Query Posts

Query Posts

Justin Tadlock

The Query Posts widget was written to allow users that don’t know their way around PHP to easily show posts in any way they’d like. It’s like having a cool WordPress developer as a friend ready to do your bidding. Seriously.

The widget has over 40 options to choose from. You can list posts by category, tag, custom taxonomies, author, date, time, name, or anything you can imagine. You can choose to show the full content, excerpts, or even a simple list. You can order the posts in all sorts of ways. Oh, and you can even show pages.

This is the widget that keeps users out of the code and gives them the ability to display items on their site how they want.

Installation Instructions

  1. Upload query-posts to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets and place the Query Posts widget where you want.

More detailed instructions are included in the plugin’s readme.html file.

Why was this plugin created?

End users sometimes want to do complicated things but don’t nave the technical know-how of seasoned developers. This creates a massive barrier between users that can have really cool sites and those that have to use what their theme developer gave them.

This plugin is about removing that barrier.

How do I set it up?

There’s not a lot of work you have to do. Just add the widget to your theme’s widget area(s). If anything, you’ll probably be overwhelmed by the myriad of options. I’ve included a handy guide on what each option means with supplemental reading material. Just check out the readme.html included with the plugin download.

Mostly works, but uses deprecated calls & not compatible with PHP7, abandoned

By Marty (bozzmedia) on April 13, 2018

This can get the job done in a pinch, but the plugin is not updated or supported any longer and has the above mentioned issues. Best to look for a more up to date plugin to fill this job.

Version 0.3.2

  • Clean up of debug notices.
  • Only show thumbnail settings if theme supports post thumbnails or the get_the_image() function is present.
  • Apply widget title filters to the widget title.
  • Better escaping of widget settings form elements.

Version 0.3.1

  • Fix post types so individual IDs work.
  • Fix enable_widget_title for some instances where it didn’t work.
  • Fix post_class issue for the instances where it didn’t work.
  • Make sure correct image size is used.
  • Only use post_mime_type when it’s set.
  • Use tag instead of tag_slug__in for the post tag taxonomy.

Version 0.3

  • Completely redesigned the entire widget to just work better.
  • Important! Users will likely have to reset any instances of the Query Posts widget in use.

Version 0.2.1

  • Fixed the checkbox issue where it didn’t save on widget settings update.

Version 0.2

  • Recoded the widget from the ground up to use WP 2.8’s new widget class. Users will likely need to reset each widget instance because of this.
  • Fixes bug in WP 2.8 where more than one Query Posts widget wouldn’t display.
  • Dropped support for versions of WP below 2.8.
  • New setting: post_type.
  • New setting: post_status.
  • Added ability to show posts in ordered list as well as the normal unordered list.
  • Hover tooltips to explain what each setting means.
  • Added support for custom taxonomies created by users and other plugins for posts.

Version 0.1

  • This is version 0.1. Everything’s new!
  1. Upload query-posts to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets and place the Query Posts widget where you want.

More detailed instructions are included in the plugin’s readme.html file.


3.7 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.3.2
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 1K
  • WordPress version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 3.0.5
  • PHP version: false