Quick Multilingual
Quick Multilingual

Quick Multilingual

Pieter Bos

Quick Multilingual is a WordPress plugin designed to offer a streamlined, user-friendly solution for creating bilingual websites with the flexibility to expand into multilingual sites in the future. This Lite version is tailored for smaller websites with up to two languages and a maximum of four pages, making it perfect for businesses and individuals who need a straightforward setup. The plugin automatically adjusts the HTML lang attribute and adding hreflang tags for better SEO and user experience.


  • Adjust HTML Lang Attribute: Dynamically set the lang attribute in the HTML tag based on the current language.
  • Custom Hreflang Tags: Define custom hreflang codes for primary and secondary languages.
  • Language Folder Redirection: Redirect the parent language folder to the secondary language homepage.
  • Mapping: map up to 4 pages of the primary language to their translation in the secondary language.
  • Easy Configuration: User-friendly settings page for managing language settings and redirections.
  • Settings Link: Convenient link to the plugin settings from the main Plugins page.


  1. Add Pages: Create your website pages in the primary language as usual. For the secondary language, create a language “folder” page and add child pages underneath for each translated page.
  2. General Settings: Navigate to the Settings page and configure the HTML language attributes (there is a link included to look those up) for your primary and secondary languages. Define the language “folder” page and specify the number of pages your website will have (up to four in the Lite version).
  3. Map Translations: Use the Translation Mapping tab to link each secondary language page to its corresponding primary language page. Important: make sure to set the homepage as first mapped page.
  4. Finalise with Navigation: Add the main navigation menu with the primary language pages and the secondary language “folder” under which you can add the translated (child) pages. The plugin handles all the necessary technical details, ensuring your multilingual site functions smoothly with the correct language tags and redirections.
How do I determine the correct HTML lang attribute and hreflang code for my languages?

You can find the appropriate HTML lang attributes and hreflang codes for most languages here.

What if my secondary language homepage is not listed?

Ensure the page is published and not in draft mode. Refresh the settings page to update the list of pages.

Can I use this plugin with any WordPress theme?

Yes, this plugin is designed to work with most themes, but menu handling is not included. You may need to customise your theme if it has specific requirements for multilingual navigation.

With a settings page comes additional entries in the database; what happens on uninstall?

Great question!
Indeed the Quick Multilingual plugin writes its settings to the database. The included uninstall.php file removes all the plugin-related entries from the database once you remove the plugin via the WordPress Plugins page (not on deactivation).

I have an issue with this plugin, where can I get support?

Please open an issue on Github

Amazing how the plugin worked perfectly!!!

By lobotheone on September 26, 2024

Amazing how the plugin worked perfectly!!! it save me lots of headaches and hours of work!


  • September 26, 2024
  • Make HTML lang attribute output more robust


  • September 26, 2024
  • Plugin approved by WP Plugins Review Team
  • Update readme files with screenshots


  • Change the namespace from hlh_ to so_qmp_
  • Improve sanitisation and escaping throughout the plugin
  • Properly enqueue scripts and styles
  • Internationalise all user-facing strings, including those in JavaScript
  • Update the uninstall.php file for better security and precision
  • Ensure proper handling of external links


  • Resolve three errors (checking existence, unslashing, and sanitizing) that came up after running code through Plugin Check (PCP) plugin, which is requirement for release on WP Plugins Directory


  • fix typos


  • Add uninstall.php file to remove all registered settings from wp_options table upon plugin deletion.


  • Adjusted custom hreflang code options for both primary and secondary languages.
  • Add option to set the secondary language “folder”, the page that functions as the placeholder for the translations.
  • Add option to have user select the number of pages that need mapping (up to 4).
  • Adjust Page Translations UI to exclude the the secondary language folder from both primary and secondary language drop downs.


  • Added custom hreflang code options for both primary and secondary languages.
  • Fixed HTML lang attribute output based on the selected language.
  • Included a settings link on the main Plugins page.
  • Removed navigation menu handling as it is managed through custom theme code.


  • Improved hreflang tag generation to reflect proper language codes.
  • Added redirection from parent language page to secondary language homepage.


  • Initial release with basic functionality for setting HTML lang attribute and hreflang tags.
  1. Upload the quick-multilingual folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Read “Configuration” in readme file.
  4. Go to Settings > Quick Multilingual to configure the plugin.


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.5.5
  • Last updated: 1 week ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.0