Misiek Page Category

Misiek Page Category


Plugin allows you to create categories for pages and display them as a widget.

All updates available in changlog section


version 2.1

  • I have noticed that upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1 made Uncategorized category hidden, then went to categories page and edited one of the category already created, that fixed the problem.
    Don’t see the relations with that action and not sure why that happend.

Please notify me if you will notice that issue !!!

How can I display all or individual categories in a page not in the widget ?

In order to do it you need to enable php in your page body by exex-php plugin, then simply use below function:

mpc_widget_categories($title, $total, $expend, $category_names, $category_ids);

$title variable displays title name of page category and must be false or string.

$total variable, if set true it displays total pages in (n) next to the category name. Must be true or false.

$extend variable if set true, you won’t see a links under categories (added this for users request, you always should set false here), must be true or false.

$category_names variable must be an array with your pages names, correct format is:

array(‘Some Name’, ‘Another Name’);

$category_ids variable must be an array with your pages id’s, correct format is:

array(1, 2);

version 2.1 allow more options

mpc_widget_categories($title, $total, $expend, $category_names, $category_ids, $desc, $catpages_in_uncat)

$desc variable , if set to true the description under category name will be displayed

$catpages_in_uncat variable, if set to true, the pages belongs to the categories will be displayed under Uncategorized category.

version 2.2 – 10/08/2010

  • get it working with wordpress 3.0.1 version
  • fixed minor html formating bugs

version 2.1 – 10/21/2009

  • added option to create a page for category !
  • added option to display category description under category name
  • added updateable category informations: name, description
  • added option to display or not pages belongs to category under ‘Uncategorized’ category

version 2.0 – 10/16/2009

Added more featured for 2.8.x WP version, such us:

  • changable name of the widget
  • ability to show number of pages next to the ctagory name
  • ability to expend/collapse links under categories
  • select individual categories per widget
  • usage php function mpc_widget_categories() to show page categories on individual page. See instruction in Faq section.
  • added “current” css class to li link tag if this post is on

Bug Fixed
* do not show not published pages links

version 1.2

  • fixed several bugs displaying not existing category pages
  • added order of displaying pages for category by post_title, changeable only in source code
  1. Upload misiek-page-category folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Manage albums from administration menu..

In order to upgrade to 2.1 version you must reinstall the plugin by simply clicking uninstall and install again

This process should be not necessary if you use auto upgrade. But if something will go wrong please uninstall and the install again.

Uninstallation will not remove your categories created before but just in case please make a backup of your database before any upgrade.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.2
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 40
  • WordPress version: 2.7.1
  • Tested up to: 3.0.5
  • PHP version: false