Most Read Posts in XX days

Most Read Posts in XX days

Claudio Simeone

Most Read Posts counts Post and Pages hits and allows you to show them in:

  • The Single Post page
  • The Page page
  • Index and Archive pages
  • The Sidebar through a configurable Widget, also with featured images

Can I show the most read Posts without the date limit?

Yes, you can remove the date limit in the Sidebar widget settings

Can I display Post and Page featured images?

Yes, you can display them through Sidebar widget settings

Can I track also Pages?

Yes, since version 2.3.2 you can show Page hits through Sidebar widget settings

Can I import Page and Post hits from a different plugin?

Yes, since 2.4 version you can edit hits through the Bulk and Quick Edit screens.


  • Moved translation files in languages directory to comply WordPress Plugin Repo localization requirements


  • Fixed PHP 7 deprecated warning about PHP 4 style constructors on MostRead Widget


  • Improved custom DB table registration to avoid PHP warnings on plugin activation on some hosts
  • WordPress multisite support added
  • Aligned version number (2.6) in readme.txt and ST4_most_read.php


  • Corrected informations in readme.txt


  • Added a new field in the Bulk and Quick Edit screens to edit Posts and Page Hits (useful if you want to import manually hits from another stats plugin).
  • Some bugs fixed
  • Changes and fixes in localization files
  • Added plugin screenshots
  • Corrected informations in readme.txt


  • Added hits count also for Pages.
  • Added a sortable column with Page Hits in All Pages Administration Screen.


  • Added a sortable column with Post Hits in All Posts Administration Screen.


  • Some bugs fixed
  • Added new Widget option to show featured image preview
  • Added new Widget options to remove the date filter
  • Added new Plugin Option to show post hits automatically
  • Added new Plugin Option to use custom CSS rules
  • Added new Plugin Option to set image preview custom CSS sizes
  • Changes in localization files


  • Code upgrade for WordPress 2.8 compatibility.
  • Added new function ST4_get_post_hits() to get post hits outside the Loop
  • Changes in localization files
  • Code optimization


  • First release.
  1. Upload the most-read-posts-in-xx-days directory in your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. If needed, configure Plugin Settings and the Widget
  4. (optional) Place these tags in your template:
  • single.php or page.php in the Loop

    <?php ST4_single_hits(); ?>
  • index.php (and / or archive.php etc…), in the Loop

    <?php ST4_hits(); ?>
  • sidebar.php (only if you don’t use Widgets)

    // last 5 posts in last 30 days, show the hits, show image preview
    ST4_mostread(30, 5, ‘yes’, ‘yes’);
    // show 10 posts from all published posts, show hits, don’t show preview
    ST4_mostread(0, 10, ‘yes’, ‘no’);
    // show 3 pages from all published pages, show hits, don’t show preview
    ST4_mostread(0, 10, ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘page’);


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.7.1
  • Last updated: 5 years ago
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress version: 2.6.3
  • Tested up to: 5.2.21
  • PHP version: false