Customer review / Product review for WooCommerce
Customer review / Product review for WooCommerce

Customer review / Product review for WooCommerce


Why Use Our Customer Reviews for WooCommerce Plugin

Our Customer Reviews or product review for WooCommerce plugin provides the following benefits:

  1. Increase customer engagement: By sending reminder emails to customers, it encourages them to leave reviews for the products they have purchased. This helps to increase customer engagement and interaction with your online store through detailed WooCommerce product reviews.

  2. Build social proof: Positive WooCommerce reviews act as social proof and can influence potential customers to make a purchase. Our plugin makes it easy for customers to leave reviews, helping you build trust and credibility.

  3. Improve product visibility: Customer reviews for WooCommerce play a crucial role in improving the visibility of your products in search engines. Our plugin helps to generate more reviews, which can lead to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.

  4. Gain valuable insights: WooCommerce product reviews provide valuable feedback about your products, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and make informed business decisions.

  5. Customize reminder settings: Our plugin allows you to configure the reminder emails according to your preferences. You can choose to send manual reminders or set up automatic reminders after a certain number of days since the order state changes to completed.

  6. Blacklist email: The blacklist feature in plugin allows you to prevent specific email addresses from receiving review reminders. This is particularly useful for excluding certain customers.

  7. Customer can review custom features of the product, E.g: you can create a review question like “How was the Fitting?” user can give rating and review for this question.

  8. You can define different review question for different categories of products, so for product belonging to category electronic, you can create a question like “How was the battery life?” and for product belonging to category clothing you can create a question like “How was the fitting?”. n product page it will show a aggregate rating for all the questions.

Overall, our Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin is a powerful tool to enhance customer engagement, build trust, and improve the visibility of your products.

Automated Review Reminders: Boost WooCommerce Product Ratings with Customizable Follow-Ups

Encourage WooCommerce Product Ratings : Sends reminders to customers once their order status changes to completed/processing (you can configure from setting).

Customizable Follow-Ups : Configure the number of days after completion for sending the reminder email.

Boost Feedback Collection : Encourages customers to leave detailed WooCommerce reviews.

Review Moderation and Display : Admins can remove reviews if needed. Only approved reviews are shown on the front end after being reviewed and approved.

Take permission for sending Review reminder email : You can take consent from the customer if they want to receive the review reminder email or not.

Blacklist Email Addresses : Prevent specific email addresses from receiving review reminders.

Send review reminder to past order : Option to send review reminder email to the past order (that is order placed before you install this plugin)

Unsubscribe from review reminder email : You can add a unsubscribe link in the reminder email, so customer can unsubscribe from the email list

Review page

  • A custom review page to allow user to review the product of the order

  • Set a custom logo for the review page

  • Force minimum length for the review

  • Force maximum length for the review

Review template

  • Plugin offers a custom template to show review on product page

  • Load review by ajax on product page

  • Option to show Review tab only when you have sufficient reviews for that product

  • Review orders tab in the My account section of the Customer account, so they can review the order from there account

  • Customer can select the display name they want in the review, this name options are generated from the name and last name given by them while placing the order

What does the Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin do?

Our plugin encourages customers to leave reviews for the products they have purchased, helping to increase engagement, build social proof, and improve product visibility.

How do the automated review reminders work?

You can configure the plugin to send automatic reminder emails to customers after a certain number of days once their order status changes to completed. This feature encourages WooCommerce product ratings.

Can I send manual reminder emails to customers?

Yes, you can choose to send manual reminders to customers at your convenience.

What customization options are available for reminder emails?

You can customize the timing and content of the reminder emails to suit your preferences and business needs.

How does the plugin help with review moderation?

Admins have the ability to review and remove reviews if necessary. Only approved reviews are displayed on the front end, ensuring quality control.

What are the benefits of using this plugin for my store?

This plugin enhances customer engagement, builds trust through social proof, improves product visibility on search engines, and provides valuable insights through customer feedback.

How does the plugin improve product visibility?

By generating more reviews, the plugin helps improve your products’ visibility in search engines, leading to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.

Can I remove reviews from my store?

Yes, admins can remove unwanted reviews to maintain the quality and relevance of the feedback displayed on your store.

Load product review by ajax on product page for WooCommerce

Yes, you can load product review by ajax on product page there is option to load more review by ajax on product page.

Can I disable the scheduled review email for specific order ?

Yes, you can disable the scheduled review email for specific order.

Show the list of the orders that are not yet reviewed

Yes you can show the list of orders that are not yet reviewed in a separate tab in the My account section of the customer.

Ask your users for consent to send them emails

If the consent is refused, they will not be getting the Review reminder email, although if you enabled Review order tab then they will be able to remove the order from there

What is the purpose of the blacklist feature?

The blacklist feature allows you to prevent specific email addresses from receiving review reminder emails.

How do I add an email address to the blacklist?

To add an email address to the blacklist, navigate to the Blacklist tab in the plugin’s settings.

How do I remove an email address from the blacklist?

To remove an email address from the blacklist, navigate to the Blacklist tab in the plugin’s settings.

What happens if I attempt to send a review reminder to a blacklisted email address?

Plugin will not send any automated review reminder email to the blacklisted email address. but as an admin, you can send a manual review reminder email to the blacklisted email address.

How can I send review reminder emails for orders received before installing this plugin?

You can send review reminder emails for past orders by configuring the date range and the number of emails to be sent per day. This allows you to reach out to customers who placed orders before you installed the plugin.

Is there a limit to the number of review reminder emails I can send per day?

Yes, you can set a limit on the number of review reminder emails to be sent per day. This helps you manage your outreach and avoid overwhelming your customers.

Can I choose a specific date range for sending review reminders for past orders?

Absolutely! You can select a specific date range to target past orders within that period. This allows you to focus on orders from a particular time frame.

Will review reminders be sent to orders that have already received one?

No, the plugin is designed to avoid sending multiple reminders for the same order, ensuring that each customer receives only one review reminder per order.

Can I stop the review reminder emails once they have started sending?

Yes, you can stop or pause the scheduled review reminder emails at any time by adjusting the plugin settings or disabling the feature temporarily.

What if I need to change the number of emails sent per day after scheduling?

You can update the number of emails to be sent per day in the plugin settings at any time. The changes will take effect from the next scheduled batch of emails.

Can I modify the From email id and From name in the review reminder emails?

Yes you can modify this both the fields from the plugin settings.

Can I modify the logo in the review reminder emails?

Yes you can modify the logo in the review reminder emails by default it uses the logo you configured in the WooCommerce > Settings > Email

Can user unsubscribe from the review reminder email?

Yes, we add a unsubscribe from review reminder link in the email, so user can click on this link and there email id will be added in the blacklist and they will not receive andy review reminder email

Can I show my logo on the review page?

Yes, you can set a custom logo for the review page

Can I force minimum length for the review?

Yes, you can set the minimum length for the review

Can I force maximum length for the review?

Yes, you can set the maximum length for the review


  • Show review stats on the product page


  • Tested for WC 9.2.0


  • date picker bug fixed


  • search option in the blacklist email list


  • option to add to blacklist from order list
  • review action column added for the manual review reminder email
  • by default the review form on the product page is kept disabled


  • Logo on the review page
  • min, max character limit for the review
  • customer can select the display name they want in the review


  • change from, from name in the review reminder email
  • add an unsubscribe link the the review reminder email so customer can unsubscribe


  • Now you can even show the products of the order in the review reminder email


  • Option to send review reminder email to the past order (that is order placed before you install this plugin)


  • Blacklist email feature added


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.21
  • Last updated: 1 week ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.5