PostLists-Extension EC3

PostLists-Extension EC3


This PostLists Extension provides orderby options, conditions and placeholders for the events created with Event Calendar 3 to be used for each post within PostLists lists.

The following placeholders can be used, if this plugin is activated:
%ec3_shedule% will get replaced to the event calendar start-datetime and the end-datetime of the current post.
%ec3_shedule_date% will get replaced to the event calendarstart-date and the end-date.
%ec3_shedule_time% will get replaced to the event calendarstart-time and the end-time.
%ec3_shedule_start% will get replaced to the event calendarstart-datetime.
%ec3_shedule_start_date% will get replaced to the event calendarstart-date.
%ec3_shedule_start_time% will get replaced to the event calendarstart-time.
%ec3_shedule_end% will get replaced to the event calendarend-datetime.
%ec3_shedule_end_date% will get replaced to the event calendarend-date.
%ec3_shedule_end_time% will get replaced to the event calendarend-time.
Separator in ec3-placeholders for multiple events at one post can be configured per list.

Provided Filters:
Show only posts with events.
Show only posts with event start time in the past/future.
Show only posts with event end time in the past/future.

OrderBy Options: ec3_start, ec3_end.

It is possible to configure a list to show a post multiple times in list per assigned event.

Plugin Website:


This Plugin “ple-ec3” is a PostLists-Extension: You need the WordPress plugin “PostLists” to use it!

You can download the WordPress Plugin “PostLists” here:

PostLists is a Plugin for WordPress to add configurable dynamic lists of posts via simple placeholders to a page, post or to your sidebar. PostLists itself can also be extended via other WordPress Plugins (called PostLists Extensions) to add further functionallity to PostLists.

PostLists Extensions

You will find a list of all know extensions for the WordPress Plugin PostLists here:

Install and activate the WordPress plugins “PostLists” and “Event Calendar 3” first if you have not already done!
Event Calendar:

Installation of this PostLists-Extension: Upload the folder “ple-ec3” (with all files and subfolders) to your plugins directory (“/wp-content/plugins/”). Then activate the plugin “PostLists-Extension EC3” in your WordPress admin panel.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.1.1
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: false
  • Tested up to: false
  • PHP version: false