Post Typographer

Post Typographer


When you publish a post or update an already published post, this plugin will format the post’s content to certain typographic rules:

  1. All hyphens between two words (surrounded by spaces) will be transformed to m-dashes with the non-breaking spaces ahead of them.

  2. All hyphens between digits (without spaces) will be transformed to n-dashes. But it tries to preserve phone numbers.

  3. All spaces following these words will be replaced with the non-breaking spaces:

    • at
    • or
    • and
    • the
    • a
    • an
    • in
    • on
    • of
    • for
    • to
    • as
    • i
    • or
    • my
  4. Double and more spaces are replaced with the single ones.

  5. All misplaced spaces near dots, colons, semicolons, exclamation marks and question marks are fixed, where possible.

  6. Composed words with hyphens in them (e.g. easy-to-use) will be wrapped in <nobr></nobr> tags.

  7. <pre></pre> tag and its contents are preserved.


  1. The plugin will not mess with the HTML tags or other mark-up tags delimited with < and >. It will mess with the Javascript code and such constructions as:

        bla bla bla

    Though, since version 6, the mess is minimized for [code] and [video] tags.

  2. The n-dash thing will mess up with the phone numbers that have only one hyphen in them. They will be confused with the value ranges.

Thanks to

Typograf by Artemy Lebedev

Installation Instructions

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘Post Typographer’
  3. Activate Post Typographer from your Plugins page.


  1. Download Post Typographer.
  2. Upload the ‘post-typographer’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  3. Activate Post Typographer from your Plugins page.


  • Fixed: Will no longer mess with the contents of the [pmath] shortcodes.


  • Fixed: Replaced numeric HTML entities with literal ones.
  • Fixed: Minor formatting and grammar error issues.


  • Fixed: Contents of <pre></pre> tag aren’t messed up with typographing.


  • Fixed: No longer removes backslashes from posts.
  • Fixed: Tries not to mess with the files’ extensions (like .txt).


  • Added: Tries to remove unneeded spaces before colons and semicolons without messing with the smiles.
  • Added: Word ‘by’ included to the list of words for &nbsp; after them.


  • Fixed: No longer removes spaces before colons and semicolons – not to mess with the smiles.


  • Fixed: Double (and more) wrapping with the <nobr> tags.
  • Fixed: <nobr> wrapping and some other formatting in the [code] and [video] embedded text.


  • Added: Wrapping the composed words with hyphens with <nobr> tags.


  • Fixed: Nasty double-space bug on post-updating.
  • Fixed: M-dash placement didn’t work in version 3.
  • Fixed: N-dashes are now placed correctly even if the value ranges are near the beginning or the end of the text.


  • Added: Replaces misplaced spaces near punctuation marks.
  • Fixed: Phone numbers and dates are now avoided (except single-hyphen phone numbers) when the hyphens in the value ranges are transformed into n-dashes.


  • Added: Replaces 2 or more spaces with a single space in the text.
  • Added: Word ‘my’ included to the list of words for &nbsp; after them.


  • The first working version.

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘Post Typographer’
  3. Activate Post Typographer from your Plugins page.


  1. Download Post Typographer.
  2. Upload the ‘post-typographer’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  3. Activate Post Typographer from your Plugins page.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 12
  • Last updated: 6 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26
  • PHP version: false