Merchant – All-in-One WooCommerce Plugin for Pre-Orders, Product Labels, Buy Now, Quick View, and More
Merchant – All-in-One WooCommerce Plugin for Pre-Orders, Product Labels, Buy Now, Quick View, and More

Merchant – All-in-One WooCommerce Plugin for Pre-Orders, Product Labels, Buy Now, Quick View, and More



Merchant is an all-in-one WooCommerce plugin that offers over 40 powerful modules designed to enhance your store and boost your revenue.



Let’s take a closer look at what each module offers, along with how it can improve your WooCommerce store.


Pre-Orders: Boost your revenue by giving customers the option to pre-order upcoming products and/or out-of-stock products.


Product Labels: Attract attention to products and drive sales by adding eye-catching labels to the product images on your shop pages.

Buy Now: As popularized by Amazon, this module lets you reduce friction in your store’s purchase process by skipping the cart page and sending shoppers straight from the product page to the checkout.

Quick View: Make it easier for customers to view product details without leaving their current page by adding product quick view functionality to your store.

Animated Add to Cart: Make your add to cart button stand out with subtle animations designed to increase customer engagement. Choose from 10+ different animations, as well as whether to activate the animation on mouseover or on page load.

Add To Cart Text: Change the text on your store’s ‘Add to Cart’ buttons for simple, variable, and out-of-stock products, as well as individual products.


Cart Count Favicon: Re-capture shoppers’ attention and reduce cart abandonment by dynamically highlighting the number of cart items in the browser tab favicon.

Inactive Tab Message: Minimize cart abandonment and encourage users to return to your store by dynamically modifying the browser tab title when users move to a different browser tab.


Trust Badge: According to Baymard, 18% of users who abandoned their carts cited trust issues as the reason, which made it the fourth-most common cart abandonment cause. Enhance trust with badges that match your store’s look and feel.

Payment Logos: Adding payment logos is a great way to reassure shoppers that you support a wide range of payment methods. Easily display the payment methods that you accept.


Real-Time Search: Upgrade your WooCommerce product search with real-time predictive search results and frequently searched term suggestions.

Clear Cart: Allow customers to easily clear their carts and start fresh.

Scroll to Top: Let your shoppers easily navigate back to the top of your site’s pages, which can help create a smooth browsing experience for your store.

Auto External Links: Eliminate the need to manually set external links to open in a new tab. Instead, the module will automatically configure all external links to open in a new tab.

Code Snippets: Easily add custom code snippets to your store without needing to modify your theme’s files directly. Add snippets to the header, body, or footer of your site.


Agree to Terms Checkbox: This module lets you obtain agreement to your terms and conditions from your shoppers during the checkout process.

Cookie Banner: Inform visitors that your site uses cookies. Add a floating or fixed cookie consent banner, along with options to fully customize the style and behavior of the box.

With these 15 modules, you can boost your store’s sales, reduce cart abandonment, improve the shopping experience, and more. Best of all, you can do this while simplifying your store’s technology stack.


For me, the key selling point of either of these versions, whether it’s the free one or the Pro, is that it means I’ve only got one plugin to maintain and update (and purchase, if I go for the Pro version) over having multiple plugins to maintain, purchase and update. This just makes life a little easier.


Merchant Pro packs in all the must-have eCommerce features you need to run your store successfully.


Frequently Bought Together: Create discounted product bundles with items that are frequently purchased together.

Buy X, Get Y: When product X is purchased, give a discount on product Y.

Bulk Discounts: Use bulk discounts to incentivize customers to buy larger quantities of your products in one go.

Spending Goal: Motivate higher average order values by gamifying the shopping experience and offering customers discounts for reaching spending goals.

Free Gifts: Increase average order value and boost customer satisfaction by rewarding shoppers with a gift for hitting a spending target or applying a coupon.

Free Shipping Bar: Displays the remaining amount needed to qualify for free shipping.


Sticky Add To Cart: Display a sticky add to cart bar when visitors are scrolling on your product pages.

Countdown Timer: Create a sense of urgency by displaying a countdown timer on your discounted products.

Stock Scarcity: Let visitors know that stock is running low on products they are looking at.

Waitlist: Build a waiting list for sold-out items and auto-notify potential customers when items are back in stock.

Checkouts: Choose from three different checkout layouts: Shopify-style, Multi-step or One-page.

Recently Viewed Products: Show recently viewed products on product pages and in the cart.

Advanced Reviews: Let your customers run your marketing by collecting and displaying advanced reviews.


Floating Mini Cart: A cart icon with item count will always be visible on all pages or only when the cart is not empty, and a sliding cart will be visible when the customer clicks it.

Cart Reserved Timer: Create a sense of urgency by letting visitors know that the products added to their carts are only reserved for a limited period of time.

Side Cart: Show a sliding cart whenever a customer adds a product to the cart.


Reasons To Buy List: Provide customers with a summary of the key features and benefits of your products.

Brand Image: Add brand images to products.

Quick Social Links: Display floating social media icons to make it easier for your customers to connect with you.


Size Chart: Reduce returns and increase sales by showing a size chart on specific products or all products.

Product Video: Upload video to be viewed in product galleries and on archive pages.

Product Audio: Upload audio to be listened to in product galleries and on archive pages.

Wishlist: Allow customers to easily save products they are interested in for later.

Variation Swatches: Display your variable product options as customizable color/image icons, buttons, or dropdowns.

Login Popup: Allow users to login with a simple pop up.

Product Nav Links: Enable easy navigation from one product to the next with next/previous links.

Upgrade to Merchant Pro and gain access to these extra modules designed to enhance the functionality and user experience of your online store as well as premium support via email.

Merchant Pro has significantly enhanced my online commerce experience on WordPress. The user friendly interface and responsive support make this plugin a must-have choice. I highly recommend Merchant Pro!

Christian Laborde, Co-Founder of Zipangu


Rest assured, Merchant Pro comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, we’ll happily refund 100% of your money.


Looking for the most flexible theme?
Even though Merchant will work with any theme, if you combine it with a good WooCommerce theme, you can be confident that you are giving your shoppers the best experience possible. Botiga is a fast WooCommerce theme with endless customization options that pairs perfectly with Merchant. Give them both a try – you won’t be disappointed!

Backed by a trusted team
Merchant is brought to you by aThemes, a WordPress product company with 750+ 5-star reviews and 100k+ users.

Documentation and Support
– To learn how to use Merchant you can check our documentation.
– If you have any questions, visit the support forum here. To get direct support from our developers via email, consider upgrading to Merchant Pro. We aim to answer all premium support requests within 24 hours.
– To find out more about Merchant visit the plugin page on our website.

Happy user of Merchant?
– Join our Facebook Group.
– Or rate us on WordPress 🙂

We aim to simplify WordPress and empower your site’s growth with our themes and plugins. With that in mind, we’re so excited to build Merchant. We believe you’ll find Merchant invaluable for optimizing your online store.

Can I use the plugin without WooCommerce?

Yes, of course! However, please note that the plugin is primarily designed for WooCommerce shops. Certain modules may require WooCommerce to be installed for full functionality.

Does it work with any theme?

Absolutely! It will work with any theme, and we have tested it with most of the popular themes in the market. Since we follow WordPress’ plugin development guidelines, you can rest assured that Merchant should work perfectly, no matter which theme you use. If you’ve installed Merchant and are facing issues, it might not be due to theme incompatibility. Please get in touch with the support team by opening a support ticket in the plugin’s support forum, and we will fix it for you.

Who should use Merchant?

Merchant is perfect for business owners, designers, developers, agencies, and anyone who uses WooCommerce to build their site. You can use Merchant to increase sales conversion, reduce cart abandonment, improve the experience, build trust, protect your business, and grow your revenue.

Will my website slow down if I install Merchant?

Performance is at the heart of everything we do. Merchant’s code has been created and optimized for maximum performance. That is why using Merchant on your website will not slow it down. On the contrary, there is a good chance that your website will perform better than ever with Merchant, as it combines the functionality of multiple plugins. Once you remove unnecessary plugins from your website, its performance is sure to improve.

Can I use Merchant on client sites?

Yes, you can use Merchant on client websites.

Do I need to have coding skills to use Merchant?

Absolutely not. You can enable and customize modules without any coding knowledge. Merchant is the most beginner-friendly plugin on the market.


By frayer69 on September 12, 2024

I love this plugin. Using Pro version. It has 98% of all my modern e-shop needs! And they constantly adding new features! I reccomended this plugin 110%.

Excellent app and support

By treacypatrick on July 3, 2024

My honest impression is that the app overdelivers. There's more in it than I realised, and the coding seems strong. I've been caught by poorly coded apps that slow my website down, so this is a real priority for me.

Excellent Multipurpose Plugin - Worth Every Penny

By elleekay7 on April 14, 2024

I have the pro version of Merchant, and it is worth every penny. It combines the features that you would normally need multiple plugins for into one convenient plugin that's easy to use. If you want to save money by using WooCommerce, but you want all the functionality offered in Shopify, grab this plugin.

Nice plugin and features

By DeepBlue (deepblue5) on February 13, 2024


Nice plugin and features

but some bugs with Elementor to fix

Very good and easy

By blakegarix on January 11, 2024

easy and good to use


  • Fixed – Fatal error when WooCommerce is not active


  • Added – Backward compatibility for {amount} markup


  • Changed – Conditional changes implemented in several modules


  • Added – Clear Cart: New module added under Improve Experience category
  • Fixed – Quick View: Bulk Discounts are now clickable in Quick View
  • Fixed – Quick View: Improved Buy X, Get Y display on smaller screens
  • Fixed – Quick View: Product thumbnails now appear correctly in Bricks theme
  • Added – Product Labels: Shortcode added
  • Added – Product Labels: Duplicate option added
  • Fixed – Pre-order: Discount value now limited to 100% when Discount type is set to Percentage
  • Changed – Pre-Orders: Added decimal input support for Price and Discount fields
  • Fixed – Pre-order: Module no longer applies sale when the sale toggle is off (now respects the product’s sale settings)
  • Fixed – Cookie Banner: Now working properly on all pages


  • Fixed – Pre-orders: Duplicate order received emails in pre-orders
  • Fixed – Product Labels: Show Pages settings not working
  • Fixed – Product Labels: Incorrect sale amount/percentage for Grouped products. Now shows the sale amount/percent of the total price of items in the grouped product
  • Fixed – Quick View: Sale price color and regular price color not working
  • Added – Quick View: New field ‘Show suggested products’ to control which module’s content to show on the modal
  • Added – Quick View: New field ‘Show buy now button’ to show the Buy Now button on the modal
  • Fixed – Buy Now: Buy button was showing up on archive pages for out-of-stock products
  • Changed – Scroll to Top Button: Value 0 was not allowed for fields like offset, padding, border-radius
  • Fixed – Scroll to Top Button: Conditional fields not working in settings
  • Fixed – Trust Badges: Overlapping issues in some themes
  • Fixed – Merchant dashboard: Icon appearance inconsistency in Enabled Modules dashboard
  • Fixed – Product Labels: Background color cutoff in full-width sections with product grids


  • Fixed – Product Labels: label wasn’t compatible with Storewide sale
  • Fixed – Product Labels: label wasn’t appearing correctly on the Flatsome theme
  • Fixed – Product Labels: diagonal label shapes weren’t appearing correctly on some themes [Fixed] Free gifts: Now includes tax in calculations for spending goals when spending type is set to cart total
  • Fixed – Quick View: not all button styling options were working for some themes
  • Fixed – Animated Add to Cart: animation not working on Page load when Activate this animation setting is set to “On page load”
  • Fixed – Agree to Terms Checkbox module: Overriding text with Germanized Plugin
  • Fixed – Settings: Fixed a couple of responsive design issues and included functions to resolve conflicts between merchant and other plugins using the same function


  • Fixed – Pre-order: Automatic conversion of order status from Pre-Ordered to Processing after the pre-order date passes.
  • Fixed – Pre-order: Issues with pre-order emails firing again for both customers and admins.
  • Changed – Pre-order: Removed Modes 3 and 4, switching all relevant setups to Mode 1.
  • Fixed – Pre-order: Incorrect date display on the product archive page.
  • Fixed – Product Labels: Labels now appear in WooCommerce blocks such as Products by Category and Newest Products.


  • Fixed – Product Labels – Images under the Image Label field weren’t fitting properly in their boxes.
  • Fixed – Product Labels – Uncaught error: call to undefined function when Merchant Pro is not active.


  • Added – Product Labels — Image option for labels now available, including predefined shapes and the ability to upload custom shapes.
  • Added – Product Labels — Enhanced control over label styling.
  • Added – Product Labels — Option to visible Labels across various pages (Homepage, Single, Archive).
  • Added – Product Labels — Labels now supported on different device types (Desktop, Mobile).
  • Added – Product Labels — Support for multiple categories.
  • Added – Product Labels — Option to exclude products from all products and specific categories.
  • Fixed – Real-Time Search — Resolved issue where the search was not working with the Kadence theme.
  • Fixed – Real-Time Search — Fixed compatibility issues with the search component from the Impreza theme.
  • Changed – Pre-Orders — Updated pre-order module logic to support multiple rules with discounts.
  • Added – Pre-Orders — Added modes for mixing pre-order and non-pre-order products in the cart.
  • Added – Pre-Orders — Start and end dates for scheduling pre-order campaigns.
  • Added – Pre-Orders — Campaign availability conditions based on selected users/roles.


  • Changed – Conditional changes in some modules.


  • Fixed – Product Label: Resolved an issue where storewide sales and product labels displayed incorrect discount percentages.
  • Fixed – Buy Now: Fixed a bug where the Buy Now button wouldn’t redirect to the checkout page when “Real Time Add To Cart” was enabled in Astra & Astra PRO.


  • Fixed – Some modules settings information empty in the admin.
  • Fixed – Product Labels: Style messed when there’s a high number of lables to the same product.


  • Fixed – Conditional logic was broken in some modules settings page.


  • Added – Product Labels: A specific product option within the “Pages to Display” allows adding labels to specific products.


  • Added – Code improvements for enhanced support of third-party integration.
  • Fixed – Improved product labels compatibility with the Botiga theme.


  • Fixed – The “Buy Now” button for variable products now correctly adds the selected quantity to the basket instead of two items.
  • Fixed – The “Buy Now” button no longer shows incorrect label themes on Block themes.


  • Fixed – Inactive tab message module no longer shows a URL if the field is left blank, streamlining the user interface.


  • Fixed – Metabox showing even if no modules are enabled.
  • Fixed – Typo on size chart module metabox.


  • Added – Product bundle module.
  • Fixed – Layout issues in RTL mode.


  • Changed – Google Autocomplete: Tutorial link.
  • Changed – Delay first display from pro upsell notice for 3 days.
  • Fixed – Waitlist: Mismatch between preview text and form title.


  • Added – Waitlist: Automatic emails.
  • Added – Waitlist: Emails preview.
  • Changed – Waitlist: Default messages.
  • Changed – Pre-Orders: Display the shipping date on product grids, cart, checkout, review order and my account pages.


  • Added – Buy Now: New options to control which pages the button should be displayed.


  • Added – Compatibility with PolyLang plugin.
  • Added – Compatibility with WPML plugin.
  • Added – Shortcode for modules.
  • Added – Buy Now: New option to control rendering position from button.
  • Added – Buy Now: New ‘customize’ option to control the style of the button.
  • Changed – Terms and conditions module override WooCommerce core output.
  • Changed – Trust Badges: Render images from WordPress functions instead of hard code.
  • Changed – Payment Logos: Render images from WordPress functions instead of hard code.
  • Fixed – Admin option switcher field: When default value is ‘1’, it keeps always enabled (even if you disable).
  • Fixed – Quick View: Generating horizontal scroll when the content is higher.


  • Added – Products labels: New option to add multiple product labels.
  • Added – Products labels: New option to display set each label display rule.
  • Fixed – Quick View: Overlay option doesn’t work on Kadence theme.
  • Fixed – Product search field in the admin metabox not working.


  • Added – Cart and checkout related modules admin instructions regarding WooCommerce 8.3 new cart and checkout blocks.
  • Added – Pre-Orders: Admin product edit tooltip with instructions regarding out of stock products.
  • Added – Waitlist: New option to display the subscribe form in products on backorder.


  • Added – 4 Modules: Quick Social Links, Add To Cart Text, Side cart and Product Navigation Links.
  • Changed – Renamed Product Swatches to Variation Swatches.
  • Fixed – Cookie Banner: In certain cases it was not possible to close the cookie banner.


  • Changed – Added new previews & description changes.


  • Fixed – Real-Time Search: Ajax isn’t working.
  • Changed – Plugin dashboard modules order rearranged.


  • Added – Preview box to all modules in the admin.
  • Added – Compatibility with Merchant Pro.


  • Fixed – Quick View: Icon absolute position values not working properly.
  • Fixed – Quick View: Icon hover color not working with some themes.
  • Fixed – Payment Logos: In some themes the logos are wrongly being displayed in variable products on shop categories pages.
  • Fixed – Payment Logos: Logos being display twice when ‘in cart quantity’ from Botiga theme is enabled.
  • Added – Declare compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS.


  • A brand new plugin with a new dashboard.
  • 4 modules: Buy Now, Animated Add to Cart, Product Labels, and Quick View under the Convert More category.
  • 2 modules: Payment Logos and Trust Badge under the Build Trust category.
  • 1 module: Pre-Orders under Boost Revenue category.
  • 2 modules: Cart Count Favicon and Inactive Tab Message under Reduce Abandonment category.
  • 4 modules: Real-time Search, Auto External Links, Code Snippets, and Scroll to Top under Improve Experience category.
  • 2 modules: Agree to Terms Checkbox and Cookie Banner under Protect Store category.

Go to Plugins > Add New and search for Merchant. Install and activate it.


4.8 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.10.0
  • Last updated: 1 week ago
  • Active installations: 8K
  • WordPress version: 5.5
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.2