Posts per Cat [Unmaintained]
Posts per Cat [Unmaintained]

Posts per Cat [Unmaintained]


Posts per Cat is a simple plugin that grab all or only selected categories from blog database, and then list recent N posts from each category, organised in 1-5 columns.

Plugin Posts-per-Cat is unmaintained. That means no further updates or free plugin support will be available.

If you are interested to acquisition of plugin, please contact us.


  • choose how many boxes per row will be displayed (one, two, three, four or five)
  • define number of post titles to display per category
  • define category ID’s to exclude
  • define category ID’s to include
  • toggle displaying of child categories
  • ordering boxes by category ID, title or custom (manually entered category ID’s as include list)
  • toggle displaying sticky posts
  • toggle usage of custom list CSS
  • SEO optimized permalink URI’s
  • integrate to template file, use shortcode [ppc] with options or widget
  • ready for localisation
  • template system for single post line in box defined by user in plain HTML with macro keywords for post elements

Shortcode options

You can use shortcode [ppc], with options below (set option in shortcode to override default settings above):

  • columns=2 – Number of columns (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)
  • minh=0 – Minimal height of box (in px, set to 0 for auto)
  • include=category_ID's – Include category (comma separated category ID’s)
  • exclude=category_ID's – Exclude category (comma separated category ID’s)
  • parent=0 – Only top level categories (0 or 1)
  • order=ID – Order categories by (ID, name or custom)
  • catonly=0 – Only from displayed category archive (0 or 1)
  • noctlink=0 – Do not link category name (0 or 1)
  • more=0 – Standalone link to archives (0 or 1)
  • moretxt="More from" – Archive link prefix
  • posts=5 – Number of headlines per category block
  • porderby=date – Order posts by date, modified, title, name, ID, author
  • porder=DESC – Order sorting DESC or ASC
  • titlelen=34 – Headline length (in characters)
  • shorten=0 – Shorten headline (0 or 1)
  • commnum=0 – Display comment number (0 or 1)
  • nosticky=0 – Hide sticky posts (0 or 1)
  • excerpts=none – Show excerpt (none, first or all)
  • content=0 – Use post content as excerpt (0 or 1)
  • excleng=100 – Excerpt length
  • thumb=0 – Show thumbnail with excerpt (0 or 1)
  • tsize=60 – Thumbnail size, set size in px for thumbnail width (height is same); or set in format WIDTHxHEIGHT (example 220×123); or set predefined custom image size (thumbnail, small, medium, large, full or cusotm defined)

Since version 1.4.0 you can use template to display custom formatted output (post line element). Example:


<span class="comments-meta">(<a href="%comments_link%">%comments_num% comments</a>)</span>
<span class="date-meta">%date% @ %time%</span>
<span class="author-meta"><a href="%author_posts_url%">%author_displayname%</a></span>
%excerpt% <a href="%link%">[read more]</a>

Supported macros:

  • %title%
  • %title_short%
  • %post_content%
  • %excerpt%
  • %thumbnail%
  • %link%
  • %comments_num%
  • %comments_link%
  • %comments_form_link%
  • %datetime%
  • %date%
  • %time%
  • %author_displayname%
  • %author_firstname%
  • %author_lastname%
  • %author_posts_url%

I would like to get a list of posts but just from one category

Enter category ID into Include category field, and leave unchecked Only top level categories checkbox.

I set in template macro to display excerpt, but no excerpt displayed

Enable option Use post content as excerpt in widget, or provide shortcode parameter content=1, because you did not have manually set excerpts for posts, so you must ask PPC to generate excerpt from post content.

1.4.2 (2015-11-28)

  • Change plugin status to Unmaintained
  • Intorduce acquisition of plugin for interested third parties
  • Update donation link (2015-04-16)

  • Fix missing mb_strlen and mb_substr that cause Fatal error on servers w/ PHP installed w/o –enable-mbstring option (2015-03-30)

  • Fix warnings if no default settings defined

1.4.1 (2014-09-16)

  • Fix settings page initialization issue
  • Fix output when do_action() is used for integration
  • Add to Widget settings support for post ordering and sorting (already supported by shortcode since 1.3.0 – undocumented until now)

1.4.0 (2014-09-13)

  • Fix usage of predefined include/exclude categories in global settings if no include/exclude categories provided in widget or shortcode
  • Fix non-working minimal box height set in widget or shortcode
  • Add support for cusotm template output with post element macros
  • Add support for non-square thumbnails with WIDTH, WIDTHxHEIGHT or image size name as value
  • Change – Link to category can be applied to Category title and to “More” link for category in same time
  • Change – Remove embedded Redux from plugin and use Redux Framework Plugin for global PPX settings page
  • Change – pack PPC to class

1.3.0 (2014-06-01)

  • A lot of fixes made during framework change
  • Improved basic block layouts
  • Add 5th column for boxes
  • Convert settings page to Redux Framework
  • Update compatibility to 3.9.1

1.2.1 (2014-01-27)

  • Fix widget functionality
  • Update compatibility to 3.8.1

1.2.0 (2013-11-24)

  • Add shortcode options to override default settings
  • Add widget with settings
  • Code optimization

1.1.0 (2012-04-05)

  • Adds option to disable link on category title
  • Adds shortcode [ppc]
  • Adds class to headline title and number of comments

1.0.0 (2012-01-16)

  • Adds option to toggle comments number with link
  • Adds option to use post content in stead of post excerpt
  • Adds option for custom category ordering (as listed in Include category)
  • Adds option to display PPC in one, two, three or four columns
  • Adds available category list in Options page
  • All coments in code translated to English
  • Follow WP coding standards
  • Renamed from Posts-per-Cat to Posts per Cat

0.0.14 (2011-04-09)

  • Fixed debug errors
  • Fixed (I hope I do) image URI’s in CSS
  • Adapted for WordPress 3.1
  • Added French localisation thanks to Pepita Pop (2010-06-23)

0.0.13 (2010-05-27)

  • Fixed path to CSS on nonroot WP installations

0.0.12 (2010-05-18)

  • Fixed full width problem in IE6

0.0.11 (2010-04-24)

  • Added dirty hack for seervers w/o mb_strlen()
  • Added option to filter categories on category archive
  • Added option to display thumbnails with excerpts
  • Added option to display standalone link to category archive
  • Better terminology

0.0.10 (2010-01-07)

  • Added option to display two or only one column per row (full width)

0.0.9 (2009-10-09)

  • Fixed XHTML validation error for div class
  • Added full post title as link title

0.0.8 (2009-09-26)

  • Replaced category and post URI with permalink
  • Added option to display excerpt for first article only, for all articles or not display at all
  • Added option to shorten excerpts to specified length (in characters)
  • Added option to shorten post title to specified length (in characters)
  • Added options for custom categories to include/exclude
  • Moved Settings links in plugin actions
  • Fixed and improved ppc.css and ppc-list.css StyleSheets

0.0.7 (2009-03-04)

  • Posts per Cat added to WordPress plugin repository
  • Fixed broken category URI on non-index pages
  • Added ppc action hook

0.0.6 (2009-03-03)

  • Fixed SCC URI on non-index pages

0.0.5 (2009-02-20)

  • Added plugin option to disable usage of CSS StyleSheet for list styles

0.0.4 (2009-02-20)

  • Fixed CSS positioning problem

0.0.3 (2009-02-16)

  • Published first public release
  • Added Settings page
  • Gettexturized (enabled localisation)

0.0.2 (2009-02-10)

  • Code packed from functions.php to plugin

0.0.1 (2009-02-02)

  • Project initialized
  1. Login to your WordPress site and go to page Plugins–>Add New
  2. Type posts per cat to Search field and press Search Plugins button
  3. Click on Install Now link below Posts per Cat name
  4. Click on OK as answer to question Are you sure you want to install this plugin?
  5. Click Activate Plugin link after success installation
  6. Go to Settings–>Posts per Cat page and configure plugin’s options
  7. Put code <?php do_action('ppc'); ?> in your template file (for example in index.php just before closing </div><!-- #content --> tag, or use widget Posts per Cat or shortcode [ppc].


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.4.2
  • Last updated: 3 years ago
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress version: 3.8.0
  • Tested up to: 4.4.33
  • PHP version: false