load textdomain from file.
    • Change admin page header from ‘h2’ to ‘h1’ tag.
    • Add c2c_plugin_version().
    • Formatting improvements to inline docs.
  • Change: Add support for language packs:
    • Set textdomain using a string instead of a variable.
    • Remove .pot file and /lang subdirectory.
  • Change: Amend description for max_length setting to indicate WP already enforces a max length of 60, which the plugin cannot increase.
  • New: Hook ‘illegal_user_logins’ filter to add in usernames explicitly prohibited by the plugin.
  • New: Add special note and FAQ item to readme indicating the likely lack of compatibility with membership plugins that have custom registration handling.
  • Change: Declare class as final.
  • Change: Explicitly declare methods in unit tests as public or protected.
  • Change: Minor code reformatting.
  • Change: Minor improvements to inline docs and test docs.
  • Change: Prevent web invocation of unit test bootstrap.php.
  • New: Add LICENSE file.
  • New: Create empty index.php to prevent files from being listed if web server has enabled directory listings.
  • Change: Note compatibility through WP 4.5+.
  • Change: Remove support for versions of WordPress older than 4.1.
  • Change: Update copyright date (2016).

3.5.1 (2015-04-16)

  • Bugfix: compatibility fix for versions of WP older than 4.1; $error->remove() was introduced in 4.1

3.5 (2015-02-20)

  • Fix error message handling to override misleading default WP registration error message
  • Update plugin framework to 039
  • Add more unit tests
  • Explicitly declare activation() and uninstall() static
  • Reformat plugin header
  • Change documentation links to to be https
  • Minor documentation spacing changes throughout
  • Note compatibility through WP 4.1+
  • Update copyright date (2015)
  • Add plugin icon
  • Add Russian translation. props Kolya Korobochkin
  • Regenerate .pot

3.4.1 (2014-01-15)

  • Bugfix to prevent plugin from causing admin error/notice messages to appear twice

3.4 (2014-01-14)

  • Fix to display settings page update messages and username test tool results
  • Add setting to optionally enforce minimum length for usernames
  • Add setting to optionally enforce maximum length for usernames
  • Improve display of username test tool results:
    • Display as list
    • Color-code results as green or red
    • Make ‘valid’ and ‘invalid’ translatable
  • Add is_buddypress() to determine if BuddyPress’s user validation checks are being used
  • Move descriptive text from top of settings page into Help panel under new ‘About’ tab
  • Add unit tests
  • Update plugin framework to 037
  • Better singleton implementation:
    • Add get_instance() static method for returning/creating singleton instance
    • Make static variable ‘instance’ private
    • Make constructor protected
    • Make class final
    • Additional related changes in plugin framework (protected constructor, erroring __clone() and __wakeup())
  • Add checks to prevent execution of code if file is directly accessed
  • Use explicit path for require_once()
  • Discontinue use of PHP4-style constructor
  • Discontinue use of explicit pass-by-reference for objects
  • Minor documentation improvements
  • Minor code reformatting (spacing, bracing)
  • Note compatibility through WP 3.8+
  • Drop compatibility with version of WP older than 3.6
  • Update copyright date (2014)
  • Regenerate .pot
  • Change donate link
  • Update screenshot
  • Add banner


  • Fix bug with partial username restriction
  • Add setting page tool for testing multiple usernames for validity
  • Add filter c2c_restrict_usernames-validate to allow adding custom restrictions
  • Add contextual help ‘Advanced’ tab to explain new filter
  • Add Filters section to readme
  • Use square bracket notation for string character index reference
  • Regenerate .pot
  • Re-license as GPLv2 or later (from X11)
  • Add ‘License’ and ‘License URI’ header tags to readme.txt and plugin file
  • Note compatibility through WP 3.5+
  • Update copyright date (2013)
  • Remove ending PHP close tag
  • Create repo’s assets directory
  • Move screenshot into repo’s assets directory


  • Add support for Multisite
  • Update plugin framework to 034
  • Remove support for ‘c2c_restrict_usernames’ global
  • Note compatibility through WP 3.3+
  • Drop compatibility with versions of WP older than 3.1
  • Change parent constructor invocation
  • Create ‘lang’ subdirectory and move .pot file into it
  • Regenerate .pot
  • Add ‘Domain Path’ directive to top of main plugin file
  • Add link to plugin directory page to readme.txt
  • Tweak installation instructions in readme.txt
  • Update screenshots for WP 3.3
  • Update copyright date (2012)


  • Add support for BuddyPress
  • Add bp_members_validate_user_signup()
  • Fix to properly register activation and uninstall hooks
  • Update plugin framework to 023
  • Save a static version of itself in class variable $instance
  • Deprecate use of global variable $c2c_restrict_usernames to store instance
  • Add __construct(), activation()
  • Note deprecation of ‘c2c_restrict_usernames’ global
  • Note compatibility through WP 3.2+
  • Drop support for versions of WP older than 3.0
  • Add more FAQ questions
  • Minor code formatting changes (spacing)
  • Fix plugin homepage and author links in description in readme.txt


  • Update plugin framework to version 021
  • Explicitly declare all class functions public
  • Delete plugin options upon uninstallation
  • Note compatibility through WP 3.1+
  • Update copyright date (2011)


  • Re-implementation by extending C2C_Plugin_016, which among other things adds support for:
    • Reset of options to default values
    • Better sanitization of input values
    • Offload of core/basic functionality to generic plugin framework
    • Additional hooks for various stages/places of plugin operation
    • Easier localization support
  • Full localization support
  • Fix to display custom error message rather than the incorrect WordPress default validation error message
  • Store plugin instance in global variable, $c2c_restrict_usernames, to allow for external manipulation
  • Rename class from ‘RestrictUsernames’ to ‘c2c_RestrictUsernames’
  • Remove docs from top of plugin file (all that and more are in readme.txt)
  • Note compatibility with WP 2.9+, 3.0+
  • Drop compatibility with versions of WP older than 2.8
  • Add PHPDoc documentation
  • Minor tweaks to code formatting (spacing)
  • Add Upgrade Notice section to readme.txt
  • Remove trailing whitespace
  • Update screenshot
  • Update .pot file


  • Fix to add accidentally omitted get_option_names()


  • Add option to disallow use of spaces in usernames
  • Add option to allow requirement of any of numerous substrings as part of usernames (including start with and end with requirements)
  • Add reset button to reset options
  • Move initialization of config array out of constructor and into new function load_config()
  • Create init() to handle calling load_textdomain() and load_config() (textdomain must be loaded before initializing config)
  • Return immediately if username being check is already invalid
  • Use strpos() instead of stristr()
  • Changed invocation of plugin’s install function to action hooked in constructor rather than in global space
  • Extract settings saving code into maybe_save_options()
  • Extract settings display code into display_option()
  • Update object’s option buffer after saving changed submitted by user
  • Add support for localization
  • Add .pot file
  • Add PHPDoc documentation
  • Note compatibility with WP 2.9+
  • Drop compatibility with versions of WP older than 2.8
  • Update documentation
  • Update copyright date


  • Added ‘Settings’ link to plugin’s plugin listing entry
  • Used plugins_url() instead of hardcoded path
  • Noted compatibility with WP2.8+
  • Minor code formatting tweaks


  • Initial release
  1. Whether installing or updating, whether this plugin or any other, it is always advisable to back-up your data before starting
  2. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or download and unzip inside the plugins directory for your site (typically wp-content/plugins/)
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress. In Multisite, Network Activate the plugin.
  4. Go to the ‘Users’ -> ‘Name Restrictions’ admin settings page (which you can also get to via the ‘Settings’ link next to the plugin on the ‘Manage Plugins’ page) and specify username restrictions. On a Multisite install, go to ‘My Sites’ -> ‘Network Admin’ -> ‘Users’ -> ‘Name Restrictions’.


3.6 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.7
  • Last updated: 6 years ago
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26
  • PHP version: false