random post list

random post list

To add random list of submitted posts and one random link with customized link string.


To put previous posts list randomly, you shuould just add below string at the place where you want to place it.

<?php rpl_random_lists(); ?>

And if you want to customize the list, youcan use 5 options

<?php rpl_random_lists(num_limit,exclude,date_limit,echo,list); ?>

num_limit : default value is “5”
set the maximum number to show in output list.
exclude : default value is “”
set the post ID which you never want to show in output list.
date_limit : default value is “”
set date limit. posts which is later than this date limit never be shown in output list.
the date will be evaluate by strtotime function, so available format for this option is same as strtotime function.
echo : default value is true
If set this value as true then function returns result as output as html, and set as false then function returns result as string.
list : default value is true
If set this value as true then function returns result as list style using ul and li tag,
and set this value as false then function returns result as string devided by \n.

To put one random link with customized title like “feeling lucky!”, you shuould just add below string at the place where you want to place it.

<?php rpl_feelinig_lucky(); ?>

And if you want to customize the list, youcan use 3 options

<?php rpl_feelinig_lucky(text,exclude,date_limit,echo); ?>

text : default value is “feeling lucky!”
set text string to show as hyperlink string.
for example in case of default the output is like this feeling lucky!.
exclude : default value is “”
set the post ID which you never want to show in output list.
date_limit : default value is “”
set date limit. posts which is later than this date limit never be shown in output list.
the date will be evaluate by strtotime function, so available format for this option is same as strtotime function.
echo : default value is true
If set this value as true then function returns result as output as html, and set as false then function returns result as string.


The plug in provides the following CSS classes:

* ul.random-post-link: for rpl_random_lists function (if list is activated)
* li.random-post-link: for rpl_random_lists function (if list is activated)
* a.random-post-link: for rpl_feelinig_lucky function


Suggestion, fixes, rants, congratulations, gifts et al to help[at]seunze.com

  1. Upload random-post-list folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.2
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.0
  • Tested up to: 2.7.1
  • PHP version: false