OpenApp Gateway for woocommerce
OpenApp Gateway for woocommerce

OpenApp Gateway for woocommerce


Wtyczka OpenApp Gateway dla woocommerce integruje OpenApp jako metodę płatności w sklepie WooCommerce.


Wtyczka OpenApp Gateway dla woocommerce integruje OpenApp jako metodę płatności w sklepie WooCommerce. Klienci mogą skanować kod QR w koszyku lub podczas płatności i dokonywać płatności bezpośrednio z aplikacji mobilnej OA.

Ujawnienie usług stron trzecich

Ta wtyczka opiera się na OpenApp, usłudze strony trzeciej, do przetwarzania płatności. Podczas korzystania z tej wtyczki dane mogą być przesyłane do OpenApp w celu przetworzenia płatności. Ponadto ta wtyczka dynamicznie ładuje plik JavaScript z serwerów OpenApp w celu renderowania kodu QR.

Więcej informacji na temat obsługi danych przez OpenApp można znaleźć na stronie:

Usługa OpenApp:
Warunki użytkowania OpenApp:

Ta wtyczka korzysta z zewnętrznego pliku JavaScript hostowanego przez OpenApp w celu ułatwienia przetwarzania płatności:

  • Domenta:
  • Plik JavaScript: openapp.min.0.0.4.js
  • Cel: renderowanie kodu QR OpenApp potrzebnego do funkcji bramki płatności w WooCommerce.

Korzystając z tej wtyczki, zgadzasz się na warunki korzystania z OpenApp. Ważne jest, aby zapoznać się z tymi dokumentami, aby zapewnić zgodność z przepisami o ochronie danych osobowych odpowiednimi dla Twojej firmy i lokalizacji.


  • Dodaje OpenApp jako bramkę płatności w WooCommerce.
  • Osadzanie kodów QR za pomocą shotcode.
  • Logowanie przy użyciu funkcji logowania OA.


  • Fixed rest_cookie_invalid_nonce error for oa_login shortcode caused by cache plugin when nonce is older than 12-24 hours.


  • Improved: Shortened basketId for QR codes from 32 characters to 10 characters


  • Fixed: Updated JSON encoding in request bodies to ensure proper handling of special characters and prevent escaping of slashes in URLs.


  • Added: Option for real-time cart synchronization with the OpenApp mobile app.
  • Updated: Payment method title set to ‘OpenApp’.


  • Updated deliveryOptions to only display the cheapest option for multiple methods sharing the same key.
  • Changed oa_status_changed method to utilize the multiFulfillment endpoint instead of the fulfillment.


  • Update: Now using WooCommerce order_number instead of order_key for data sent to OpenApp.


  • Improved order processing sequence to ensure shipping details are included in the initial order confirmation email. Previously, the order status update was triggered prematurely, omitting shipping information.


  • Updated the plugin directory name and main PHP file to align with the public plugin directory listing requirements.
  • Fixed a deprecation warning by replacing the FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING constant.


  • Fixed an issue where the payment method was not displayed during checkout and in the initial order confirmation email.


  • Improved data sanitization and filtering
  • Updated readme to clearly disclose the use of third-party service OpenApp


  • Improved store_cart_in_db function to properly recognize and respond to products added programmatically via WC()->cart->add_to_cart($prod_id, 1).


  • Implemented unique function prefixes for conflict avoidance.
  • Enhanced security through improved data sanitization and escaping.
  • Updated README with license details and third-party service information.
  • Isolated debug functionality into a dedicated development plugin.
  • Refactor code using Plugin Check (PCP) remarks
  • Bugfix: Recreated user session for oa-login process.
  • Addressed uninstallation error when WooCommerce is inactive.
  • Refined ‘store_cart_in_db’ triggering using is_woo_request().
  • Utilized a more specific ‘woocommerce_thankyou_openapp’ hook.
  • Removed ‘set_time_limit(0)’ from SSE method
  • Replaced ‘wp_create_user’ with ‘wc_create_new_customer’ for user creation.
  • Improved QR codes Ajax refresh with added 500ms delay
  • Change plugin name (and directory) to: OpenApp Gateway for WooCommerce


  • Introduced a daily scheduled task to clean up carts older than 30 days.
  • Enhanced query performance by adding an index to the cart_session_id column in the database table.
  • Implemented automatic table schema updates, eliminating the need for manual plugin reactivation after updates.


  • Added a new setting to allow admins to select the default order status for new orders.


  • Fixed a bug in the shipping method fetch function by excluding endpoint from REST API


  • Prevent REST API endpoint caching by adding no-cache headers.
  • Added basic support for WooCommerce shipping class calculations.


  • Added support for the Flexible Shipping plugin by Octolize: mapping to OpenApp methods and dynamic calculation of shipping costs


  • Implemented Server-Sent Events (SSE) to enhance background frontend checks and improve thank you page redirection.
  • Added a new button in wp-admin for testing Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support on the server.
  • Refined the order key reset process to trigger only via the woocommerce_thankyou hook.
  • Improved the performance of the create_new_wc_order function, specifically for the oa_woocommerce_persistent_cart SQL update.


  • Feature: WooCommerce order status updates now synchronize with OpenApp status.


  • Added validation and default assignment for ‘Interval Time’ in JavaScript to handle cases where the value might be undefined, NaN, or less than or equal to 0.


  • Added ‘Interval Time’ option in settings to allow customization of the order redirection checking interval.
  • Ensured compatibility with WordPress installations in subdirectories by dynamically setting AJAX URLs using the site’s base URL.
  • Various JavaScript optimizations and improvements for order redirection checking.
  • readme.txt added


  • Resolved an issue preventing db_table creation on MariaDB versions 10.2.7 and above.


  • Fix incorrect shippingCosts calculation.
  • Allow costs with dot or comma: 17.90, 17,90.


  • Render shortcodes also on is_archive() template.


  • Testing Mode option available only on staging or local (.dev | .local domains).
  • On plugin deactivation – remove all old logs: /wp-content/uploads/*-log837104.txt.
  • Development function ‘Disable plugin using link’ removed.


  • Add OpenApp mapping for Inpost Paczkomaty plugin (
  • Add ?ver to assets.


  • Echo http_code from response removed.


  • Fix QR code basket value (should be in grosze).


  • Add lang attr to shortcodes (QR codes).
  • Assign WooCommerce customer account to every order (using [‘deliveryDetails’][’email’]).
  • Fix thank_you_page requires login: assign order to client using thank_you_page hook.


  • Optimize shortcodes, allow multiple instances.
  • Move js/css to files.
  • oa_status_changed, new endpoint /v1/orders/fulfillment.
  • Recheck testHmacSignaturePost().
  • Save oaOrderId as post_meta.
  • /v1/orders/fulfillment – hardcode more params.


  • Global wp action for ‘store_cart_in_db’ (can be used in custom external code to refresh db content).
    Usage: do_action(‘oa_update_cart_in_db’, true);


  • Order – add shipping method as netto value.
  • Shortcode – refactor shortcodes, load lib in header.
  • Shipping methods – load from woo shipping zones.
  • Woo shipping methods – add custom field to map OA methods.
  • Fix missing get_product_object() (Variation products fix).
  • Refactor shortcodes.
  • Set CSS OpenAppCheckout class only if cart not empty.
  • Refactor create_product_output_array_from_cart.
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/openapp-payment-gateway directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and enable ‘OpenApp’.
  4. Configure the payment gateway settings as required.
  5. Navigate to WooCommerce > Shipping > Shipping zones > Poland and update the details. Assign OpenApp mapping to each shipping method that you wish to display in the OpenApp application.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.41
  • Last updated: 2 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: false
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: false