Quick Adsense
Quick Adsense

Quick Adsense

Namith Jawahar

Quick Adsense is an Ads management WordPress plugin. It offers a quicker & flexible way to insert Adsense or any Ads code into a blog post. Besides, it can randomly place the Ads anywhere within a post. It comes with a simple setting page, and it does not overwhelm you with complicated customizable options.

In general, placing Adsense randomly within a post is a good way to experiment a variety of ads formats & placements besides optimizing your Adsense. If you have many regular visitors who frequently revisit your blog, the randomization will likely catch their attention.

Here are some features that come with this plugin:

  1. Absolutely NO author revenue reward or revenue sharing from your Adsense or that kind of features.
  2. Default Ads positioning: Assign Ads to the beginning of post, assign Ads to the middle of post, assign Ads to the end of post, assign Ads after ‘more’ tag, assign Ads before last paragraph, assign Ads after certain paragraphs (3 options available) & assign Ads after certain images.
  3. Flexible Ads placement, insert Ads specifically or randomly anywhere within a post.
  4. Simple configuration interface, requires no coding knowledge: Just copy and paste AdSense code, tick & select options, the plugin will then do the rest for you.
  5. Support any Ads code, not limited to Adsense code only.
  6. Display up to a maximum of 10 Ads on a page. Google allows publishers to place up to 3 Adsense for Content on a page. If you are using other Ads, you may display up to 10 Ads.
  7. Support up to a maximum of 10 Ads codes on Sidebar Widgets.
  8. Support up to a maximum of 10 Ads codes for specific placement & randomization within a post.
  9. Geotargeting : Limit Ads to Specific Countries.
  10. Device Targeting : Limit Ads to Specific Devices.
  11. Visitor Targeting : Limit Ads to Specific types / sources of Visitors.
  12. Ad Stats : Quick and easy way to judge your Ad performance.
  13. Insert Ads on-the-fly, simply insert <!–Ads1–>, <!–Ads2–> … , <!–RndAds–> to a post to accomplish this.
  14. Disable Ads on-the-fly, simply insert <!–NoAds–>, <!–OffDef–>, <!–OffWidget–>, <!–OffBegin–> … and more to a post to accomplish this.
  15. The above Tags can be inserted into a post easily via the additional Quicktag Buttons added to the HTML Edit Post SubPanel.

Sign up for a Google Adsense Account to generate revenue from your blog, if you don’t have one.

Installation | Screen Shots | Plugin Homepage

Privacy Policy

Users privacy is very important to us and we make extra effort not to collect data about the users to the maximum extend possible.
However to provide enhanced functionality we utilize the APIs from different third party services as listed below and the usage of those API are in accordance with their privacy policies.

Please feedback to http://quickadsense.com/ for any bug you might have found, or any suggestion you like to add.

Great plugin!

By readysite on June 30, 2023

Great plugin, I've been using it for years. I recommend!

Ads Not showing

By akhtarjii on June 6, 2022

this plugin stopped showing ads on few my sites. i dont understand whats going on. will you help to solve the problem? i would like to rate 5 star, but problem is greater than.

The Quick Adsense plugin is amazing

By lenterak (lenterk) on May 25, 2022

Excellent plugin for adsense ads and other codes. I've been using it for a long time.

The plugin is fine BUT

By eichlig on February 20, 2021

The very only reason I'm giving you 1 star is due to your absolutely trashy landing page. I really wanted to pay the premium -- seriously, I'm grateful for how great your free version is -- but your landing is so worthless that I can't get the info I need. I'm sure many other people feel the same way; that page is harmful to your image. Do something about that.

Not working with latest version

By Ypanesa on December 22, 2020

I installed Quick Adsense on all my websites since the very beginning. Unfortunately it does not work anymore since a very long time.

Wydaje się dobra

By Danishsard on October 28, 2020

Prosta wtyczka, bez nadmiaru opcji. Działa wszystko co powinno. Fajnie jak by była rozwijana do integracje z bbpress itp.

Such a PITA every time I update it

By dushonok on June 26, 2019

Every time I update it, the settings get reset :( Also, the ad codes disappear :( :( Such a PITA! Moving away from them

Stop removing the codes

By Twinky9 on October 27, 2018

This is terrible man!

Doubts about the ownership of this plugin and too frequent bad updates

By Bliss7 on May 2, 2018

Only 1 star now. I still have doubts about this plugin's legitimacy. I take security VERY seriously and I find it very odd that the developer mysteriously returns to update the plugin after YEARS of no updates and still being very QUIET about it and did not reply my question. In fact my thread asking whether he was the real developer was deleted. Now the latest issue is that the Ad Widgets mysteriously disappear after your updates now. Which is VERY odd, when the plugin was not updated so often in the past. Now, the updates are triggering the Widgets to disappear quietly, and need to be added back in again! And now, my Adsense that was previously responsive, are no longer responsive. I just found out today after digging. No wonder my CTR dropped a lot in the past 2 months! Like others here say - STOP THE BULLSHIT UPDATES!

Works Great for me now

By jrw422 on April 16, 2018

I saw some bashing of this plugin and figured I would give my 2 cents. I installed it and it worked GREAT! Then I decided to do some tweaking and I found a glitch. I reported it in the forum and I guess it was
    within 24hrs the BUG was fixed!
Folks, don't get you drawers in a pinch and fly off the handle when something immediately does not go your way. This is NOT a fast food joint, you always can't have instant satisfaction and like Burger King says "have it your way" These people work hard to give a good product most of the time its FREE!


  • Vi Integration Removed
  • Plugin Ownership Change
  • Bring plugin opto date with latest WordPress


  • GDPR consent management module added
  • Updated Privacy policy


  • Bug fixes
  • 3 option fields have been removed
  • The API limiter added
  • QuickTag issues have been fixed


  • Updated ads.txt modification logic
  • UI fixes


  • Fixed functionality issues


  • Optimized UI
  • Brought plugin uptodate with latest wordpress standards
  • Removed all legacy code
  • Legacy Tinymce API replaced with current API
  • Legacy Widget API replaced with current API


  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug which caused a JS error in specific use cases.
  • Date: 19-December-2017


  • The number of individual database calls has been reduced from 80 to just 1, also almost all of the legacy code has been altered and code base re-structured to be better understandable.
  • Info update.
  • Date: 14-September-2017


  • Info update.
  • Date: 29-August-2017


  • Update the depreciated wp code function for AdsWidget in the plugin.
  • New Feature – Enable user to insert Ads after Image’s outer div wp-caption & not just right below the image.
  • New Feature – Enable user to insert Ads before the last paragraph of the post.
  • New Feature – Option to disable ads at particular positions, such as Beginning, Middle & End of post, ads on Sidebar, ads after ‘more’ tag and ads before last paragraph.
  • Date: 8-May-2013


  • Bug Fix – Fix the Quicktag Buttons display error on the HTML Edit Post SubPanel.
  • Bug Fix – Fix the conflict with Jetpack by WordPress.com & some other plugins.
  • Info update.
  • Date: 11-January-2013


  • New functionality added – Hide Ads when user is logged in to WordPress, giving you option to exclude ads view by you from the total ads impression.
  • Date: 12-June-2011


  • Bug Fix – Fix the Quicktag Buttons display error on the HTML Edit Post SubPanel, make it compatible with WP 3.1 onward.
  • Date: 31-Mar-2011


  • Bug Fix – Remove the ads from Feed, Ads shouldn’t be there in the first place.
  • Date: 16-Jan-2011


  • New functionality – Default Ads positioning: Assign Ads right after the <!–more–> tag.
  • Date: 03-Dec-2010


  • New functionality – Default Ads positioning: Assign Ads to Middle of post.
  • Date: 22-Nov-2010


  • Text correction: Change the words “must be identical” to “must not be identical”.
  • New functionality – Default Ads positioning after certain paragraphs, make it up to the total of three.
  • Also, option to display ads at End of Post if the above function is selected & fewer paragraphs are found.
  • Date: 20-Nov-2010


  • Fix the error message problem when the plugin is first activated. Error message: “The plugin generated ‘n’ characters of unexpected output during activation …”
  • Date: 13-Aug-2010


  • Fix for the problem on Setting page stop loading & the disappearing of “Save Setting” button in some cases.
  • Fix the AdsWidget div tag’s class name. Now you can use CSS to style the AdsWidget.
  • Extend the number of AdsWidget (Sidebar Ads) from 3 to 10, as requested by users. Now, AdsWidgets are automatically appear in Appearance->Widgets page only when the code is available.
  • Remove the <!–OffAds–> option as this function doesn’t work well in certain theme. However, if you are using this function in previous version, you can continue to use it.
  • Minor code modifications.
  • Date: 10-Apr-2010


  • v1.5 has been tested up to WP2.9, update the compatible version notice.
  • Date: 04-Jan-2010


  • New functionality – Default Ads positioning: Assign Ads after certain paragraphs & assign Ads after certain images.
  • You can now disable AdsWidget (Sidebar Ads) on Homepage.
  • Insert a <!–OffDef–> to temporary disable the default positioned Ads, so that you can insert the specific Ads or Random ad tags in the post.
  • Google allows publishers to place up to 3 Adsense for Content on a page. If you are using other Ads, you may now display up to 10 Ads.
  • Minor bug fix & code modifications.
  • Date: 09-Dec-2009


  • Fix for plugin user Roles. Now, only Administrator is allowed to read & modified the plugin.
  • Quicktag Buttons for Ads1-Ads10 are now automatically shown only when the Ads codes are available. You will have the option to hide the RndAds, NoAds & OffAds Quicktag Buttons.
  • Minor code modification on the AdsWidget portions.
  • Update plugin screenshots & add a Paypal donation button.
  • Date: 14-Nov-2009


  • Code modification: Option to place all possible Ads on Homepage, Categories, Archives and Tags page. Previously, only one Ads (the one assigned to the Beginning of Post) is displayed.
  • Code update to take advantage of some WP functions for options page, also for forward compatibility in future version.
  • Code update to make it compatible with WordPressMU, tested on WordPressMU 2.7.1
  • Some minor page & wording modification.
  • Date: 13-Oct-2009


  • Re-fix the frist time default options loading value.
  • Date: 03-Oct-2009


  • Minor fix for the removal of <p></p> tag wrapped around Ads code.
  • Default options value will now load when the frist time plugin is activated, not every time during plugin reactivation.
  • Change the clearing DIV height at the end of post from 1px to 0px to hide this transparent line.
  • Date: 02-Oct-2009


  • Initial public release.
  • Date: 21-Sep-2009
  1. Unzip the downloaded plugin and upload the folder “quick-adsense” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Go to the plugin menu in WordPress and activate the plugin.
  3. Go to the “Settings->Quick Adsense” page and configure the options. Paste the Ads codes to the respective text box.
  4. Optionally, insert the trigger Tags into a post via the additional Quicktag Buttons added to the HTML Edit Post SubPanel.


3.9 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.8.7
  • Last updated: 2 years ago
  • Active installations: 40K
  • WordPress version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.0.9
  • PHP version: false