Manga+Press Comic Manager
Manga+Press Comic Manager

Manga+Press Comic Manager


Manga+Press is a webcomic management system for WordPress. Manga+Press uses WordPress posts, pages and categories to help you keep track of your comic posts. Manga+Press also includes its own custom template tags to help make creating themes easier.


(c) 2008-2024 Jessica C. Green

Found a bug? Or did you find a bug and figure out a fix? Visit Please include screenshots, WordPress version, a list of any other plugins you might have installed, or code (if you figured out a fix). Be as detailed as possible.

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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

I’m using the bundled theme for TwentyEleven, -Twelve, or -Thirteen but the Custom CSS and/or Insert Navigation options have no effect? Or they add a second navigation bar

This is because the navigation for the comics is built into the theme. Using a different theme or overriding the default theme’s template will allow you to use the options. (however, see issue #17 for additional issues)

Does Manga+Press work on WordPress Multi-site?

Yes, it does. However, a few steps must be taken to make Manga+Press’ child-themes available to your network. See the question below on the steps to take to enable the child-themes on Multisite.

The bundled themes aren’t available in WordPress Multi-site. What’s going on?

This is because the plugin hasn’t been activated for the entire MS network. In order for the child-themes to be available, Manga+Press must be available to the entire network. This can be done by going to Network Admin > Plugins and clicking the Network Activate link for Manga+Press. Once this is done, then both the parent- and child-themes need to made available to the network as well. This can be accomplished by going to Network Admin > Themes, selecting the themes in question, choosing Bulk Actions > Network Enable, and then clicking Apply.

Is Manga+Press responsive?

Not by itself. However, Manga+Press doesn’t really output markup other than the comic navigation. Responsiveness depends on the theme that is being used. The themes bundled with Manga+Press — the TwentyEleven thru TwentyFourteen child-themes — all have some level of responsiveness that is dependent on their parent themes.

Is Manga+Press compatible with Advanced Custom Fields

Yes, it is! Manga+Press is simply a stripped down custom post-type with a custom Featured Image meta-box. Like any other post-type, you can add a new field group using ACF — however, you will have to configure your theme to display these custom fields.

Is Manga+Press compatible with the WPML plugin?

I have never had the chance to test Manga+Press with the WPML plugin so I can’t really guarantee compatibility. Since Manga+Press works like a standard WordPress post, and WPML is compatible with custom post-types, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Do you take feature requests?

I do take feature requests, but I also judge each request on the basis of how well the new feature fits into Manga+Press’ current functionality and also how feasible the new feature is to implement into Manga+Press’ core.

Great and simple to setup plugin

By arnelsaric on March 28, 2020

I was searching for a great, yet simple plugin to set up on my Wordpress blog for my web comics and I found this one. It's easy to configure it and upload your comics. Some features are still missing, as far as I can tell (random comic?), but I see no reason why you shouldn't be using this one. It's free and additional customizations are available through CSS. Give it a shot!

Keeps things Simple; Allows Artists to Focus on the Art!

By orribu on July 21, 2018

UPDATE: After talking with the plugin author on the support forum, it turns out my problem was created by conflicting plugins. I wouldn't have figured that out without Jess. Thank you for the plugin! I love Manga+Press from the UI alone. Instead of running around trying to configure databases and what not, it allows me as an artist more time to focus on the craft and less time scratching my head. I want to donate to it and keep this project alive as I see it going places.

Easy To Use, Great Support

By stackjokes on August 19, 2017

The Manga+Press plugin is so much simpler than any other webcomic plugin out there. It is so easy to use, and the plugin support is always fast and efficient.

Simple but efficient

By KayCharles on March 9, 2017

I've been using this plugin for over a year now and of all the webcomic plugins I found this to be the most efficient. It may be simple but it's fast, reliable and really easy to use. I had no problem making it work with my template and I never encountered any weird glitches or errors with my content. I do have some minor nitpicks and wishes for future updates if the creator ever decides to continue his work. 1) A "random comic" button in the navigation under the comic image would be nice. Perhaps even let us exclude certain categories/series to give us more control. 2) Better social media compatibility. All SM plugins I used seem to have troubles reading the image for me to share. Reddit seems to work, facebook works occasionally and twitter / thumblr don't find the img at all. 3) More control and options for the archive subpage - perhaps let us display and order the categories manually; would be really useful when you have more than 1 category associated with a comic (I'm using css to hide classes to make this work at the moment) In short; this plugin may lack some features of other more complex ones but it makes up for it for better easy-to-understand usability. A good plugin if your starting out with webcomics and you cant be bothered to invest too much time in programming a complex webcomic site.


  • 3.1.0
    • Refactoring and code cleanup
    • Deprecation of functions in favor of WordPress Core functions
    • Added better block theme support
    • Removed Group By parent option due to code complexity and ease of maintenance
    • Added WordPress REST api support
    • Added random link option


  • 3.0.2

    • Change PHP requirement to 7.4
    • Updated code to be PHP 8-compliant
  • 3.0.1

    • Fixed issue where templates for Latest Comic page and Comic Archive page weren’t loading correctly
    • Corrected CSS positioning for comic navigation wrapper
    • Added support for WordPress 5.5.1
  • 3.0

    • Removed child themes
    • Added sorting options for Comic Archive Page
    • Added comic archive calendar template
    • Added comic archive gallery template
  1. Unpack the .zip file onto your hard drive.

  2. Upload the mangapress folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

  4. Create two new pages; these pages will be your latest comic and comic archives pages. Label them something like ‘Latest Comic’
    and ‘Past Comics’ or whatever, as long as it makes sense to you.

  5. Click on the Manga+Press Options tab under Settings and go to Basic Manga+Press Options, and set Latest Comic Page, and Comic
    Archive Page to your two newly created pages.


4.4 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.1.0
  • Last updated: 6 months ago
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress version: 6.4
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP version: 7.4