

This plugin will allow you to display Tor bridge information on your blog.

The intent is to let your readers find bridge IP information without the
addresses being grabbed by censoring governments and filtered. The hope is
that many people will run this plugin and make it impossible (or just very
hard) for Tor bridge information to be filtered, but still allow that
information to be available to large groups of people.

You can aggregate the bridge information from the main Tor site, or from
an RSS feed. This is configurable per widget.

You can display the bridge information with shortcodes, or widgets. You
can change the display size and location of the shortcode and of the
individual widgets.


RSS Support
I plan to read Tor bridge information via RSS in the following format:

RSS Feed Site

TOR bridge RSS feed

Extra information
Extra link information

Extra information
Extra link information

I’m not sure where this will go, but I like the idea of having a lot of
meta for each bridge address. For now it won’t be display, but in the future
it could possibly be used for something. Maybe the person providing the feed
could specify the level of obfuscation each bridge should have? Or a personal
donation link or something to keep the bridge in oepration.

Shortcode Support
You can use the shortcode tag [obfuscaTOR] to embed the image in your posts.
You can set the width, height, and alignment as well. Example:

Here is the bridge information [obfuscaTOR width=150 height=50 align=right]

This WordPress plugin is based on the ObfuscaTOR library that I put together
using several publicly available CAPTCHA image programs. You can either copy
that library out, or grab the latest from Github, and use it to develop plugins
for your favorite CMS. This is encouraged! The more plugins out there, the more
people can distribute bridge information without the censors being able to
automatically filter it.

If you write a plugin, please let me know and I can link to you. Also if you
have more CAPTCHA creation libraries or better CAPTCHA libraries please let me
know or fork the ObfuscaTOR lib on Github so we can keep improving this.

Please see the ObfuscaTOR library readme for further info.


  • Additional configuration specific to each widget
  • Added RSS feed support


  • Added shortcode support
  • Added widget support
  • Removed wp_head section support
  • Made widget mode the default placing
  • Decreased amount of horizontal wave in the WaveCaptcha for readability
  1. Unzip this plugin into your wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate it in the wordpress admin section.
  3. Put the obfuscaTOR widget wherever you like in your sidebar

This has been tested on 2.8.4 and 2.8.5 on a Linux and Windows system. You
should immediatley be up and running.

There are more configuration options however:

  • Image Placement:
    This is where you would like your image displayed. I have included a few
    popular areas that are used in most WordPress themes. If you need a new
    area please let me know.

As of 1.1 there is now widget support, and that is the default operation.

  • Checking for new bridges:
    This plugins uses a simple cacheing system to store bridge information. The
    information you receive from the bridges.torproject site is only renewed every
    few hours(12 or more I think). This means there is no need to generate extra
    traffic for your own network, and for Tor’s network, with unecessary requests.
    This option lets you choose how often to check for new bridge information.

  • Recreate Image:
    Generating the image takes a second or two, so it can end up slowing down your
    blog load time. Since there isn’t new bridge information very often, there is
    really no need generate a new image on every page request. Every now and then
    you get a bad image though, so there is a box you can check which will generate
    a new image immediatley.

  • Image Size:
    The height and width of the generated image


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.2
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 2.8.5
  • PHP version: false