dor is a module wich acts as a content filter. It searches for pre-defined
regular expressions and replaces matches with pre-defined replacements.

It is possible to specify different replacements based on several
“replacement restrictions” — for authenticated users and guests,
for pages and non-pages currently (see “Screenshots”).

For example, you can implement the functionality of cross-linker module, while
adding the possibility to insert “target” parameter, “rel=nofollow”, style
information, etc.

As another example, you can insert in your posts custom smiles or the like.

As another example, you can add custom markup to you blog, like
Google(something) would insert link to,
TouTube(youtube_id) will insert <object ...>, wich displays that video,
etc-etc. See “Other notes” for more examples.

You can replace http links with some other stuff for guests, leaving as is for
authenticated users (see

Every entry can have custom “order” number, so you can chain your replacements. stores entries in database.

Management GUI provided to list entries, add, edit or delete entries.

See changelog for some changes tracking.

A brief examples

  1. As a search field, use ‘_—‘ (space in place of _!),
    as a replace — ‘#160;—‘. This will insert non-breaking space
    before every em-dash.

    Mmm… You may wish even use ‘<span
    ‘ as a replase to insert
    narrower non-breaking space… If you love typography too much… And you
    can make space after dot wider…

  2. Search for ‘:-)‘ and replace with:

    <img src=""' .
    'alt=":-)" title=":-) (nice smile --"' .
    'style="vertical-align: middle;" />

  3. Search pattern: YouTube\(([a-zA-Z_0-9\-]*)\)

    Replace pattern:

    <object width="425" height="344" data="\1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
    <param name="movie" value="\1"></param>

    This will allow you to use markups like YouTube(TMCf7SNUb-Q) to insert
    Youtube video fragments easily.

  4. How to Mass Remove Link (mass deactivate URL Linked text inside posts)?

    Search pattern: <a [^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>

    Replace pattern: \1

    This will “deactivate” all links in all posts
    (e.g. replace <a href="...">Try!</a> with just Try!).
    Note, you can activate them back, deactivating this entry.

  5. Want to insert drop caps easily?.. Use ‘<drop>L</drop>orem ipsum...‘ in your
    posts and replace it with <span class="dropcap">\1</span>‘. Use angle brackets,
    and if you (accidentally) deactivate, these “tags” won’t mess you page.

  6. New — in v0.1.3 — [beta-] feature: you can specify different replace patterns
    for authenticated users and “guests”. Sorry, i’ll update screenshots and doc
    ASAP. 🙂

How to deinstall this plugin?

Deactivate it and drop the database (the best way is via phpMyAdmin plugin).
And remove options 're_place_%'.

Sorry, no deinstaller yet.

Best search and replace plug-in period!

By redsoulwarrior on September 3, 2016

We're working with a javascript that automatically looks-up an entry in a database if a <span> with a certain class has been placed around a word. Since you don't want to type <span class="abc">entry</span>, we wanted to instead do it with these brackets: {entry}.

We created a regular expression to perform the look-up. Other plug-ins would

a) replace the contents of the post in the database
-> this is not the desired behavior as "<span>"s sometimes get "eaten" by the visual editor

b) work for posts, but not for pages

c) work for posts, also for pages, but not inside shortcodes
-> our theme uses shortcodes for a variety of things, so we needed them.

d) completely break the site

___ was the ONLY plug-in out of the 5 we tested that didn't check any of the above and that ALWAYS worked exactly the way we wanted it to. I highly recommend it!

  1. Unzip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Define your search/replacements via mgmt interface
  4. Use your patterns in your posts or pages


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.2.1
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress version: 2.0.2
  • Tested up to: 2.8.3
  • PHP version: false