mp2wp widget

mp2wp widget

This widget displays your Metaplace virtual world ( in a posting, sidebar or page of WordPress. It is the first plugin for embedding user-created 2.5D virtual world content in a standard blog environment. mp2wp is developed in cooperation with the Metaplace team.

The mp2wp widget is featured by Raph Koster, CNET and other media:

What is the minimum size for embedding a Metaplace world?

Minimum size should be 400 pixels in height and widht. Otherwise people cannot login, because the “Enter this world” line is not shown in the frame.

I don’t see any border around my embedded world

Borders have been deliberately turned off in the plugin. If you want to get rid of this you may edit the mp2wp.php and remove all occurances of the HTML code frameborder="0".

How do I add a virtual world to a blog-post?

To add a virtual world to any post or page just add the markup [mp2wp]worldname,width,height[/mp2wp], for instance [mp2wp]ComicEmporium,500,450[/mp2wp]. Note that supplying the worldname is mandatory while the width and height parameters are optional. Which means that you may specify only the worldname or only the worldname & width. Therefore, [mp2wp]ComicEmporium,500[/mp2wp] and [mp2wp]ComicEmporium[/mp2wp] are valid tags. Also note that the order of width & height is important and worldname, width and height must be separated with commas. Lastly, the closing tag [/mp2wp] is mandatory.

Can I add multiple embedded worlds on a post or page?

Yes you can. Just add multiple [mp2wp] tags where required. All of these can be configured independently.

Can I add multiple mp2wp widgets on the sidebar?

Unfortunately no. As of now you can only add one instance on the sidebar.

  • 1.0: Initial public release.
  1. Download and unzip
  2. Upload the folder containing mp2wp.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. To add a Metaplace world on a sidebar, browse to Design > Widgets and add the ‘mp2wp widget” to desired sidebar. Configure the world title, embedding dimensions and world name and save your changes.
  5. To add a Metaplace world to any blog-post or page just add the markup [mp2wp]worldname,width,height[/mp2wp], for example [mp2wp]ComicEmporium,400,350[/mp2wp].


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0 - Initial release
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 2.3
  • Tested up to: 2.8
  • PHP version: false