More Link Modifier

More Link Modifier


A simple plugin that allows you to modify the link that is displayed when you use the <!–more–> feature. Also lets you remove the anchor link to turn off the jumping behaviour. You can also choose to have the more link open in a new window/tab.

You can choose to have just plain text, or also include the post’s title. If you chose to include the title, you can limit the number of characters/words that are displayed in the title. Also allows you to add ellipsis (…) to the title if it has been truncated. All the options can be found in “More Link” tab under “Options” in admin page.

Can I include HTML in the ‘Custom Link Text’?

Yes, but only the most basic HTML. The HTML tags that are allowed are:
<img>, <b>, <strong>, <i>, <em> and <u>

How do I include special characters?

Have a look here: Speical HTML Characters
eg. if you want one of those double right angled bracket thingies (right-pointing double angle quotation mark) you would use: &raquo;

I entered something in the ‘Custom Link Text’ field and things have stuffed up. What should I do?

Click on the ‘Reset to WordPress default values’ button and stop trying to break the plugin! (j/k – if you remember what you entered, please email me and I’ll see if I can fix it)

More questions?

Go to: More Link Modifier Page

Broken on 4.x.x

By Secure-InformationTechnology on August 31, 2018

Does not work with WordPress 4.x. Abandoned plugin, no updates in 7+ years. Authors site link is not working any longer. Avoid.


  • Added option to make more links open in new window/tab
  • Allowed img tags so you can have images in you more link


  • Georg Adamsen ( has kindly provided a Danish translation for the plugin.
  • There is minimal change to the code of the plugin.
  • New screenshot 🙂


Same as 1.0 (I was still new to svn)


The initial version of the plugin

  1. Create a directory ‘more-link-modifier’ in the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Upload ‘more-link.php’ and ‘more-link-options.php’ into the newly created ‘more-link-modifier’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


3 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress version: 2.2.1
  • Tested up to: 3.1.4
  • PHP version: false