Pop Convert – Free Popup & Smart Bar Plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce

Pop Convert – Free Popup & Smart Bar Plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce


Increase your subscribers list by showing high converting pop ups, banners and smart bars. Collect more emails and phone numbers for retargetting, and increase sales. Need more traffic to a specific URL? No problem! Want to offer a discount code, or make an announcement? This is your plugn! The best part? This plugin is 100% FREE!

Third-Party Scripts

This plugin includes a third-party script to enable its core functionalities:

Name: Pop Convert Script

Source: https://script.pop-convert.com/production.pc.min.js

Purpose: The script is used to display popups and banners on your site as configured in your Pop Convert account. It handles the rendering and interaction logic for these components.

Privacy and Data Handling

For information on how data is collected, used, and protected, please review Pop Convert’s privacy policy at Pop Convert Privacy Policy URL.

What does this plugin do?

Pop Convert’s suite of lead capture tools allow you to collect more information from your visitors, including email addresses, phone numbers, and more. Pop Convert is your complete solution for lead capture with smart features such as Smart Bar, Popup, Exit intent, and more.

Is the plugin compatible with all WordPress themes?

Pop Convert is built to be compatible with most themes, but we cannot guarantee full compatibility with all themes.

What is a pop up?

Pop-ups which allow you to collect visitor information at the perfect time. Set up pop-ups that trigger just when your visitor is about to leave your site (exit intent) or automatically display a popup after a set time period. Unlike Smart Bars, Pop Ups generally appear in the center of the customer’s screen and are full screen.

What is a smart bar?

A smart bar is a header or footer bar that is perfect for drawing your customers’ attention when they land on your site, and Pop Convert’s Smart Bar allows you to set this up in just a few clicks. Use the Smart Bar for announcements, promotions, or email collection!

Is subscriber info synced with my mailer tool?

We are currently working on building our syncing functionality out.

How do I get further help?

The best way to reach us is by clicking the live chat bubble found on the bottom right of this page. Alternatively, you can reach us via email at [email protected]

Will uninstalling remove all the code?

Yes. All code is automatically removed by wordpress after you uninstall the plugin.


  • Initial release of the plugin.

Install Pop Convert either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.

Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Open Pop Convert settings and add your unique code. The Pop Convert script will be automatically added to your site!


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0
  • Last updated: 6 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 4.2
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP version: 5.3.3